football era

Chapter 167

The days continued to pass day by day. For the members of the second team of the various clubs who worked hard in District 108, they now have another fun, that is to ravage the elite team of the extraordinary guild every day, or watch them being beaten by others. to ravage...

Before the start of the carnival, the Extraordinary Guild team almost got a draw in the first friendly match, but the [-]-[-] match did not make their subsequent results any better.

In every friendly match, the opponents will fight against them very seriously. In this way, their weaknesses will be exposed more severely. At the same time, under the opponent's targeted tactics, it is often difficult to bring out their characteristics.

For such a situation, except for Zheng Qihe who wanted to fly, the others would inevitably feel a little frustrated. However, what made them a little strange was that after each game, few people from the opponent laughed or ridiculed them anymore. It is normal to chat with them a few words, talk about their problems in performance, and then talk about a few idle words...

"Hey, how did these guys start to become friendly? Could it be that they are about to go to the mythical zone and feel that parting is at night, so they want to make a good impression on each other?" After the end of the day's game, Zheng Qi wondered Say something.

"You're not a big beauty, if you are, it's justified." Dynamic Guangbo couldn't help laughing: "Did you have some unknown relationship with them before?"

"How is it possible, these guys are all members of the frivolous club today. We have never even fought with them before, and we have no complaints. Let alone talk about unknown relationships. I think they must think that we will be in the future. It has a bright future, so please flatter us in advance." Zheng Qi chuckled.

Others hissed to express their contempt for Zheng Qi's cheekyness, but Zheng Qi didn't care at all, he was used to it.

But what even Zheng Qi himself didn't expect was that his guess, to some extent, was actually true.

The three quasi-professional players in the frivolous elite team are led by Xia Lie. As the frivolous club's most promising quasi-professional players, Xia Lie and his two partners, Yuan Cong and Zhang Zheng, are also facing a big problem, that is, their The accounts created in the new area are still far from professional standards...

"Brother Xia, why did you have to be so polite to Ren Pingsheng and those guys just now?" Although Yuan Cong has the word Cong in his name, his personality is relatively simple, so I don't understand why Xia Lie treated Zheng Qike earlier. You are very polite.

You must know that although the frivolous club guild has no conflict with the extraordinary guild, the elite teams of both sides miraculously did not steal the boss from each other in the previous carnival, but as a member of the original club guild, so many were forcibly snatched away by the extraordinary guild. It is impossible to have no opinion on the Extraordinary Guild.

After all, although the Extraordinary Guild did not confront them head-on, it was precisely because the Extraordinary Guild snatched too many bosses that they encountered more intense competition.

Although they are not as unlucky as Lian Fei and Zong Qinghua, who are almost sure not to be able to get a role with [-] points, but they are at most a role in the early [-]s. I am afraid that it will be difficult to get opportunities. Frivolous is a mid-lower club. The main task every year is to keep relegation, and the situation is very dangerous every year. Under such circumstances, it is naturally more difficult to let go of young people, unless the role of young people Really tough.

"I'm not only doing it for myself... Anyway, our head coach has always been very optimistic about me. I only got an account in the early [-]s, and it's not like I don't have a chance to enter the first team. But what about you two? Can you enter the first team? "Xia Lie asked back.

Yuan Cong and Zhang Zheng were silent at the same time. They naturally knew that among this group of youth team members, Xia Lie was the most promising. His operation level was indeed higher than the two of them. The position is also relatively lacking in the club, and the chances of going to the first team will not be too small, but for the two of them, if the roles are not good enough, the chances of entering the first team will be relatively small.

"Boss, I know you are good to us, but what does it have to do with today's matter?" Zhang Zheng also asked inexplicably.

Looking at these two guys with confused faces, Xia Lie sighed. These two guys were really kind to him in the second team, and they really admired him, but why don't they like to use their brains? Not bad...

"Think about it, we are not too young, and the young people below come up one after another. If we can't make it to the first team this year, I'm afraid we will have to go to the first-tier team to find opportunities. With your level, It's okay to go to the first-tier team, but what's the point of going to the first-tier team?" Xia Lie continued.

