football era

Chapter 194 The Next Month

More work is needed before reaching the top stage.

Zheng Qi understands this principle, and he understands it even if he wants to fly.

So even though he wanted to fly and was eager to show himself in front of Changfeng, he didn't show any anxiety.

Zhao Feng was very happy.

After joining the Extraordinary Guild, it was a brand new experience for him who was playing Football Era for the first time.

Handing over the extra equipment to the guild will give you a contribution point, and then you can exchange it for materials. This is an extremely convenient experience for Zhao Feng, and it also gave him a lot of sense of belonging to the Extraordinary Guild.

Although many veterans know that such a mechanism can be said to be available in any guild, for newcomers, the first guild they come into contact with is easier to leave a deep mark.

And Zhao Feng's luck is also good. In every carnival, he can always hit some attribute points, which not only makes his level rise rapidly, but also makes him gradually become a core member of the Extraordinary Guild.

Because it is a new guild, the Extraordinary guild doesn't have the habit of ranking seniority. If your attribute points are high, your status in the guild will be high.

After successfully entering the Mythical Zone, Zhao Feng continued to work hard to upgrade, so after the full level, he officially became a core member of the Extraordinary Guild's Mythical Zone—because his attribute points reached [-] points after the full level—very lucky to have Created a god-level account!
In fact, for ordinary players, it is not too rare to have a god-level account, because the extra attribute points, in addition to fighting the boss of the carnival and snatching the dungeon record, there is also a certain probability that the mobs in the carnival will explode of.

Although the explosion rate is very low, there will always be lucky players who can continuously explode attribute points just by fighting mobs, allowing themselves to obtain a powerful account-this is not a rare thing, although ordinary players The probability of getting a god-level account is even lower, but you can't stand the large number of players. There are tens of millions of people in a new district, and hundreds of thousands of god-level accounts are issued every time, that's perfectly normal.

This kind of mechanism also makes many professional players quite aggrieved, but there is no way, no matter how good your skills are, luck can't be controlled.

For professional players with technical advantages, the most reliable thing for them is to obtain attribute points through bosses.

After the level of most players of the Extraordinary Guild is close to the full level, the way to select the elite group is also very simple-whoever has a high attribute point can enter the elite group.

Zhao Feng's account with more than [-] points is a good player even in professional competitions, which means that he can wear better equipment to make contributions, and naturally smoothly entered the elite group.

After Zheng Qi and the others cooperated with the Cuntianya Guild again for a week, the guild alliance of the Extraordinary Guild has expanded to ten guilds. Apart from the tenth level, other branches have to be established from scratch, bit by bit.

If there are not enough materials, no matter how many people there are, it is impossible to fill up the guild construction in one day.

However, the current ten guilds of the Extraordinary Guild Alliance have a high gold content, and they are basically close to full membership. Some have more than 9000 members, and some have seven or eight thousand members. After a period of operation, they can open another ten at a time. branch.

With already [-] to [-] members, the selected elite team is naturally not bad.

Among the NO.90 players, the ones with the highest attribute points are Zhao Feng with the ID Slaying Ghost Shadow and another player with the ID Extreme Cold and Pofeng. Their attribute points have exceeded [-] points. Among the many members of the Extraordinary Guild, They are all the best.

In fact, according to the proportion, the Extraordinary Guild should have at least seven or eight accounts with more than [-] attribute points, but the proportion is a proportion after all. Although there are a lot of people, most of them are newcomers. Some people are lucky enough to bump into a top account, but they haven't been able to pass the challenge task in the Mythical Zone. There are six or seven players in the Extraordinary Guild... …

However, relying on the large number of people, the 90-member group of the Extraordinary Guild has a very high advantage in terms of attribute points compared to the elite group of the Cuntianya Guild, except for Zhao Feng and the other two who have passed 80 points. Apart from attributes, the attribute points of the other [-] people are all above [-] points, which can be regarded as absolute elites.

The only thing that is lacking is equipment, most of which are orange equipment, and only a few gold equipment. If their attribute points are to be fully utilized, they need to update their equipment.

"This elite group will not be fixed here... In the process of promoting dungeons, we will also examine your strength. Only those who can combine technology and attribute points well will be able to participate in the guild's high-end battles in the future. ,do you understand?"

