football era

Chapter 193 The Highest Stage

Zheng Qi also breathed a sigh of relief that Cun Tianya was so upbeat.

It's always good to get together and relax. After all, the cooperation during this period of time is quite pleasant. Some members of the Cuntianya guild who often participate have a good relationship with Zheng Qi and the others. In short, something is not good.

Moreover, the reason for not cooperating for the time being is because the Extraordinary Guild itself has needs, and they will always need to cooperate in the future.

After the dungeon was almost completed, Zheng Qi and his group gathered the legendary materials, and then they participated in the competition for the wild boss—this was something that had to be done, because that was the arena for the highest rank in the Mythical Zone.

Those who will participate in the BOSS competition will have countless professional players, even god-level players. Those players are equipped with legendary equipment all over their bodies. Strengthen the attributes that are more beneficial to you.

The advantage of Zheng Qi and the others is that even if the heart with the lowest attribute is wandering and waiting for a few, the attribute point is over 91 points. They can completely set a full set of legendary equipment without changing it, and they can still make targeted adjustments—— The minimum attributes of legendary equipment need to reach [-] points. The reason why god-level accounts are considered to have an advantage over ordinary professional players is because they can carry out targeted additions without losing legendary equipment materials. Of course, if you To create super high pressure on a certain attribute, you still have to make a fuss about the equipment.

All in all, although Zheng Qi and the others are confident that they can obtain their legendary equipment needs through the seven dungeons, they still will not give up the competition for wild bosses. The super high explosive rate of upgrade materials has also become a must-have item for professional players-although compared with equipment materials, hero upgrade materials are not consumables, and the hero level will not decrease after the hero level is raised. Upgrading requires more hero upgrade materials - a hero needs [-] materials to upgrade to the full level of [-], and the hero pool has a full sixty. The greater the demand on the side, at the same time, such players are often important players in the club, even if they sell everything, their demands must be met.

More importantly, Zheng Qihe wanted to fly and become famous, so he had to prove his strength on the highest-end battlefield of the game.

This was the only way for grassroots players to prove their strength and enter the professional circle for a long time in the past.

Of course, with the gradual maturity of the talent selection system of professional clubs, grassroots players gradually lost such opportunities.

The professional league in Football Era is, after all, based on the game. Even professional players cannot leave the game. They spend a lot of time in the game every day. The frequency of playing is much less than before, but a professional player spends at least three days a week in online games, which is also the most basic time.

In the game, pushing dungeons is second-in fact, professional players seldom push dungeons to collect materials like Zheng Qi and the others. They mainly compete on wild bosses, because even for the most difficult dungeons, the opponents are no more than NPC, in front of top players, no matter how strong an NPC is, it is only because of its attributes, not its advantages in operation.

Their real battlefield is the competition for wild bosses.

No matter how powerful the wild BOSS is, it's just an NPC. It's people who really bring danger, and it's the characters controlled by people.

There are not only those opponents in the professional arena, but also all kinds of players. Many players are far behind the professional players in terms of overall quality, but in a certain environment, some of their characteristics can make the professional players very Headache.

In such a cruel environment that is infinitely close to the real battlefield, it is possible to cultivate the reaction and sensitivity of professional players who are close to the battlefield instinct. This is something that cannot be provided in the training room. Only in such a tragic environment Only by surviving in the next situation - even whether you can kill the boss and grab the materials is secondary - can you train a player's level.

So professional players seem to be superior, but they can't really leave the game, seven days a week, three days of training, three days of online games, and one day of competition, this is the life of a professional player.

Even during the season break, they will continue to maintain their state and sense of smell in online games, because once their state declines, they may lose their main position or be forced to retire.

They are all seasoned fighters, not comparable to those quasi-professional players in the new area. The key lies in their experience in this area and their almost instinctive reactions.

There is no weak person who can gain a foothold in the professional league.

If he didn't fight against these people, and didn't feel the atmosphere of the battlefield, Zheng Qihe, no matter how talented he was, couldn't compare with these people.

This is also the reason why it is more and more difficult for grassroots players to get opportunities, because in addition to not having systematic and correct training methods, even the intuition, skills, and reactions honed in online games may not be as good as these professional players.

