football era

Chapter 169 It's time for them to bear it

After telling the situation to others, the members of the Extraordinary Guild Elite Team were a little silent.

This kind of situation is something they have never encountered before - they have encountered it before being targeted by ordinary members of other guilds; they have also encountered it when being targeted by elite teams of other guilds, but they have never encountered it. The guild's elite team joined forces to fight them, which may also include ordinary player members of other club guilds.

Members of four elite teams stare at them—what does that mean?It means that at least ten quasi-professional players will come to deal with them. Perhaps the tacit understanding among these people is not enough, but this number alone is enough for them to bear huge pressure.

"Why don't we discuss with them, just like before, let's draw a piece of land? It's okay if we don't agree, if we gather in one area, then as long as they dare to come in, our hundreds of thousands of brothers can make them look good." Xin Xin After wandering and thinking about it, he came up with a safe idea.

"I've thought about this, but it's a last resort... Maybe they also hope that we will do this. After all, they can't make it impossible for us to get a boss." Zheng Qi shook his head: " But if I do that, I think it's a bit too useless."

"Then fight them!" Chaotic Knife shouted, waving his fists.

"Well, let's fight." Yixin Xiangfei nodded: "Even if the four elite teams are pestering us, we still have to fight for a few more bosses. Their movement speed is not as fast as ours."

"In that case, the test will be relatively big... But it's okay, in short, we just need to be able to grab more bosses while moving. If we grab one more, we will earn one!" Zheng Qi nodded.

The temporary alliances of other clubs and guilds did not give Zheng Qi and the others much time to adjust. After all, the next day's carnival had already begun.

This can also be regarded as a surprise attack to some extent, making it impossible for the Extraordinary Guild to occupy a territory - after all, it will take a long time to mobilize the entire guild. On the entire map, the whereabouts of the boss are reported at any time. In such a short period of time, it is impossible for the entire guild to change its strategy for participating in the carnival.

It can also be seen from this aspect that the other guilds have taken great pains. Although they can't sell the abductees to Zheng Qi and the others, they can limit Zheng Qi and the others to get enough benefits to the maximum extent.

I didn't use this method to deal with Zheng Qi and the others before, because those members of the elite team who can stop Zheng Qi and the others still have tasks and needs. Time to upgrade.

But now, it's different. If it's just to grab the boss while running, Zheng Qi and the others don't worry about it. After all, they won it all the way in the past, but now, the four elite teams won't fight them. What kind of tricks are used to pull monsters, then they must come up and PK with Zheng Qi and the others until they are killed.

It used to be a kind of unspoken rule, and now it is another kind of unspoken rule.

"Then there is only one way."

The dynamic light wave sighed: "Recently, everyone has practiced the movement method with various acceleration skills, which can push our speed to the fastest. As long as we can meet the boss first, we will use the wandering method to attract the hatred of the boss. At the same time, kill the boss as soon as possible, just don't get entangled by those guys, it will be very tiring, but it is the only method we can use."

The others nodded. During this period of time, the dynamic light wave has not been idle. In addition to constantly improving the monster pulling method, as the number of heroes increases, he also began to continuously study how to make the entire team's The movement speed reaches the highest speed - this kind of movement method is not bad for quasi-professional players, but not all members of the opponent's elite team are quasi-professional players.

In this way, at least Zheng Qi and the others could have some free time to kill the boss. Although it would be much more difficult than before, it was still a good way of training.

"Anyway, we already have two accounts that surpassed Lu Xiaotian's, and eight god-level accounts. Even if we can't get a BOSS in the last two days, we won't lose too much, right? They are so deliberate Dealing with us is just to reduce our income a little bit, it's a very pitiful thing to think about." Before the start of the carnival, Xin Yi said with a smile.

The others laughed one after another. Indeed, this may seem like a way of self-comforting and spiritual victory, but it is also a fact.

So, in the following time, Zheng Qi and the others began to treat this day's carnival with the greatest enthusiasm.


Twelve hours later.

"You guys are really pestering me to death." Zheng Qi said to Xia Bo with a wry smile.

Xia Bo's smile was also forced: "There's no way, we didn't want to embarrass you..."

His partner Cheng Xuan, as well as Lian Fei and Zong Qinghua of Jianmang also had wry smiles on their faces.

