football era

Chapter 894 Temporary Defense

The advancement of Changfeng is also very fast.

With two assists, they still reached the center line only a little later than extraordinary.

After the two sides collided in the middle circle, Fan Fei was not polite, and they quickly strangled with Chang Feng.

The opponent has two supporters, and they are naturally much weaker when they attack head-on. This is their good opportunity.

However, after the first contact, they quickly discovered why Changfeng chose to use such a double-assist tactic.

There was only one player protecting them, and the other players were all on the front line, fighting against the extraordinary and brave.

Although such a confrontation would still be at a disadvantage, because they lost one person after all, but with the support behind them, they gradually brought this disadvantage back!

The reason is very simple. When the two sides are entangled, Wen Xiang and He Jing, in addition to constantly using recovery skills, are also constantly using interference skills and large-scale lethal skills.

The two of them cooperated very well. When Wen wanted to use recovery skills, He Jing started to throw interference skills continuously, and when He Jing started to use recovery skills, Wen Xiang started to continuously throw large-scale lethal skills .

Obviously, they only brought at most two other hero cards, because of their interference skills and large-scale killing skills, throwing them around is just five or six skills, but under the coverage of them in turns, they can be more powerful. While supporting teammates well, it can also keep the offensive level of the frontcourt from dropping too much!
It’s not that Fanfan doesn’t have such players, but they are full-time DPS players, and the support is handed over to Su Jing. Usually relying on Su Jing’s support, the whole team is fine, but now under such circumstances...

Because there is more time for skill cooling to recover, Changfeng's attack began to be more and more fierce. They kept attacking and were not afraid of changing injuries, so that Su Jing also needed to speed up her own recovery rhythm when recovering. just work.

Her rhythm was originally very complete, but now that she speeds up, she immediately has some problems. It's not that there is a problem with the output, but after speeding up, her rhythm is disrupted. After the last skill is thrown out, the next The skill has not been cooled down yet...

Just when Su Jing's recovery rhythm was interrupted, Chang Feng launched a violent attack at the same time.

The two sides who had been at a stalemate before had a huge change all of a sudden.

The stamina of extraordinary players almost reached the bottom of the valley in a flash, and Changfeng's players were similar, but soon after a skill fell, they immediately became lively, and extraordinary's defense line collapsed in an instant!
Only the four core players escaped successfully. However, when the whole group was defeated, their retreat did not play any role. Under the changes of the environment, the space for one's own activities has become so small, which in itself is also a kind of behavior close to suicide...

Two minutes later, Changfeng, who attacked steadily, scored a goal and equalized the score again.

"It's because I didn't control the rhythm well..." Su Jing said in the team channel.

"It has nothing to do with you. Changfeng and his gang really have a conspiracy. I really didn't expect this tactic to be effective, but it's just this time. Next, we can fight more aggressively. They use two auxiliary cores. , the ability to confront directly will still be quite poor, we were just caught off guard." Zheng Qi said.

The extraordinary players nodded their heads. Everyone agrees with this statement. One less offensive player is one less offensive player. This cannot be compensated by long-range skills. If Feifan was not caught off guard, their tactics would not The Fa has been deployed so well.

But it was obvious that special tactics like Changfeng would only be used once, and taking advantage once was enough, and they would not be so greedy that they wanted to take advantage again.

This kind of backhand is originally used at critical moments. If you can score a goal, it is considered a victory.

But even if it is no longer used, it will make Fei Fei think a little more when thinking about it, which is also a victory in itself.

"There are only 7 minutes left in the game... We will attack patiently. This attack must be grasped, understand?" Zheng Qi said in the team channel.

"No problem." Extraordinary players nodded one after another. This is what they were waiting for.

It's the last moment. If Feifan doesn't score a goal in this attack, then the situation will be very passive. If the opponent scores a goal at the last moment and overtakes, then there will be no chance of catching up.

And if Fei Fei scored a goal this time, then they would have a great advantage. Even if layers of fortifications kept blocking, they could still spend the last few minutes. This is the advantage of kicking off first in the second half—of course The premise is that you have to maintain at least one tie in the first half!

Can the little advantage that Extraordinary gained in the first half be maintained until the end?
This point, no one knows.