Zheng Qi scolded the group members, and the group members responded loudly to save face.

After mixing for so long, they are also gradually moving from newcomers to veterans. Naturally, it is clear that any guild will have core members who will participate more in dungeons and BOSS battles. Extraordinary Guild is now forming such a guild. The elite team, as long as they perform well, they will have a brighter future than ordinary members.

Zhao Feng shouted even louder. Of course he hopes to become a core member of the guild, which is also his current dream.

In fact, the team formed is not limited to this one. The number of players with professional accounts in the Extraordinary Guild is quite large. To a certain extent, these players have already occupied a higher level than other players. If the Extraordinary Guild If they want to form a professional club, their status will not be low.

And the following days will be the time to test them.

In the dungeon, you can test the players' professionalism and mastery of skills, and in the future boss battles, you can test their more comprehensive qualities.

If Zheng Qi and the others want to make a name for themselves in the Mythical Zone, they must have such a team in order to be able to be competitive.

This is a very cumbersome operation, but it is unavoidable.

For Zhao Feng and the others, being able to participate in the promotion of the seven dungeons is an honor in itself.

Building a team, accumulating materials, and building a powerful guild from scratch.

The future is very difficult, and it may be very tortuous, but Zheng Qihe is full of motivation because he wants to fly.

When they have goals to pursue, they can truly show their value!
In the following days, Zheng Qi and the others had a boring and fulfilling life.

As for the professional league, the next period of time, the league can be described as exciting and dizzying.

The competition for the league has reached a fierce stage, and the domestic cup competition has also reached a fierce stage.

Changfeng is working hard to move forward. Although they are under the siege of all other strong teams, they are still very strong.

During this process, Changfeng's number one player, Lu Xiaotian's performance became more and more astonishing. Every time the team encountered a difficult situation, he was the one who took the lead, charged ahead, successfully broke through, and won one game after another for the club. key victories.

Lu Xiaotian, who is at his peak, is now at his best.

However, Lee Seung-taek also showed his value.

In every game, Tianhe was not as smooth as Changfeng, but he always won. The points gap between the two sides has never been able to widen. Under such circumstances, Nanguo and Shenhua, two teams that could have competed with them , began to gradually fall behind.

The league once again entered the situation of two heroes fighting for hegemony.

In the cup match, the two sides also defeated their opponents all the way, and they were about to meet in the final.

Everyone's eyes began to focus on the contest between these two teams.

At the end of October, it is the key to the final decision of the two heavyweight teams in China.

In the long-distance running of the league, they have already left behind their respective opponents. Now that 35 rounds of the league have passed, Changfeng's points have reached 83 points, Tianhe's points have reached 81 points, while the third-ranked Nanguo has only 73 points. With three rounds left, there is no chance to challenge for the championship.

In the cup competition, both Changfeng and Tianhe have entered the semi-finals. The opponents in the semi-finals are only mid-range teams, and it is difficult to resist these two teams that have reached their peak state.

Under such circumstances, the hatred between the fans of the two sides naturally became greater. In the myth area, fans of the two guilds could be seen fighting each other at any time, and then called friends and friends, forming small-scale conflicts...

The reason why it is said to be a small area is because the core guilds of both sides have remained calm. Except for the BOSS fight, only the fringe guilds are in conflict—the two sides are unwilling to affect the guilds due to the confrontation at such a critical moment. The performance of club players.

According to the schedule, October 30th is the semi-final match of the China Cup, October 21th is the No.30 six-round league, October 21st is the No.28 seven-round league, and on October [-]st, it is the China Cup The finals, October [-], the last round of the league.

In the final round of the league, Tianhe and Changfeng will play against each other at Tianhe's home court.

The next month will be related to the trend of the entire league, and will also be related to whether Changfeng can create an unprecedented record of five championships!
There is no doubt that this is the biggest highlight of this year's league, and it is even the first time in the past ten years that a team is so close to the honor of the five crowns.

The last time such a team appeared was in the Nanguo in the era of Meng Feifan and Chen Feng's double wall, but the final result of that time, everyone knows, it was a tragedy that quickly turned from prosperity to decline.

Will the Changfeng this time create an unprecedented glory, or will there be another tragedy?

All players and fans who are interested in the football era are full of desire and interest in this issue.

And the answer to this question will be revealed in the next month.

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