This kind of thing is kind of sad when you think about it.

But for Zheng Qi and the others, this is the only way now.

It's still the same old saying, don't look at them calling the wind and rain in the new area, making those quasi-professional players have nothing to think about, but if they don't make a name for themselves in the mythical area, then it's nothing.

Liu Shibo was able to fill in the main lineup of Nanguo immediately after reaching the full level. It was because he played a defensive position, and his needs in this regard were not particularly obvious. In addition, he had the opportunity to rush to the front line in a big club like Nanguo. There are many more, and he can quickly accumulate enough experience. In contrast, He Jing has not yet had the opportunity to play. It is because he is inclined to attack that he must accumulate more experience and intuition in order to be able to perform well enough on the court. level.

The same is true for the talented young players that the team focuses on training in the same way, with a cautious attitude. For grass roots like Zheng Qihe who wants to fly, he will naturally have greater vigilance.

In fact, the top clubs like Changfeng Tianhe will be more cautious towards Zheng Qihe's grass roots who want to fly. Xiangfei still has a lot of interest. After all, they have a good level of operation and have built a huge guild system in the new area. If they can all be absorbed in, it will be beneficial to the club's first team and even the guild. huge help.

However, if Zheng Qi and the others are not well-known, it’s okay. There are not too many clubs that can be contacted casually, but they have already laid an excellent foundation in District 108 and created a great reputation. As a result, many mid-range players Teams and first-tier teams will hesitate.

If you want to win over this group of people, the price you have to pay is of course not small. Judging from their guild formation skills, they are definitely not newcomers who can be easily fooled by others. In addition, they have a very effective method of pulling monsters in the new area. , their inherent value is already high enough.

If you want to poach them, you must pay a very high price. Such a price, the first-tier team may not be able to afford it, and even if the mid-level teams in the Super League can afford it, they may not be able to afford such a risk.

What's more, even if these teams came to the door, Zheng Qihe would not agree if he wanted to fly. He wanted to fly like his name, and he wanted to go to Changfeng to fly well. What Zheng Qi thought, the others didn't know, but With his personality, probably only Changfeng can satisfy him...

In the recent league, Changfeng's performance has fluctuated to a certain extent, and other teams have strengthened their research on mobile methods, which has temporarily narrowed the strength gap between professional league teams. The recent professional games are very enjoyable to watch - because in the game, there will always be accidents, and there will be excitement when there are accidents, which is the charm of competitive games.

However, with Changfeng's previous advantages, it was the last thing he wanted to see such an accident.

After the start of the second half, strong teams will often encounter capsized situations, as will Changfeng. Under such circumstances, their advantage in points is gradually lost to Tianhe, Nanguo, and Shenhua, the three teams that are capable of hitting the championship. Constant reduction, now in the top four positions, the four teams are fighting together. After winning the East Asian championship, the Changfeng players will inevitably experience some ups and downs. In this way, their results will naturally has been greatly affected.

As for the other three championship teams, they rested for a full two months. It was the time when the dragons, tigers, and soldiers were strong and strong. Under the ebb and flow, Changfeng no longer had the kind of swallowing thousands of miles in the first half of the journey. The imposing manner like a tiger, on the contrary, seems to be struggling.

Of course, the players and fans of Changfeng will not think that this is unfair to themselves. The competition system is like this. If you want to win unprecedented honors, you must have oppressive strength or oppressive performance!

Whether it is the teams that won the Triple Crown in professional football in the past, or the champions in the Football Era professional league, can their strength really suppress all teams?not necessarily!What's more, it depends on their outstanding performance and hard work to win the honor.

The honor that can only be obtained after shedding enough sweat is even more precious.

Under such circumstances, Changfeng certainly has no energy to be distracted by the two rookies, even if their head coach Luo Qichuan is actually quite interested in these two rookies, he has no energy to be distracted.

Zheng Qi didn't care about this, he knew he couldn't rush if he wanted to fly.

What they have to do is to let everyone know where their value lies.

The characteristics of the football era have given them such a stage. Now let's see if they have the ability to show their own level on this stage.

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