football era

Chapter 163

In a professional game, the arrangement before a game starts is very complicated.

First of all, we must arrange our own lineup. Even professional players, there are not many players who are all-round. If there is a player with excellent assault ability, others have to assist him better. For example, Lu Xiaotian usually plays the role in the club Assaulter's task, then the task of others is simple, intercepting the opponent's interference, so that Lu Xiaotian can give full play to his assault ability to solve the battle.

Of course, all the teams know this, so apart from Lu Xiaotian, the other Changfeng players will also take on the heavy responsibility of attacking, using Lu Xiaotian to attract the opponent's firepower, and others to complete the final blow-and their opponents will also be based on These responses come in response, so that just the collision of tactics between the two sides can bring a very high visual enjoyment.

No matter what, any team, even an amateur team, will have such a tactical arrangement. At least the three lines must be clearly distinguished, so that they can be targeted in the game instead of fighting indiscriminately.

But Zheng Qi and the others are fighting like this now.

So after entering the arena, even though there were two players with outstanding personal abilities, Zheng Qihe Yixiangfei, they were quickly suppressed by Liu Shibo and the others.

The six quasi-professional players in Nanguo's team are actually defensive players - this has something to do with the characteristics of Nanguo. Among their first-team members, there are quite a lot of top offensive players, although there are no superstars like Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze , but there are a group of very good offensive players, but their defense seems to have some problems, so under Chen Feng's conscious training, the second team is currently optimistic about defensive players.

A team has obvious weaknesses. In fact, it is not terrible. Having weaknesses means that they can improve very well. Nanguo can choose to introduce promising defensive champions in the market, or they can consciously cultivate them. Now, Chen Feng has spent a few dollars. The young defensive players cultivated over the years have begun to take shape. Although there is a saying that offense requires passion, defense requires stability, and older defensive players are more trustworthy. However, if a group of defensive players are filled in from the second team at the same time, At least in terms of tacit understanding, they have no influence.

Ever since, in front of the line of defense led by Liu Shibo, Zheng Qi's attack was repeatedly frustrated.

Offensive can't open the situation, but Nanguo's counterattack is constantly scoring goals. Zheng Qi's card selection is mostly offensive, and many people are not used to only ten hero cards can be used , There will often be situations where skills can't keep up, and you can only watch the opponent continue to score goals.

"Hahahahaha, it's so cool!"

Wu Xun's unhappiness before the start of the match had already been wiped away. Looking at Zheng Qi's embarrassed appearance, Wu Xun's anger brought about by his continuous losses to them had all been swept away, replaced by incomparable Refreshing.

"Do you know how powerful professional players are! If you want to catch up with us, it will take ten light years!"

Wu Xun laughed heartily at Zheng Qi and the others, while Zheng Qi and the others looked unhappy but couldn't say anything.

After one game, Nanguo, who tried his best, beat the elite team of the Extraordinary Guild into a sieve.

Let alone conceding six goals, there are two excellent attackers, Zheng Qihe and Yixiangfei, but they ate a duck egg from the boss during the offense. This made Zheng Qi extremely aggrieved, thinking about it. Fei's face is also very ugly. Although he also uses the system avatar, you can feel just from the resentment that he radiates, how unhappy he is just thinking about Fei at the moment...

"Friendship first, friendship first." Wu Xun shook hands with the members of the Extraordinary Guild one by one, with a smile on his face. Although the smile seemed hypocritical, after all, he took the initiative to shake hands, and the members of the Extraordinary Guild were also embarrassed. what to say...

"You guys are doing well, keep going." When Wu Xun found Zheng Qi to shake hands with him, Zheng Qi patted Wu Xun on the shoulder and replied.

Wu Xun, who had been extremely happy, immediately became disgusted as if he had eaten a fly—what does this mean?We performed well, let's continue to work hard in the future?Who actually won?

"I accidentally hit you six balls, I'm really sorry!" Wu Xun decided to emphasize it again.

"For a friendly match, our average age is older than you, so it's good to let young people." Zheng Qi replied.

Wu Xun vomited blood and ran away. He really couldn't be as shameless as Zheng Qi. He obviously couldn't beat him and lost six goals, but he could still say that he gave in to the opponent.

It's really hard to say anything more, do you want to provoke publicly?Even if word got out that my group of quasi-professionals had won against an amateur team, no matter how much they won, there was nothing to be proud of...

