football era

Chapter 164 Growing Up While Being Abused

That night, the members of the Extraordinary Guild Elite Team were all thinking about their own shortcomings.

In terms of personal ability, the elite team of the Extraordinary Guild is indeed outstanding, but in the field of competition, this alone is not enough.

Professional competition is a very complicated thing - e-sports itself is very complicated, but in the past, e-sports relied more on talent, a talented player may have a professional level after training for a period of time, this is different from football Athletes are different. Even if a football player is talented, he cannot compete professionally without more than ten years of professional training.

The current football era is closer to football games.

Talent can allow a player to quickly develop an excellent level, but the overall game can not only rely on talent, but also requires experience, as well as tactical cooperation and coordination. For example, if you are an excellent attacker, but you go Changfeng may not have a chance, because Changfeng already has the top attacker, Lu Xiaotian, and they don't need to put another attacker to disrupt the balance of the overall team—unless this attacker is much better than Lu Xiaotian.

For a team to achieve outstanding results, in addition to excellent players, it also needs a balanced lineup and an excellent head coach to strategize.

This point is very different from e-sports. The key is that e-sports generally has a maximum of five people. It is easy to establish a tacit understanding with each other. However, the more people there are, the more difficult it is to have a tacit understanding. Established - It may only take a few days for two people to establish a tacit understanding, and the three people will grow exponentially, and they will melt into each other, like arms and fingers. The more people there are, the harder it is to master.

Otherwise, why in ancient times, the most important sign of judging whether a general is outstanding is how many soldiers he can lead, otherwise there would be no Han Xin ordering troops, and the more the better.

The fusion between eleven people is of course more difficult than the fusion between five people.

The Era of Football has shortened the time to train players very well, but in other respects, there will still be no change.

One night's pondering, of course, would not change anything, so when they faced Changfeng's elite team the next day, they suffered another disastrous defeat.

This time the loss was better, only four goals were conceded, but considering that there were only three quasi-professional players in Changfeng, losing four goals was also a shameful thing.

"You guys don't know how to fight at all." He Jing said it very bluntly after the game.

"It's okay, just keep fighting slowly, and we will fight." Zheng Qi replied.

"If this continues, it will be very difficult for you to enter the professional team." He Jing was very kind.

"Shouldn't there be tactical training arrangements for rookies entering the professional team?" Zheng Qi asked.

"It's very important people who have special arrangements. Ordinary players don't have such considerate arrangements." He Jing smiled helplessly. As a young player of Changfeng, he naturally knows what it's like to be a substitute in a top club.

Every player who can play the main force in a top club, except for a small number of players who were favored by everyone in their youth and considered geniuses, will receive special treatment immediately after entering the first team. Which of the other players is not Relying on one's own hard work and luck, and showing one's self-worth at the right opportunity, can one obtain the precious main position?Bin Shiqiang who took several years to become the main force is certainly a special case, but it does not take a year or two to become the main force, which is also a special case.

Get the opportunity to enter the first team, follow the training honestly, show your value in the training, and then fill the vacancy in the team at the right opportunity, so as to obtain the main position. This is what most of the first team main players must go through environment.

One's own strength is the most reliable - this is especially evident in the football era.

"Grassroots players like you have the biggest weakness in this aspect. I hope you can make up for this shortcoming." He Jing didn't make it very clear, but Zheng Qi and the others understood what he meant.

Professional players who come from youth training will know more about what kind of talents the club needs. If they are not good at this aspect, they will not have the opportunity to enter the first team. On the entire chessboard, they are just pawns who can show their talents A pawn of value is useful.

As for the grassroots players, the biggest flaw is that they don't know this, or in other words, it is difficult for them to display their abilities smoothly.

After all, no matter how capable you are, you can't solve everything by yourself. The club you go to may not be suitable for you. Many grassroots players with potential have lost their own standards in the process of constant search.

Day three, day four...

The Extraordinary Guild Elite Team will challenge a game every day. This kind of game density is naturally much better than the professional team, but for them who do not have a suitable training method, they will also have a huge improvement in the challenge of a strong enemy.

Looking for shortcomings in failure is the fastest progress, and although they lose miserably every game, they have also begun to gradually understand the position selection of professional players.

Although this kind of understanding is very superficial, it can still point out the basic direction for them. Under such circumstances, they start to truly move from a player to a professional player.

