football era

Chapter 896 Necessary Calmness

Lu Xiaotian hung up very depressed.

Di Xing also died at the same time as him. In order to refresh the football, the two cores of Changfeng penetrated into the extraordinary defense line at the same time-this kind of gamble is worthwhile. If the football can be refreshed, it doesn’t matter if you die , what's more, if the football is refreshed, no one has the heart to kill the opponent first, such a kill is meaningless at all.

But if they failed to refresh the football, their consequences would be dire. The two core players were taken away in a wave. Break through the gate of Changfeng and take the lead in the score again!

Eight to seven, extraordinary lead.

There are still a little more than 3 minutes before the end of the game.

This kind of time is actually enough to bring a goal.

"Extraordinary should start defending..." Li Chengze thought silently in his heart.

The same is true.

Withstood the last 3 minutes and a little more time, Fanfan will be able to win the China Cup and win their third championship this season!
"Okay, now is the time for us to start our defense." Zheng Qi smiled.

Extraordinary players nodded one after another. To defend at this time, of course, more methods are needed.

For this time, Fei Fan was also well prepared. Although they didn't have much time to prepare, it could even be said to be very little, but they still squeezed out time to carry out a dedicated and thorough defensive tactic.

For a game, there are too many possible situations, but Feifan has a specific plan.

What's the other party's idea? Zheng Qi, Xu Shan, Meng Fan, and even Chen Feng who is far away in City B have come up with suggestions. Fei Fan has deduced many possibilities. With Fei Fei's obvious advantage, Chen Feng and Meng Fan Fan agreed that the opponent would use a back and forth seesaw, and then use some prepared detailed tactics to find opportunities in the second half.

Luo Qichuan is undoubtedly a top-level head coach, but he didn't know that he was facing not only Xu Shan, who had nothing special in overall tactics, but also Chen Feng, who was very familiar with him, and Meng Fan is unknown, but has an excellent overall view.

Chen Feng has always been the top head coach. He has played against Changfeng not once or twice. How to fight against Changfeng is also a question he has been thinking about. In the past games, because Nanguo always lacked Players who can fight against Lu Xiaotian always fail, but in last year's league, Nanguo double-killed the mighty Changfeng in the league.

In addition to the tactical advantage, Chen Feng's research and familiarity with Changfeng is also a key factor.

According to Chen Feng's vision, the next season would be when Nan Guo really started to sprint. However, due to reasons within the team, he lost this opportunity, and Nan Guo also lost his own opportunity.

But at this time, Chen Feng's previous preparations were all very cheap.

This is also the key factor for extraordinary confidence in this.

They really didn't have enough time to prepare for the battle, but in the overall situation, they didn't lack anything, and instead had a huge advantage.

No matter how outstanding Luo Qichuan was, he never imagined that at this moment, Chen Feng would put them together.

Fei Fei was following Chang Feng's thoughts, and at the last moment, they revealed their true intentions.

That is to play steadily, advance steadily, never make mistakes, and use defense to solve opponents at the last moment.

This is something Changfeng did not expect.

If he had thought of this a long time ago, then Changfeng would definitely not have played so steadily, and would have attacked even more frantically, dragging the game into chaos and trying to win in chaos.

But now, they have lost such an opportunity.

Now Luo Qichuan was sitting on the bench, frowning tightly.

Seeing Fei Fei's current posture, Luo Qichuan can certainly see that this is what the opponent wants. The last defense will delay the game time.

Such a style is not an extraordinary style, but seems to be the style of another old opponent...

"Is it you, Chen Feng, you actually put me together at this time... If you were to sit on the other side's coaching bench, I would have guarded against this, but now, how could I have thought that you would secretly assist Fei Fei!"

While thinking this way, Luo Qichuan couldn't help but tightly clenched his fist.

This was indeed something he hadn't thought of, and it caused him a big loss in his preparations for the battle.

You must know that although Changfeng has a week or two more preparation time than Feifan, no matter how good the preparation is, he can only prepare according to what he knows now, and Chen Feng's intervention is a way to definitely turn the situation around. But it made Chang Feng Shang and Shang completely unexpected variables!
Now this variable has brought extraordinary benefits and great harm to Changfeng.

