After Wei Wuxian sent Li Cu and the others to their location, they disappeared. After all, the next journey is their own, and he will not participate in it. As for how to go next, it is their business. Wei Wuxian disappears. It did not bring panic to Li Cu, because he knew that the next journey was the real beginning.

"Next, be careful, go to Dr. Liang first, we have to be careful in Gutongjing, there is also Hydra cypress here, we have to be quiet, Hydra cypress attacks according to the sound, look at Dr. Liang Where are you?" Li Cu got up from the ground and saw a vast expanse of whiteness, this is not Gutongjing, it seems that they have already arrived at Gutongjing.

"What is Yali ~ Hydra cypress? Is it scary?" Several people didn't understand what Li Cu was talking about Hydra cypress. They had never seen it before, but when Li Cu said it like this, it was true Let them feel uneasy, walking in the desert is the most dangerous, and the danger you can't imagine is right under your feet.

"A vine that looks like a snake, is that Dr. Liang? Why is she there? It's within the attack range of the Hydra cypress, is there something that makes a sound to remind her?" Li Cuo looked around, this Su Wan Ke is really a jingle cat, he has everything, but he doesn't take food and drink, there are so many strange things.

"Yes~this." Su Wan took out a saxophone from his bag, and finally took out a saxophone. The group of friends were stunned, and even Yang Hao's eyes widened. How did this thing fit in?

"Su Wan, how do you put these things in your bag? Why do you carry all these weird things?" Li Cuo wanted to cover his face. The things that Ding Dang Wan brought were not what they wanted. Do you want a rope? Just not long enough.

"I wanted to realize my dream after I came to the desert. Playing the saxophone in the desert is such a wonderful thing. Even though I'm in the desert now, running for my life should be the first priority." Su Wan was quite proud. Their own ideals are very simple, unlike now, although their ideals have been realized, they don't know what they are facing.

"Blow it! Signal Dr. Liang to come over, that's within the attack range of the Hydra cypress." Li Cu glanced at Liang Wan, where the fire was being lit, with a binoculars. This Hydra cypress was not Just kidding.

"What are you blowing?" Su Wan was a little confused, what exactly did he have to blow to send out something like a signal.

"You can play whatever you want, but if you want to play a complete song, you can't blow it in a mess, otherwise this Hydra cypress is not so easy to ignore." Li Cu glanced at Su Wan, then at them and Liang Wan The distance between them, it seems that this saxophone can't stop, it has to blow all the time, this distance is quite far.

"I can't stop."

Su Wan nodded, started to play the saxophone, and the saxophone came out completely with one hand. On the deserted desert, while Liang Wan on the other side was still struggling with how to go, she heard the voice of the saxophone, as if Not far from her, she stood up, took a look, then packed her things and walked towards the sound.

Of course, Sachs was not only heard by Liang Wan, Hydra also discovered it. After all, this thing uses sound to attack people. The one who followed her was really a little scary.

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