football era

Chapter 895 Pit

In the face of extraordinary offense, Changfeng's defense is quite solid.

Because of the psychological preparation, Changfeng's defense is very patient - when confronting each other before, they can't be weak, their energy is more on offense, defense is mainly on the bench, and Now it's the final moment of the decisive battle, all the main players of Changfeng are on the field, so it's not a big deal to defend with peace of mind.

They don't like to defend, but when they really have to defend patiently, the defensive effect is still quite good.

If Fei Fei wants to delay time, then Lu Xiaotian will let Fan Fei's players know that delaying time is nothing but a dead end.

However, it was obvious that Fei Fei Shang Shang did not seem to want to procrastinate for time.

Their goalkeepers are useless, and they sent all eleven attackers. Isn't what they want to break through the opponent's gate as quickly as possible during the attack?
Whether a team wants to make a quick decision or delay time, others may not be able to see it, but Lu Xiaotian, who is on the front line and has a keen sense of the battlefield, can tell it at a glance.

He quickly felt that Fei Fan didn't seem to want to delay the time, but they played quite tough in the attack.

This kind of momentum, of course, is not for delaying time, but for a quick decision.

"Hurry up and attack, shall we attack once and leave a few minutes for them to launch the final attack? This is also confident enough."

Lu Xiaotian commanded the whole team to retreat steadily, thinking in his heart while retreating.

Fei Fei attacked so fiercely and had an advantage in numbers. It was difficult to confront them head-on. They had to retreat gradually to wear down their will to attack, so as to have a chance to stop the opponent's onslaught.

However, just as Changfeng began to retreat, Zheng Qi, who had been invisible before, quietly appeared behind their retreat.

At the same time, the extraordinary players on the front started a wave of intense fire.

However, the difference from last time is that Changfeng Shangxia is already prepared at this moment, and it is impossible for Zheng Qi to stand up for too long alone. After resisting for a while, Zheng Qi was besieged by four Changfeng players and killed instantly. During this period, half of Changfeng's players died under the onslaught of the opponent, but they were not wiped out after all.

They began to retreat quickly, and then set up a second line of defense halfway.

Fei Fei stopped chasing and fighting. They slowed down their attacking rhythm, waiting for Zheng Qi to pass the cooling-off period and return to the field.

This approach is also very normal. After all, if you attack reluctantly, even if you can break through the opponent's second line of defense, you will encounter the opponent's interception in front of the goal. It is better to take a break.

"They didn't delay the time, but objectively the attack required a lot of time..." Lu Xiaotian thought in his heart.

At this time, he was a little puzzled. After asking Wen Xiang, Wen Xiang also shook her head. She also couldn't think of why Fan Fei would adopt such a seemingly normal method, but at this moment, it is a bit abnormal. tactics.

"Maybe they just didn't think too much, attack when they can attack, score goals when they can score, and keep playing like this, we can't be distracted anymore."

Lu Xiaotian said in the team channel that he can only think of this now.

After all, in a fierce competition, there are almost no people who can maintain the calmness and consideration as if they were on the sidelines—maybe there is Li Chengze?

Including the coach Luo Qichuan on the sidelines, he couldn't think of the reason why the opponent did this. After all, a lot of his energy was also put on directing the game.

But at this time, facing the extraordinary onslaught, they couldn't be distracted, which was also a reason.

But Li Chengze, who was watching the game, seemed to see something.

"Does Feifan have the confidence to defend Changfeng's attack in the next time? It's not impossible. Although Changfeng's attack is very fierce, if he continues to use the method of exchange, Feifan can better use his own characteristics. Play out."

Li Chengze thought silently in his heart, fighting in melee, Fanfan would suffer some losses, especially in defense, their substitutes could only achieve good results when they stood up and output, and in the previous defense, both sides were in melee Together, the advantage of Extraordinary attribute points can't be brought out well, even if Lu Xiaotian and Di Xing are entangled, they can't resist it.

But now?Extraordinary is all the main players, and participating in the defense under such circumstances, the level of their performance should be even better.

Under such circumstances, it does not seem impossible to hold on for a few minutes.

What's more, Fei Fei's current attack looks imposing, but in fact it is very cautious, hitting each pass one by one, and the rest time alone wasted a lot of time.

And they were wasting it reasonably, so Changfeng couldn't doubt it.

It is true that Fanfan cannot be dragged into overtime. Their physical disadvantages will explode in overtime. However, they have already taken the initiative in the 10 minutes of the game!

Of course, whether they can take the lead next depends on their performance.