Both Yuan Cong and Zhang Zheng were silent. Although the two of them don't like to use their brains very much, as members of the youth training of a super team, they naturally know that there may be more opportunities to go to low-level clubs. However, if the role is not good enough, then maybe they will stay forever In the first-level team, even if there is a chance to be favored by the super team, weak characters will not have any important position in the super team.

The two of them may not have great ambitions, but at least they are still young and don't want to waste their careers in the First Division.

Of course, there are many professional players with limited talents who spent their careers in low-level leagues. There are a large number of such players who have built the foundation of professional games, but since they have already had a good start, why? Not longing for a little more?

"Maybe the Extraordinary Guild will form a team to compete in professional competitions." Xia Lie seemed to divert the topic to other aspects.

"No way, do they have such big ambitions?" Yuan Cong was taken aback.

These days, it is already very difficult to form a new team to attack the top league. Although the Chinese league currently has only two professional levels, it is extremely difficult to attack the Super League as a new team. There are many consortiums in China now, but there are no consortiums with overwhelming financial resources. Everyone is on the same level. Even if there is a consortium that wants to enter the top league, it is impossible to build a luxury team directly by spending money to hit the Super League. , can only operate slowly-there are many teams in the first division league that are also top-level consortiums, but they are always unable to enter the top league.

"They already have a pretty good foundation... The Extraordinary Guild already has such a big advantage in the new area. Although the disadvantage cannot be made up for in a short time after entering the mythical area, it is not impossible, if they have enough financial resources. , The club's first-team material needs can be met through acquisitions, and what the new team lacks the most is not these things, but excellent players and a strong account." Xia Lie explained carefully: "This is The most difficult team to form, after all, outstanding top league players, their income is very high, this income is not provided by the club, but brought by their own popularity and sufficient exposure in the professional league stage , so no matter how rich they are, it is difficult to recruit outstanding top league players to the secondary leagues, and this problem is not a big problem for Extraordinary Guild."

No matter how dull Yuan Cong and Zhang Zheng are, they still know what Xia Lie's words mean—with Extraordinary Guild's ability to grab bosses, they will be able to maintain their advantage in the next new area for at least another year. A more outstanding account, with such an account as the axis and core, it is really not difficult to form a competitive team.

"If you can't get into the frivolous first team, then instead of going to a first-tier team, you might as well join the Extraordinary Guild and sacrifice a year to create a good account. After gaining fame, whether it is to stay in the Extraordinary Guild or transfer to a super team, it will be much better than staying in the frivolous, so it is not a disadvantage to have a good relationship with them now, you understand ?” Xia Lie continued.

"Understood, but boss, what if the Extraordinary Guild doesn't have this idea?" Zhang Zheng asked.

"That's nothing more than Bai approaching, what loss can there be?" Xia Lie asked back.

"Boss really has done his best. We are really lucky to be by his side." Yuan Cong praised sincerely.

"It goes without saying that it's fate that we can join the new zone together. I can help you think about it. Of course I will, but I can't help you much. I'm just a member of the second team. .” Xia Lie waved his hand like a big brother.

Xia Lie does have such a demeanor, but many quasi-professional players in other clubs all play the same idea as Xia Lie.

After all, Extraordinary Guild's messing around in the new area caused the losses of other clubs to be insignificant. However, for the club, what they lost was nothing more than a few members of the second team who failed to create good characters. In fact, the loss was not much. It's not too big, but for these players personally, it means that they have to delay for a year!

Although one year seems to be nothing, Fu Lei wasted ten years before being terminated by the club. However, it is the first division after all. The first division team does not have many talents, and the tolerance for players is relatively high. On the contrary, it is the Super League The team has a better talent echelon reserve. If they can't create a good role after a year or two, they will probably be abandoned by the club.

Under such circumstances, many quasi-professional players, especially those slightly older and close to 20 years old, began to worry about their future.

There will always be no shortage of smart people in this world. The characteristics of the Extraordinary Guild, in the eyes of these people, will undoubtedly become a possible new way out in the future.

This is also the reason why during this period of competition, Zheng Qi and the others began to gain more and more goodwill.

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