Everyone was very unhappy being abused, but everyone knew that such experience was a must if one really wanted to become a professional player.

If you don't have such experience, even if you join a professional team, it will take a long time to adapt.

So even the extremely proud guy who wants to fly and can't stand failure accepts a fiasco every day without complaint.

Twenty professional clubs, twenty teams of quasi-professional players.

In total, there are at least sixty or seventy quasi-professional players.

Although these quasi-professional players may end up with only a dozen or so players who can gain a foothold in the first team, they are all strong enough to fight against them, allowing Zheng Qi and the others to feel a little bit of the atmosphere and environment of professional games in advance.

"What an unpleasant experience."

After losing the game again, Zheng Qi sighed.

Wanting to fly is very proud, Zheng Qi is not proud.

It's just that Zheng Qi's pride is in his heart, which is different from the pride of wanting to fly.

After playing so many games, without winning a game, and scoring very few goals, Zheng Qi is indeed quite upset.

Although they will continue to lose like this, due to factors such as their incomplete lineup and their inability to adapt to the game, Zheng Qi still feels unhappy.

In the past ten days, most of the professional club elite teams have met once, but they have suffered disastrous defeats. Many of them lost to them in the boss fight. Can't get it, it's even hard to get a goal, which makes Zheng Qi calm down.

However, Zheng Qi is not a brainless person. He can see that although they still lose every game, they have gradually been able to play certain routines in the game...

Now Zheng Qi and his team have gradually divided into different levels. Xin Xiangfei is good at frontal assaults, and Zheng Qi is good at seizing opportunities. Crazy Knife can also roam around to create opportunities. As for the others, their most suitable position is to be responsible for defense and assistance, helping these four people to launch the attack.

Finally, after a 16-game losing streak, No. [-] games, against the Thunder, they once had the upper hand in the game. Zheng Qihe Yixin Xiangfei gave the Extraordinary Guild the lead twice, and then withstood the Thunder. It was only at the last moment that there was a mistake in the defense. The Thunder scored two goals in a row and lost [-]-[-].

Although the game was lost, the morale of the Extraordinary Guild team was greatly boosted—this was the first time they had taken the lead in the game since more than a dozen games, and it was also the first time they scored two points in the game. Ball, and at the same time for the first time in the game only lost one ball!

Although it seems a bit useless to be happy for this kind of thing, but progress is always something to be happy about, isn't it?
The Thunder, who won the game, were quite upset.

"We were too loose in the game!" Xia Bo said to his teammates after the game: "Facing such a team, we can only narrowly win in the end, not because they performed well, but because we did not perform well enough! "

"Not necessarily. Their performance has improved a lot compared to the previous performance. We have indeed underestimated the enemy, but their progress is indeed very fast." Cheng Xuan expressed different opinions.

Xia Bo, ID Dan Xinjue, position attacker, Cheng Xuan, ID holding a sword in his arms, position support, the two of them are the core of the Thunder elite team, and they are also one of the only two quasi-professional players.

Their strength is indeed relatively weak among the teams that have recently played against Zheng Qi and the others. This may be one of the key factors for Zheng Qi and the others to achieve a not-to-be-disgraced defeat...

"What do you mean?" Xia Bo frowned.

"They have started to have a routine, although it is only a very superficial routine, but at least they did not rush up and down in a swarm, and finally lost to us, and it was just because they couldn't do a good job defensively. It's really not bad, maybe they will become teammates in the future." Cheng Xuan sighed and said.

Hearing this, Xia Bo's face turned ugly. The Thunder is a mid-range team, but their overall lineup is relatively balanced. Although the main force rarely has god-level players, such a stable lineup makes it difficult for the players of the second team Whatever chance they got, the chances of Xia Bo and Cheng Xuan not being in the front line were very high. If there were so many competitors, it would be even more difficult.

This is also the reason why Xia Bo is so angry. You must know that if you can win this game well, it will be an option for extra points in the future. After all, Zheng Qi and the others are very famous among the high-level professional clubs...

"Don't force it too much, face up to the opponent's strength, don't forget, our goal is to become a professional player!" Cheng Xuan patted Xia Bo on the shoulder.

Xia Bo nodded slightly, but he thought in his heart that Cheng Xuan is actually his competitor...

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