football era

Chapter 195 Change of Wind Direction

For the Extraordinary Guild, the next month is very important. They have to collect materials, form an elite team, and then get ready to participate in the most competitive venue in the game.

This is of course a very ambitious and glorious goal, but compared to Changfeng's goal for the next month, it seems nothing...

In the next month, if Changfeng can hold Tianhe under their feet, they will be able to equal the previous record of quadruple crowns set by the Southern Kingdom led by Meng Feifei.

That was also the most glorious record of the Chinese club, and it was only one step away from the five championships, and it was only the last game.

Lu Xiaotian didn't want himself to be the last, but before that, he had to beat his biggest opponent, Li Chengze.

The last round of the league, against Tianhe.

Before the final round, most of the finals of the Cup of China were also against Tianhe.

But before that, he had to win two league games and one cup semi-final. If Tianhe couldn't support before that, Changfeng would be able to win two championships without bloodshed.

"I don't want Tianhe to lose the chain. To get top honors, you need top performance. We have had a strong season, and now there are only ten games left. We will use our best form to meet this Ten games."

Lu Xiaotian said confidently at the press conference that this is his consistent style. As the No.1 in the Chinese League, he firmly believes that as long as his performance is normal, he will be able to create good enough results.

ten games.

There are three games left in the league, two games left in the Cup of China, and only five games in the World Cup.

Theoretically speaking, if they win all these ten games, they will be the five-time champion, and they will be the first team in the world to create such an honor.

The major gaming companies have already opened their handicap. The odds of Changfeng winning the five crowns are quite low, but there are still countless fans who are willing to pressure Changfeng to win the five crowns.

In fact, every time there is such a team, there will be many Football Era players who choose to support it-after so many years of Football Era professional competitions, there has not been even a team that has won all the championships of the year. Let the fans of Football Era feel that there is something missing in this game.

It has been 80 years since the establishment of professional competitions in the Football Era. During this period, there have been legendary players, moving moments, and classic confrontations that people talk about. The peak of the mountain!

Many people are looking forward to such a peak, and such people account for the vast majority of players in the football era.

So every time they will support a team that has a chance to make history, and every time they will be disappointed.

But it has to be admitted that precisely because no team has ever reached such a height, any strong team will move towards such a height—whether it is from China or from other countries.

The first team to create such glory will definitely become the most memorable team in the world, just like Real Madrid in the professional competition, they are not always the best team, but they can Create a series of records that other teams cannot match, so they are the well-deserved best club of the century!

Facing such an honor, no team will be indifferent.

In the decades of history of professional competitions in the era of football, some giants can actually be precipitated. However, it is because there is no club like the previous European football that has five consecutive Champions League titles and three consecutive Champions League titles. It sounds like a terrible achievement, so it is difficult to create a real century-old giant.

There are many strong teams now, but none of them can maintain their strong performance for decades.

Now there are teams in every country that have achieved double-digit league championships. These teams often have the titles of intercontinental champions and world champions. These teams are top-level teams.

Now, what these top teams want to create is the unprecedented five-time crown glory, and the team that can create this kind of glory will undoubtedly become the first real world giant in the history of professional football games in the era of football!

Changfeng is moving towards such a glorious goal. On the way to this great goal, all teams will be their opponents.

China Cup semi-finals.

Changfeng wins.

Lu Xiaotian's condition didn't seem to be particularly good, but the performance of Wen Xiang, Feng Tu, Jiang Wenqian and other famous players still allowed them to pass this test.

In the other semi-final, Tianhe also won. In this match, Lee Chengze's brilliance was unparalleled. He constantly instigated attacks and controlled the rhythm of the entire match with perfect tactics. He not only controlled himself, but also The entire match was full of infinite beauty, and this beauty all came from Li Chengze's performance.

After the game, commentators from all walks of life sent all their praises to Li Chengze, especially those professional commentators. They all believed that Li Chengze's performance in this game was enough to be recorded in history. The positional annotations are incisive and vivid. In the history of the football era, it seems that no top player has been able to achieve such a level in the game.

