football era

Chapter 162

Liu Shibo is indeed straightforward and easy to talk to.

After Zheng Qi contacted him and explained his intentions, Liu Shibo quickly agreed to the request to play a friendly match. The time was set to be ten against ten in the arena after dinner at eight o'clock tonight. contest.

The arena is a separate space in the football era, where you can compete with any opponent randomly, that is to say, players in the normal area can also compete with players in the mythical area to check your own level. In fact, the players in the arena The challenge score is also a very important evaluation for players. The winning rate and the number of victorious games can be qualified to enter the mythical zone-although the requirements are not very high. At least a basic level is required.

However, this kind of multiplayer contest is not included in the record of hitting the mythical zone. Under such circumstances, multiplayer contests will be held for pure fun, or some ordinary amateur teams will fight against each other. Friendly match, train about the atmosphere of the official match.

So Wu Xun is not very willing to play such a game. In his opinion, this is a waste of time. The elite team of the Extraordinary Guild is very good. What a good fight...

But now this elite team is talking about Liu Shibo, and Liu Shibo agreed, so he can only participate in this friendly confrontation reluctantly.

At eight o'clock in the evening, in a room that had been agreed in advance, both parties showed up on time.

"How to play? Is it the same as a professional game?" Liu Shibo got straight to the point.

"Well, that's it." Zheng Qi nodded, looking very mature.

"Then who chooses the map?" Liu Shibo asked. This question is very important. In professional games, there is always a big gap between home and away games. Once the home and away games are set, the biggest advantage of the home game is that you can choose your own map. This is an extremely huge advantage-there are many maps in Football Era, and the situation of each map is different, and there will be various factors. Considering the performance of both sides, this is a very important advantage. Many weak teams try their best to win in the home map, and the overturning of strong teams is basically in the away game instead of the home game.

Things like home dragons and away games are not uncommon in professional games in the football era.

Of course, games like the Super Cup, the China Cup final, the East Asian Cup and the World Cup are all drawn randomly by the system, and there is no distinction between home and away games. This can also test the overall quality of a club.

"I heard there is a word called random drawing?" Zheng Qi asked.

"You know quite a lot." Liu Shibo nodded: "But that will test your experience. Are you really sure that this will put you in a better state? To put it bluntly, our experience It is much richer than you, we can consider handing over the map selection right to you, but we have to choose among the ten maps we pointed out."

"It doesn't matter, we are full of confidence in our own experience!" Zheng Qi said confidently.

"...That's how it is." Liu Shibo replied speechlessly. He originally wanted to give the other party more preferential treatment, but Zheng Qi didn't want it.

"Do you want to start corrections? Our level is three levels higher than yours. The level of heroes is also higher." Liu Shibo continued to ask.

"What is revision?" Zheng Qi asked back.

"...The correction is to bring the hero level and level of both sides to the top, and the attribute points are also equalized. This is more fair." Liu Shibo was speechless again.

"Oh, you don't need to turn on the correction. Your level is high, and our attributes are high. Everyone is about the same." Zheng Qi replied with a smile.

Then there is nothing to say, the two sides go back to prepare for this friendly match.

"Why don't you get the right to choose the map? It's very important in professional competitions!" Chaotic Knife asked Zheng Qi in a low voice.

"What's the use of taking it? They designated ten pictures. Those ten pictures must be very familiar to them. What about us? We don't have a single familiar picture. It's better to rely on luck." Zheng Qi shrugged: "In this respect We are indeed weak, so it is more fair to choose a map randomly, so I won’t be fooled.”

"I don't think Liu Shibo looks so scheming." Xin said after wandering for a while.

"I don't think he is so scheming either. He probably doesn't know that we are not familiar with any pictures..." Zheng Qi replied.

The others were speechless, but after thinking about it, they realized that this might really be the case...

"Boss Liu, I still don't think it's interesting to fight them." Wu Xun said listlessly.

"Really? What do you think, Ren Pingsheng and Yixin want to fly, what is the level of these two people?" Liu Shibo asked Wu Xun.

"The two of them... are still very strong." Wu Xun had to admit this.

"Do they have a chance to enter the professional team? Could they be our opponents or teammates?" Liu Shibo continued to ask.

"Very likely..." Wu Xun admitted again.

"So what's wrong with getting acquainted with them now? It's just a friendly match, maybe it will play a big role in the future." Liu Shibo finally said.