Liu Shibo smiled, and didn't say much, instead he had a high opinion of Zheng Qi in his heart.

Zheng Qi's performance like this can certainly be said to be shameless, but from the side view, isn't it a proof of his extremely strong psychological quality?
Novices should not be afraid of being abused. Only being abused can they have the opportunity to grow up. Doing things in the game and performing well in professional competitions are two different things. How can such a disastrous experience not become a valuable asset in the future?

After Liu Shibo and others left, Zheng Qi sighed.

"It seems that we have to review the game today."

Hearing Zheng Qi's words, the others nodded. The game was too chaotic. They had no experience in the game and they rushed up and down in a swarm. There were loopholes everywhere. The other party couldn't grasp it.

"For this match... I think the biggest responsibility lies with Uncle Meng!" Zheng Qi said.

The others were taken aback at the same time - can this be found?

"As our coach and the person who is most familiar with professional games, Uncle Meng didn't tell us how to play a game or how to arrange the lineup. This is unforgivable! With our strength, if If you know how to play the game, it is impossible not to score a single goal, don’t you think so?” Zheng Qi continued.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, including their desire to fly, but when they thought about it carefully, what they said really made sense—they didn't know how to compete before, and Butler Meng never mentioned this aspect, so If you look at it, it is true that Butler Meng has to bear a lot of responsibility...

"I admit that I was wrong, and I'm sorry everyone." Butler Meng also stood up solemnly, expressing guilt: "However, I thought that with your talents and abilities, even without such guidance, I would be able to I know how to play, but in the end I read it wrong, and I have to take responsibility for this miserable loss!"

"Uncle Meng, you are looking down on us by saying that. That's right, with our ability, even without guidance, we can find our own shortcomings and determine our position!" Zheng Qi waved his fist.

"Really? But let me give you some pointers and tell you what position you should play." Meng Butler said.

"No, no, you old man can use coaching skills on the sidelines. What position to play and what tactics to use, we just have to think about it. Everyone has the video of this game? Go back and think about it, think about the game Where I can’t keep up, what hero card is more suitable for me, and what position is more suitable for me to play.” Zheng Qi said.

The double spring of the old and the young is so obvious that even the dullest person can see that something is wrong-is this a provocative method?

However, although it is a very clumsy aggressive method, it also makes other people feel that there seems to be nothing wrong with doing so.

Only when you know your shame can you be brave, not to mention that it is easier to choose a hero and position that suits you than others tell you what position is suitable for you.

You can't grow without being abused. After being abused, you can think about your own shortcomings and make up for them, so that you can grow better.

"Boss is right, if we think about it ourselves, we don't believe that we can't figure out the path that suits us!"

Chaotic Knife yelled loudly, and then took a dissatisfied look at Butler Meng whom he had respected before...

The others were speechless again, even the blind could see that Zheng Qi and Butler Meng did this on purpose, it was a bit of a joke, but the Chaotic Knife took it seriously...

"Well, that's it, everyone go down and think about it, and see how everyone has improved in tomorrow's game." Zheng Qi nodded.

"Has tomorrow's opponent come out? What team is it?" Yixin Xiangfei asked.

"Oh, those guys from Changfeng, I asked Banyue Shan, and he agreed." Zheng Qi replied.

Banyue Shan is He Jing's ID. Obviously, although Zheng Qi and the others made troubles everywhere before, they also met many guys that ordinary players would never know. We already know each other, and it's really not difficult to find someone to play a friendly match with.

Even if someone rejects Zheng Qi's request because he doesn't like him, there will still be more people who will agree to Zheng Qi's request for a friendly match. As long as the thinking is close to Liu Shibo, you will know that this is a good way to investigate Ren Pingsheng and Yixin. Want to fly the opportunity to level.

A quasi-professional player with ambition and long-term vision naturally knows that this is a very good deal. It is just a friendly match. Experience, will always be useful in the future.

At the same time, it can be expected that when news of Zheng Qi's poor performance spreads, those quasi-professional players who don't want to fight Zheng Qi and the others will also have fun—after all, in the carnival, Zheng Qi and the others offended many people Go ahead, there's a legitimate chance to abuse them that no one will turn down!

To put it bluntly, it is just a sentence, the Extraordinary Guild is too hated in the new area, and if there is a chance to abuse them, of course everyone will seem happy, it's just a friendly match, and it's not a fight with anyone.

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