"Li Chengze has reached one of his peaks, pushing the skills of professional players to an extremely high level. This physically disabled player has created a miracle since he stepped onto the professional stage. Now, he has proved that his potential is far from being developed. From this point of view, Li Chengze is even greater than Lu Xiaotian. He has been improving this season. The 27-year-old Li Chengze has officially entered his Heyday. For Lu Xiaotian, meeting a great Li Chengze at such a critical moment is not a good thing. However, for professional games, Li Chengze's performance at the moment has proved that he is fully capable of creating his own era!"

Before the start of the two semi-finals, the public opinion was basically on the side of Chang Feng and Lu Xiaotian, but after the two semi-finals, the public opinion immediately began to deflect, which is enough to prove how amazing Li Chengze's performance in this game is. .

"Lee Chengze began to prove in his own way that games in the era of football can be played in this way. This game alone is enough to prove his greatness."

This was what Butler Meng said to Zheng Qi in private, and Zheng Qi was very dissatisfied with it.

Lu Xiaotian didn't express any opinion on this.

A week later, the No.30 six-round match began.

Lu Xiaotian's state is better than a week ago. He tore through the opponent's defense line in the game, and then helped Changfeng win the game. Although Li Chengze's performance was not as suffocating as a week ago, he still performed well. Excellent, helped Tianhe win the game as well, closely catching up behind Changfeng.

Still a gap of two points.

Another week passed, and during this week, Tianhe had the upper hand at the guild level. The two sides fought several times for the boss, and Tianhe won more times. With the participation of professional players from both sides, Tianhe won the guild The robbing of the boss seems to prove that Tianhe's state is better than Changfeng's recently.

Changfeng's public opinion environment is getting worse.

Before the arrival of this month, the public opinion was in favor of Changfeng, and now it is in favor of Tianhe, all because of Li Chengze's performance.

In fact, although the vast majority of fans want to see Tianhe create an unprecedented history, but Tianhe's confrontation, or trouble, is also something that many people like to see...

In the next round, Changfeng's opponent is the No.3 Nanguo, while Tianhe's opponent is the mid-range team Xingyu. Although Nanguo has no hope of winning the championship now, their head coach Chen Feng is being interviewed. Shi Shi said that no matter how the other teams win the championship, whether they want to set a record or not, they will only treat every game at their own level.

The rumors in the world are that Nanguo desperately wants to stop Changfeng from winning the honor of the five crowns—not because they have any grudge against Changfeng, but because Nanguo was only a short distance away from the five crowns at that time. It has been sinking for a long time, and seeing the new team that wants to win five championships, of course it is out of anger...

And a mid-level team like Xingyu doesn't seem to have much motivation to stop Tianhe.

Public opinion on Changfeng further deteriorated.

A week later, No.30 had seven rounds.

In this round, the radiant one became Lu Xiaotian.

He led the line three times in the game and defeated the defense line of Nanguo. In the second half of the season, he became the main force of the defense line of Nanguo. Liu Shibo, who is considered a talented defender, was completely unable to withstand the impact of Lu Xiaotian in the game. He repeatedly broke through the defense line, and finally Leading to the fiasco of the South.

This game brought a great blow to Liu Shibo. Although he appeared in the post-match press conference bravely and bravely admitted his own shortcomings and his poor performance in this game, he still has great confidence in his future. , which had a considerable impact, of course, this is already a story.

But in another match, Tianhe's performance, or Li Chengze's performance, was not satisfactory.

Xingyu, who had no desires and desires, showed their level. They launched a tenacious defense in the game, constantly disrupting Tianhe's offensive rhythm, making Tianhe's offense repeatedly unsuccessful.

Li Chengze also seemed to have lost his magic in the first two games. His instigation and performance in the games seemed a little too logical, and he was constantly spotted by the opponent. If Tian Zhixin hadn't shown his true qualities as an opportunistic shooter at the last moment, he would have used If an attack worth a thousand dollars broke through the gate of Xingyu, the competition for the league championship might end one round earlier...

Although they still won the game and maintained a two-point gap to prevent Changfeng from winning the championship early, but some problems exposed by Tianhe in this game seemed to make Changfeng's championship just around the corner!

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