Wu Xun had to admit that Liu Shibo did think in the long term, at least in terms of a professional player's thinking, his thinking is very long-term, no wonder the head coach Chen Feng will train him as a future captain...

After getting ready, both sides entered the map of the game at the same time.

The map appeared 5 minutes before the start of the game, which gave both sides a time to get to know each other.

Zheng Qi and the others are very unfamiliar with the map, but they have a coach on the sidelines.

Liu Fengxing was on the other side of the coach's bench, and turned his head to look at Butler Meng. Liu Fengxing had always been curious about the head coach of the Extraordinary Guild.

He is the coach of the youth team in Southland. He is not a particularly outstanding coach, but he has his own level.

However, in several encounters, as a coach, he was completely overwhelmed by Sui Wannianbo. Although the elite team in the southern country still won a few games, as a coach, he lost to Suiwannianbo.

More importantly, he invited Sui Sui Bo to join Nanguo from the very beginning. He felt that such a coach would not be able to be Nanguo's head coach—mainly because Nanguo still has Chen Feng—but he could be a youth coach or assistant at will. Coach, that's not a problem at all.

However, Sui Sui Bo directly rejected him without even asking about the remuneration, which made Liu Fengxing feel very strange - working as a coach in a professional club, especially a top club like Nanguo, earns much more than ordinary people, The point is that this is a very decent profession to say the least!
What kind of guy would be able to remain unmoved in front of such an invitation?
As a coach, Liu Fengxing doesn't have any jealousy - a coach with a jealous heart can't do well under a tough head coach like Chen Feng, so he feels a little curious about the old age, and today he also wants to see It depends on the level of command at the end of the year. If the command level is excellent, then it is reasonable to dismiss Nanguo's invitation - no one wants to be a head coach with commanding ability under Chen Feng. One of the best head coaches in China is not very old, only in his 40s, and there will be no problem at all in coaching for another 20 years. If he works under him, he will be suppressed to death.

"I'll go, this map looks very dangerous." Looking at the map in front of him, Zheng Qi couldn't help muttering.

What appeared in front of him was a magnificent picture.

On the big river, countless Mengchong are connected, but a fire has already ignited, and the raging fire illuminates the already dark sky.

"The big map, the Battle of Chibi." Yixin Xiangfei sighed.

"Do you know this map?" Zheng Qi asked.

"I don't know the specifics, but be careful of the flames on the boat during the game, which will cause continuous damage." Xin Xiangfei replied.

"Then just be careful." Zheng Qiman didn't care.

"In some places, flames will burst out randomly, causing great damage and also slowing down the speed." Butler Meng's voice came from outside the arena.

"So scary?" Zheng Qi was taken aback.

"That's right, so this map is usually not selected for home and away games. However, it has a high probability of appearing in the random map of the cup match. Professional clubs can only try to be familiar with it." Yixin Xiangfei explained.

"Then stop talking nonsense, let's go!" Zheng Qi waved his fist.

"Just like this?" Yixin Xiangfei asked in surprise.

"Otherwise?" Zheng Qi continued to ask.

"I have to arrange the location, choose ten cards..." Yixin Xiangfei replied helplessly.

"You can just choose what you are most familiar with, what position should you arrange?" Zheng Qi continued to be confused.

"Of course it can't be like this. You have to arrange everyone's position. Someone is responsible for interception, someone is responsible for output, and someone is responsible for offense... Otherwise, it will be a mess. Otherwise, why do you arrange forwards, midfielders and defenders in professional games? ?” Yixin Xiangfei patted his forehead.

"I thought they were trying to keep the tradition..." Zheng Qi replied.

"Of course not. The defender is mainly responsible for intercepting the opponent's attack, so that the offensive players of their side can better launch the attack, the midfielder is responsible for supporting, and the striker is responsible for solving the final blow... This is the most basic approach, otherwise it will be a swarm. Of course, the position on the field can also be blurred, but that is the tactical details, and we are too sloppy team..." Yixin Xiangfei smiled wryly again.

"It's okay, it's just a friendly match anyway, let's play first, just play according to the rhythm we are used to." Zheng Qi waved his hand: "Even if we lose, so what, if we don't get abused, how can we grow!"

"Boss' words make sense!" Chaotic Knife came out to help.

"Then let's do this first." Yixin Xiangfei said helplessly.

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