As players who have no hope of creating a professional account, they don't have a sense of accomplishment now. However, it is not hopeless that they will go to the new area to create an account with other second-tier team members of the club next year. Under such circumstances, the guild alliance Requirements, they can only obey.

"You offended me, be careful!" Zheng Qi threatened the other party.

"That can't be helped." Lian Fei replied with a wry smile.

In addition to the four of them, there are five or six quasi-professional players from other clubs. They are all relatively young, and naturally they are not as entangled as Xia Bo and the others.

He spoke harshly to Xia Bo and the others, but looking back, Zheng Qi was a little worried—after today, he only got a total of six bosses, ten less than yesterday, how can he live this day.

"Let's go on like this, not to mention fifty. In two days we got a total of 22 bosses. If we don't get sixteen bosses tomorrow, Zheng Qi, you won't be able to break Meng Feifan's record..." Su Jing was a little sad said.

"Well, it doesn't really matter. I'm not particularly ambitious to break that record... The main reason is that I'm a little annoyed at being targeted by them." Zheng Qi replied.

The others nodded, and they were also very upset. Although the loss of these bosses did not affect them very much, being targeted like this is not a happy thing in itself.

"The last carnival, the last day of the carnival, we have to have a goal." Yixin Xiangfei said suddenly.

"What target?" Zheng Qi was taken aback.

"Get sixteen bosses." Yixin Xiangfei suddenly laughed.

"Brother Fei, you are so kind to me, I can't bear it." Zheng Qi laughed.

"Meng Feifei's record is only [-] bosses short of breaking it. Don't you feel tempted? Of course, there is no way to break it now. Only after reaching level [-] in the mythical area can he break his record. But if you don't do it right now If it is basic, then it is really impossible to break the record, so it is a pity." Yixin Xiangfei continued.

"I also want to break the record, but judging by today's situation, it's a bit difficult." Zheng Qi scratched his head and said in distress.

"Of course it's difficult to rely on the strength of our team alone. The opponent has four elite teams pestering us. Even if we can keep throwing them away while moving fast, it's still difficult to kill the boss in such a short gap. , because they will come directly to attack us when we are fighting the BOSS, so that the situation we encounter will be very difficult." Yixin Xiangfei said.

"You mean..." Zheng Qi seemed to have thought of something.

"Don't forget that we have a guild, and we have been helping them all along. Now, it's time for the guys in the guild to make some contributions." Xin Xiangfei said calmly.

"How do you contribute?" Zheng Qi looked expectantly and wanted to fly.

"In the carnival before, other members of the guild only needed to report the route of the boss and other elite teams at any time, right?" Yixin Xiangfei asked.

"Yes." Zheng Qi nodded.

"That's it. When we fight the boss, the nearby guild players will come to support. If those guys still want to interfere with us, other people will rush up and beat them!"

"I can't beat..." Zheng Qi said helplessly. In the ordinary area, the operation of quasi-professional players can be said to have an overwhelming advantage, especially in field PK. No matter how many ordinary players there are, it is difficult to deal with quasi-professional players. Only in the mythical area, those elite teams can rely on the advantage of numbers to kill professional players once or twice...

"You don't need to kill them, just pester them. It only takes a few minutes for us to fight a boss, and they don't need to spend too much time." Yi Xiangfei replied.

Zheng Qi's eyes lit up.

"Oh, this is fine. Why didn't I think of such a simple countermeasure? Why didn't you say it earlier?" Zheng Qi said with a sigh.

He wanted to fly, his face darkened: "I just thought of it just now."

"It's not your fault, Brother Fei. We are all the kind of great men who have outstanding personal abilities and only want to shoulder responsibilities instead of dragging others down." There is a look of sympathy.

"Boss, can you not disgust us?" Chaotic Knife said.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, and I said that I am a great man..." Xinyi complained.

Su Jing looked at Zheng Qi with a smile, but didn't say much.

"That's it, tell Lao Jiangshan and Lao Suifeng, let them talk to other members... Maybe it will affect their upgrade efficiency, but there is no way, it's the last day, our goal is , Get sixteen bosses!" Zheng Qi waved his arms and said loudly.

Yes, the new district, which is the last day of the carnival, needs to work hard. Next, the new district will not be as lively as it is now. Those who are outstanding will go to the mythical district. Those who want to start over will go to the next new district. Those who stay , probably less than a quarter of the current players.

Every new district will go through such a road.

It's the last day, and it's not a big problem for the players of the guild to pay a little more.

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