"As long as we can score a goal in less than three minutes, the final victory will still be ours."

Lu Xiaotian's voice sounded in Changfeng's team channel, it was as cold as a piece of ice.

It wasn't that he was deliberately pretending to be aggressive, but at this moment, Lu Xiaotian became more calm, unusually calm.

This in itself is his characteristic.

From the outside world's point of view, among the current two top players, Li Chengze is like water, and Lu Xiaotian is like fire.

Water is the softest thing in the world, just like Li Chengze's game style, it is extremely calm, gradually entangles you, making you lose hope of victory without knowing it.

As for Lu Xiaotian, like a raging fire, he always goes forward bravely and bravely defeats all opponents in front of him.

Under such a comparison, it is easy to make people feel that Li Chengze is more calm in the game, while Lu Xiaotian is more aggressive in the game.

But actually?Lu Xiaotian's quality is also extremely good, and he can always maintain absolute calm in the game.

The more unfavorable the game, the calmer he is.

The reason is very simple, only by being calm can one win. For a player like Lu Xiaotian who regards victory as his life, he can do anything to win.

On the contrary, when he has a big advantage, he will jump a bit in the game, and often do some very casual things, such as rushing to the opponent's large team alone, killing two or three opponents, and then being hanged by someone. Such things... These seemingly willful things, Li Chengze will not do, so when compared, it seems that Lu Xiaotian sometimes appears very impulsive in the game.

But this does not prevent Lu Xiaotian from being calmer than most of the players at critical moments.

At this time, Fei Fei had already seen the truth, and after revealing his true intentions, the other Changfeng players were a little confused, but Lu Xiaotian immediately grasped the most critical point.

This is the next attack.

If he can tear through the opponent's defense with a fierce attack and score a goal, then Feifan will not be able to break through Changfeng's gate in the remaining time, and the game is destined to be dragged into overtime.

When it comes to overtime, it will be Changfeng's world, and their spiritual advantages will be fully displayed.

Perhaps in overtime, Feifan will not be as tired as everyone imagined, but in fact, under such circumstances, what Feifan has always wanted to do is to win within 10 minutes. If such a goal is not achieved, That will hurt morale very much, and at the same time, it will cause serious setbacks to most of Feifan's players. Under such circumstances, Feifan will of course not be able to win in overtime.

This is also a kind of gamble. Fanfan placed a bet within 10 minutes, while Changfeng has relatively more choices, but also, it is precisely because they have enough choices that they are forced into a trap. In such a desperate situation.

This is also a very delicate situation. Both sides have already gambled all their chips, and this will be the final hole card.

Now that the hole cards have been revealed, it is still unknown who will win.

Extraordinary's hole cards have all been revealed, and Changfeng still has one last chance, which is to make his hole cards bigger than extraordinary before showing his hole cards.

This may seem improbable, but it is possible. To make his cards bigger, Changfeng needs to score goals in the remaining time.

It's not easy to understand this, especially when you're in the middle of the game. You have to know that Luo Qichuan's mood just now changed drastically because he thought that Chen Feng might be making a silent move from behind, so he didn't notice it immediately. to this point.

You must know that there is really not much time left in the game. If there is some hesitation or confusion in less than 3 minutes, the game time will pass quickly, and Changfeng will have a little chance None!
It is their luck that they have Lu Xiaotian.

It was Lu Xiaotian's immediate voice that allowed the whole team to find their backbone again.

Lu Xiaotian's words not only woke up the other players in the team, but also woke up Luo Qichuan.

Yes, at this time, you can't worry about gains and losses, let alone be indecisive. What you need to do is to launch a fierce attack during this time and try to score goals!

At this time, Luo Qichuan also discovered an opportunity, or a place that can be used.

Extraordinary definitely wants to use all the main players to complete the rest of the game. Of course, there is no problem with this approach, which can cover up their overall shortcomings, but at the same time, it also makes the extraordinary players very stable.

Extraordinary can be used, nothing more than those people.

However, Changfeng can have some targeted arrangements.

Soon, Luo Qichuan made the arrangement of personnel, Changfeng's players entered the field one after another, and then launched an attack.

They want to attack and score goals in the remaining time!

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