football era

Chapter 168

When District 108 opened for six and a half months, a lot happened.

The first thing that happened was that the first batch of members who had reached the full level of the new district had already appeared.

The first to upgrade to level [-] was Liu Shibo's group. After they first rose to level [-], many people rose to level [-] one after another. Basically, they were members of the guild elite teams of various clubs. , They get a high degree of support, and Yixin only needs to level up. Except for the carnival, which needs to find the boss well, other materials can be allocated slowly by the club guild after going to the mythical area.

Under such circumstances, Zheng Qi and the others naturally suffered a lot in terms of upgrading - but they were not in a hurry to upgrade. After all, quasi-professional players were eager to upgrade because of the club's needs.

The second half of the league starts in mid-August. Before that, it is time for the clubs to refill their strength. If the members of the second team have created enough outstanding characters, they can directly join the first team to increase the strength of the first team. Under such circumstances, it is natural to enter the mythical zone as quickly as possible—even if the club may not need you, as a member of the second team, of course you must wait for the club's call at any time.

Zheng Qi and the others don't have such a need, and they don't have the convenience of clubs and guilds. They can gather enough equipment materials and hero materials as soon as they go to the mythical area. Of course, they need to buy more materials in the normal area. It can provide some good enough choices for the guild.

So when Liu Shibo and the others reached the full level of 75 in the ordinary area, Zheng Qi's level was only around [-].

Under such circumstances, the last carnival begins.

By the end of the last round, basically all the members of the second team who aspired to become professional players knew where their upper limit was. Although the boss fight in the last round would be even more fierce, there would still be many who knew that they had no hope of becoming a professional player. The player with the account chose to give up the fight for the boss and leave the opportunity to others.

There are not many quasi-professional players who think this way, but there are also quite a few, especially those players who are relatively young and hope to achieve good results in the next new district-after all, many people are afraid of collecting character. believable.

Therefore, the last carnival is often the chance for many quasi-professional players to finally fight, because in this carnival, there may be many fewer competitors than usual.

Ordinary players tend not to make trouble consciously. Even if they want to make trouble, most of them have already been killed by others.

Those contestants who gave up competing for the last carnival boss will naturally tell others in advance, then when they arrive at the next new area, under the same circumstances, they will receive some preferential treatment - this is something that very few people will bring to the table That said, it is an unspoken rule that clubs will basically abide by.

Of course, Zheng Qi and the others cannot enjoy such unspoken rules, nor do they need to enjoy such unspoken rules.

"It's the last carnival... Theoretically, the total number of attribute points I can achieve now is 920 points." Zheng Qi calculated, and then said to the others.

This theoretical attribute point is calculated from the 320 attribute points that can be obtained from the general account. Now, apart from the scattered attribute points and the attribute points added by the guild, Zheng Qi has obtained [-] and eight additional attribute points in the dungeon rewards and carnival. !

Now Lu Xiaotian's strongest account in the league has 890 seven attribute points, and Zheng Qi has surpassed Lu Xiaotian's account attributes!
In professional competitions, the strongest account in history belongs to Meng Feifan back then. The 960 five-point account is unprecedented in the professional league. It is also rare.

Of course, this refers to professional games—amateur players also have some super accounts with more than [-] attribute points. Although such accounts are extremely rare, they are not impossible to obtain—it’s just that their personal operation skills are not enough In order to meet the standards of professional competitions, he was not able to enter the professional arena.

At the same time, if Zheng Qi and the others can get 38 bosses in the last carnival, then Zheng Qi's account will be able to surpass Meng Feifan's extra attribute points...

Thinking about this kind of thing, I think it's really a little scary.

"I have thirteen points less than you." Yi Xiangfei replied.

910 five o'clock is also an account number that surpasses Lu Xiaotian's.

"Attack towards fifty bosses?" Zheng Qi asked, wanting to fly.

"Okay, work hard." Yixin Xiangfei nodded.

Everyone else was a little silly - if they really wanted to attack fifty bosses, wouldn't it be necessary to create an account with two attribute points that surpassed and equaled Meng Feifei?
The roles of other people are a bit worse than these two. After all, in the competition for the attribute points recorded in the dungeon, other people are a little worse than these two, but the difference is not much. Others made it bigger, but in terms of obtaining scattered attribute points, Dynamic Lightwave was amazingly lucky, and quickly leveled the gap with the others. Now the accounts of the other eight people are all around 850 points, If they can still get fifty bosses, then their team will have two accounts with more than [-] points, and eight accounts with around [-] points...

