In the next journey, it was indeed as Wu Xie said, extremely dangerous. As soon as they arrived underground, they were attacked by black-haired snakes and a big white snake, which really gave them some headaches. These snakes have extraordinary attack power. The number is indeed too numerous to count. Three boys and one woman are hindered in many ways, mainly because there are too many black-haired snakes.

After finally escaping the attack of the snake group, I didn’t expect to be scattered by the snake group. After Li Cuo entered Gutongjing, many people followed one after another. There are many people in the Nine Gates. The Wang family is here Li Cu followed behind, and after they went underground, the Wang family began to search everywhere. While avoiding the snakes, Li Cu also avoided the hydra cypress. The underground hydra cypress was really active, and the whole underground was not. Obstacles, as long as the hydra cypress wants to go, there is no place it can't go.

Being chased by the Hydra cypress felt very bad. Li Cu had no choice but to grab a bomb from a dead man, thinking about blowing up the Hydra cypress by surprise, but forgot that he had no way out , was directly bombarded and forced, the whole person wobbled and passed out, and was picked up by the Wang family who heard the sound from behind.

When Li Cu woke up again, he saw people standing around him, none of whom he was familiar with, and he suddenly realized that these people were the Wang family that Wu Xie mentioned, and they were not good no matter what. Things, Li Cu is a little helpless, why has he just stepped out of the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den? Well, it depends on his master Li's acting skills, coaxing this group of scumbags into not knowing the southeast and northwest.

"Boss! This person is awake!" Someone noticed that he was awake and immediately reported to the boss. Li Cu heard the word "boss" in a daze, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, isn't this a gangster?Sure enough.

"Do you know Wu Xie?" The leader stood in front of Li Cu, looking down at Li Cu, which made Li Cu feel uncomfortable, so the old man's neck is very tired, okay?


"Then why did he let you come to Gutongjing?" Wang Can continued to ask, now that Wang's family is spread all over the world, it is inevitable that some families who are overwhelmed will fight against them, but can this kind of thing really succeed? ?Of course not, the appearance of the Wang family is equivalent to the history of the Nine Gates, that is to say, the Wang Family has a history at the same time as the Nine Gates.

"Looking for the technique of immortality." Li Cu said in a mess, but he didn't expect that it just hit the Wang family's idea. What they have been looking for all these years is the technique of immortality, and Wu Xie would actually let people come. Looking for the art of immortality, thinking of this, Wang Can asked the person behind him carrying the snake cage to come forward, he wanted to see if the news was true, only black-haired snakes have this ability.

Knowing all the things from the memory, Wang Can found that Li Cu was not wrong, and what he said was all right. He was ready to leave when he was mentioned. As long as Li Cu was there, he might not be able to find him. Immortality?

Who would have thought that some idiots in the Nine Gates would take Li Cu back inadvertently? As soon as Wang Can gritted his teeth, he would definitely bring Li Cu back, just wait.

After being arrested, Li Cu saw acquaintances, including the woman from the Huo family, Su Wan, Yang Hao, and the waistcoat he saw in the Wu family's old house.

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