After a short rest, they launched an attack again.

It was only a little more than a minute before they started attacking the first line of defense. Compared with the rhythm of the attack just now, it was a bit slower, but compared with the first half, it seemed much faster.

Of course, on such a map, the pace of the second half is faster than that of the first half. Otherwise, it is easy to be disturbed by the change of the map. When they were resting just now, they have avoided a change of the map. There should be a period of calm in the future time.

They took advantage of this time to launch a fierce attack.

Frontal impact, side penetration, continuous cutting, and then kicking Changfeng's players out of the field one by one...

Zheng Qi is no longer invisible, but has appeared on the front line, and cooperated with Shen Ruofei and others to launch a fierce attack. Fan Fei's offensive advantages began to be fully utilized.

After half of the players left the field, Changfeng could only retreat again.

And there were quite a few extraordinary players who left the arena. They continued to rest, recover their blood volume, and waited for the cooldown of their skills to be almost complete. After resting for a while, they launched a third attack!

Now, finally came to Changfeng's door.

Having been continuously breached by Fei Fei, Changfeng certainly wouldn't just sit back and watch the third line of defense also be easily breached by Fei Fei—they also want to save face.

Now that the main players are on the field, if Fei Fei doesn't pay attention to the offense, they just need to refresh the football again, then the victory will belong to them!
The previous weakness was waiting for such an opportunity.

This is also one of Changfeng's backhands. If you come to such a critical moment, it will often have very good results.

Their tactics are not complicated. It is nothing more than paying attention to who is controlling the football when resisting the opponent's attack. Generally speaking, it will be Su Jing, and Su Jing is the auxiliary core, and her position is relatively close. On the front line, with Lu Xiaotian's level, with Di Xing's assistance, it is still possible to complete a small beheading operation and refresh the football.

This will be Changfeng's chance to get the ball again and start a counterattack. Even if he can't get the ball, Fan Fei will have to reorganize this attack. In the remaining time, Fei Fan may not have time to complete the attack. When the time comes to overtime, Changfeng will gradually take advantage of the field.

Extraordinary started to attack, and they didn't delay much time. Now there are more than four minutes before the end of the game, which is not a very good number.

However, Fei Fei didn't seem to care, they were still attacking in an orderly manner, Su Jing organized from behind, Shen Ruofei and others attacked in front, Zhang Hai responded from behind, with the support of Zhang Shu Niu Lihua and others' large-scale skills, Liu Shibo Their defense and protection, and their offense are also quite powerful.

After gradually compressing Changfeng's room for movement, their offense began to be more aggressive. At such a time, of course they had to attack in one breath and open up the offensive channel, so that they could score goals.

With a fierce attack, it is inevitable that one will relax a little bit in terms of self-protection.

Lu Xiaotian and Di Xing were waiting for this moment.

Of course, the help of others is also indispensable.

When Di Xing suddenly rushed forward, Changfeng's players immediately began to assist him.

Wen Xiang's recovery skills began to fall on top of Di Xing's head, but she prepared other skills to assist Lu Xiaotian next. At the same time, other players of Changfeng also launched a counterattack almost at the same time, dragging Fan Fei .

Di Xing rushed into the extraordinary formation, and then he was entangled by Liu Shibo, but his impact still attracted everyone's attention.

The next moment, Lu Xiaotian's operation level exploded completely.

Shen Ruofei, who was originally entangled with him, was knocked away by his sudden burst of manipulation. In order to avoid Lu Xiaotian's pursuit, Shen Ruofei could only choose to retreat temporarily.

Lu Xiaotian did not pursue, but quickly cut into the line that Di Xing rushed out of. Bin Shiqiang wanted to interfere with him from the side, but was forced away by his continuous impact.

After being pushed away, Lu Xiaotian was not far away from Su Jing, and he could almost see Su Jing's flustered expression.

Soon, he rushed to Su Jing's side.

With his level of operation, it would take less than two seconds to kill Su Jing.

However, after just a glance, Lu Xiaotian was stunned, then turned around and retreated.

He didn't see football.

Su Jing didn't control the ball, Fan Fei hid the ball somewhere else - behind Su Jing, there were two long-range attackers, Niu Lihua and Zhang Shu, but Lu Xiaotian had no time to attack those two people.

This is a pit.

It's a pity that it's too late for Lu Xiaotian to retire now.

Shen Ruofei and Bin Shiqiang, who were knocked into the air by him just now but survived, have already surrounded from both sides, and he himself has already penetrated into the extraordinary formation.

In such a situation, there is no way for gods to save them.

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