"Will it break the balance of the league if it spreads?" Fu Lei asked hesitantly.

He hopes that the stronger his account, the better, but Fu Lei also knows that if there is no excellent operation level, the stronger the account, the more difficult it may be to control.

In other words, if you can't control such a strong account, then the account in your hands can only be regarded as a secret investment.

"No, this may be a trend in the future... I can research the method of pulling boss hatred, and other people can also research it. It's just that no one thought about it before. Don't underestimate the boss in the Super League. The level of those elites." The dynamic light wave shook his head: "That is, in a maximum of one or two years, the teams in the Super League will gradually build a group of stronger lineups, and there may be chaos in the next league. The current situation, those top players in the league may gradually fall behind. If we do not have strong characters, we may also fall behind."

"That's right, so let's not have any burdens, let's keep working hard! We can grab as many attribute points as we can!"

Zheng Qi waved his fists and shouted, the words of the dynamic light wave are correct, although their current characters look a bit eye-catching, but as time goes by, there may be more and more character accounts of their level in the league , if you don't grab a little more attribute points now, maybe you will fall behind in the future...

At that time, should we go to the new area to create an account?That was a waste of time.

After reaching a consensus in this regard, the elite team of the Extraordinary Guild began to attack the last carnival.

As a result, the elite teams of other guilds encountered a miserable situation again.

Liu Shibo and his group are okay, they have a lot of good players, and the number of robbing bosses is higher than usual, but the other members of the second team are relatively more difficult. For many quasi-professional players, the last carnival , is also their last chance, however...

Zheng Qi and the others went crazy and took down sixteen bosses on the first day. Of course, this was due to the reduction of competitors, and Zheng Qi's morale and desire also played a huge role.

"Sixteen a day, how many in three days?" Zheng Qi asked thoughtfully.

"48." Dynamic Guangbo replied smoothly.

"That's not enough. Let's work hard tomorrow!" Zheng Qi said.

"I think we are already very hated..." Fu Lei replied.

Sure enough, after the carnival started the next day, no matter where Zheng Qi and the others went, there would be a group of players from other guilds staring at them.

"What do you want to do?" Zheng Qi sent Liu Shibo a message.

"You have grabbed too much." Liu Shibo was silent for a while, and replied: "Although we in the southern country don't have much opinion on this, other clubs and guilds have great opinions, so they will pester you and make you unable to do anything." Concentrate on fighting the boss."

"Just a group of ordinary players want to entangle us?" Zheng Qi sneered.

"There are four quasi-professional players from guilds who have no hope of getting a professional account. They will be the main force to entangle you." Liu Shibo replied.

"Damn, did you make a mistake, unite to suppress the newcomers, be careful that I expose you!" Zheng Qi shouted.

"Look, there are at least dozens of people who are counting on the boss in the last two days to obtain professional qualifications. You are still desperately fighting for the boss. Of course, they will join forces to deal with you." Liu Shibo sighed.

After thinking about it carefully, Zheng Qi figured it out—to put it bluntly, the professional team still belongs to the professional circle, and Zheng Qi and the others are completely different things, and they are naturally opposed to them, so if someone in the professional team grabs a lot of attribute points, It's not enough for everyone else to join forces to deal with him, but Zheng Qi and the others are vulnerable to such a situation.

And they haven’t been targeted in this way before, that’s because the quasi-professional players of each club have their own goals and needs, so naturally they can’t let go of everything and join forces. Professional players, even if they don't want to offend Zheng Qi and the others, will obey the orders of the entire professional league when it comes to the needs of the club.

In this way, Zheng Qi and the others are afraid that the last two days will be quite difficult.

"You have already grabbed a lot of attribute points. In the last two days...even if you can't get them, the impact will not be great." When Liu Shibo said this, he felt a little ashamed.

"We will never give in! You just wait, in these two days, see if you can stop us." Zheng Qi snorted.

Liu Shibo sighed and said nothing more.

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