However, extraordinary players, at this moment, have absolute confidence and fighting spirit, and can defeat their opponents in the confrontation.

The game restarted, Fei Fei launched an attack.

The two sides began to move towards the middle circle at the same time. The speed of the two sides' movement was not slow, but compared with before, there was nothing special about it.

Near the middle circle, the two sides meet.

As soon as he saw the opponent's lineup, Lu Xiaotian cursed in his heart, and then signaled his teammates to retreat one after another, relying on the tents, and preparing to defend.

It's not that he is too cowardly, but that under such circumstances, he can only choose to be conservative.

As soon as Lu Xiaotian made contact, he saw ten extraordinary players.

This number is very normal. It is very normal to see ten of the eleven players on the field.

However, Zheng Qi was not among the ten people.

Is it possible that Zheng Qi will not play at this time?Absolutely impossible, then Zheng Qi is hiding somewhere, ready to sneak attack at any time, then there are a total of eleven of them coming up!
No goalkeeper, all offensive players.

This kind of practice is quite common in games. After all, one more player on the offensive side can take advantage of the offense. However, in fact, in the top league, this kind of practice is very rare, because under the blocking of the opponent , Our attack will encounter many problems, unless it is to the point of breaking the boat, otherwise we will not even use the goalkeeper.

However, in the current situation, it is a gamble to attack like a desperate attack, and such a gamble is not uncommon.

"Has the time for the final battle arrived? It seems a little early..." Lu Xiaotian thought in his heart.

He felt that it was a little early, of course there was a reason. There were 7 minutes left in the game. With the offensive level of the two sides, it is very likely that they will each score a goal in the next time. time, errors will occur.

But it is normal to start the decisive battle now. With extraordinary offensive ability, through continuous suppression and steady attack, it is not impossible to score goals and consume as much time as possible.

However, this approach is very risky-after all, offense is a matter of luck, and you have to attack if you have the opportunity, so that you can score better. If you want to play basketball like before, in the last few days Seconds to launch an attack, if you don't give the opponent a chance to counterattack, then it is easier to lose the opportunity to attack.

If Fan Fei really thought this way, it would be easier to fight against their attack.

If Fan Fei has been attacking patiently, then Changfeng will dare to defend patiently all the time without revealing any flaws!Even if neither side scores a goal in the end, it will still enter overtime. If it really enters overtime, it will be a good thing for Changfeng.

They rested longer than Fei Fei, so of course they would be more adaptable to the next game.

After overtime, their physical advantage will be even more outstanding.

"Let's be steady, don't worry, try to block their advancing rhythm, and prepare to retreat when we can't resist, understand?" Lu Xiaotian said in the team channel.

Changfeng's players nodded one after another. They were very confident about this. For defense, although this kind of map is not particularly beneficial for defense, as long as they can stabilize and delay time, they can still do it.

Lu Xiaotian and Di Xing would no longer entangle with Shen Ruofei and Liu Shibo, but began to intercept with the assistance of their teammates. They didn't do it before because such an approach was conservative and didn't fit Changfeng's characteristics.

But at this time, if they defend for a while, they can also have the same defense as the southern country.

Although Changfeng is no longer at the peak of its talents in the past two years, its current overall level is still not bad. Lu Xiaotian, Di Xing, Liu Yuan, and Feng Tu are all very strong players, plus Zhuo Zhenjiang, Mi Yiran, etc. For the young players trained, Changfeng has actually quietly completed the task of upgrading. Only half of the famous Eight King Kongs before are still in the team, and the new additions are all young and promising. players.

Even if they don't win the championship this year, it can be expected that next year, they will be able to become more competitive again.

And Changfeng has another advantage, that is, they have always been on the front line of competing for the championship, and they can get enough exercise in every game. In this way, their newcomers have a much greater chance of receiving exercise, and they can Grow faster.

At the same time, gaining a foothold in a strong team is also a good exercise for the temperament of the newcomers. At least He Jingmi Yiran and Zhuo Zhenjiang, the young people who fought with Zheng Qi and the others in District 108, have grown into the backbone of Changfeng. strength.

Of course, what's a bit painful is that the attributes of these people are a little weaker - if they weren't in the same new area as the extraordinary people, they might have a chance to hit the position of god-level players, but Now, there is no hope.

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