football era

Chapter 165 The Last Chance

After playing sixteen games in a row, Zheng Qi and his team challenged other teams, or sent them to their door to be abused, temporarily stopped - this was not because they didn't want to be abused anymore, but because the carnival had begun...

Before the full level, there are only two carnivals left in the new area, which can be said to be one less time. In front of the carnival, it can be said that everything is secondary.

Now that Zheng Qi and his team have obtained extra attribute points, it can be predicted that after level [-], their attribute points will be close to [-] points, and Zheng Qi, who has obtained the most extra attribute points, is now stable. They were able to get a god-level account with [-] points steadily—in fact, more than that, because in the next two carnivals, they would never fail to get any extra attribute points!
A total of ten characters with god-level accounts... This will indeed cause a sensation in the entire league. After all, in previous years, it would be enough to have four or five god-level accounts in a new district, and they are still distributed in several clubs—— After all, the attribute points that everyone can grab in the carnival are almost the same. The main thing is to compete for the record of each dungeon to determine the superiority, and then it depends on luck-it will never happen this year. Zheng Qi and the others almost monopolize the biggest The share situation, this has caused the consequence that the entire team is a god-level account...

If god-level accounts are so easy to get, there won't be so many god-level players in the league. After all, many players' operation skills are not too bad, and what is lacking is a strong account.

Of course, there are also average level players who perform better in the league because they have god-level accounts.

Generally speaking, there are only so many extra attribute points that can be obtained from the new district. If Zheng Qi and the others have obtained enough, others will naturally obtain less—so the competition for the next two carnivals will definitely be even more intense. intense.

This is probably also the biggest reason why in the previous friendly matches, the members of the second team of each club beat the elite team of the Extraordinary Guild to death—these guys are really too hated, and they robbed so many attribute points— —The point is that other people don’t talk about it. Ren Pingsheng’s level of operation is high, and with such an account, there is basically no problem entering the professional circle. People are grabbing attribute points for their own future, so naturally they can grab more Just grab more, everyone can understand this.

But there are other people in your team. Those guys are obviously not good enough to be a professional player, but they got god-level accounts one by one. How can we not make people jealous.

Since she is jealous, now that she meets her, there is only one sentence - beat him to death.

And after beating each other up, the elite teams of each club plan to work harder in the carnival. If they can't get a god-level account, they must at least get a standard professional account. There will be a delay of one year.

Don't look at how Liu Shibo's accounts are not bad. It's because they have a very strong level and have gained a lot of benefits in their personal and team records. Most of the quasi-professional players who are similar to them in the world have worked hard until now. After calculation, there is still a certain gap between them and their professional accounts...

You know, although theoretically an account with [-] points can be qualified to enter the professional arena, in fact, in the current professional arena, especially in the Super League, [-] points of attributes are no longer enough. A few can play a better role in the game.

Although there are many characters with [-] attributes in the current super team, these players are basically substitutes in the team. With the emergence of other newcomers, most of these people will be eliminated, but in the first-level competition , There are still many accounts of such characters, and many of them can also be the main force.

So in theory, these young players can go to the First Division to find their own position-but as long as they are human, who will put their ambitions in the First Division from the very beginning?
For Lian Fei and Zong Qinghua of Jianmang Club, they are quite depressed now.

As a member of the youth team of a mid-range club, it is actually very difficult for them to get ahead. Mid-range clubs often have no ambitions, so their biggest goal is not to be relegated. Under such circumstances, it is safe for them to use young players-Super The competition in the league is very cruel. If you don't pay attention, you may be relegated. To put it bluntly, there are [-] teams in the entire league. Except for five or six teams that are not afraid of relegation and belong to the championship group, the strength of the other teams is evenly matched. It's normal for anyone to win in the game. Naturally, you can use a good player if you can, and the environment for cultivating newcomers is not allowed-under such circumstances, it is naturally more difficult for newcomers to succeed.

On the contrary, these rookies are more likely to get opportunities in the first-tier teams. In fact, many mid-range clubs have little interest in cultivating new players. When they need to replenish their strength, they can just spend money to buy them.

As candidates for the second team this season, Lian Fei and Zong Qinghua originally had full hopes. They wanted to get a role that was as good as possible, and then waited for an opportunity in the first team. To do this, the role was Inevitably, even if you can't get a god-level account, you must at least hit an account with about 750 points to gain a foothold in the first team. If it is not possible, you need to have [-] points...

In terms of this goal, it is not difficult to achieve. After all, the opportunities for everyone in the new area are similar. As a mid-range club, after ten carnivals, you can always get seven or eight bosses each time. After this, ten carnivals, seven or eight Ten extra attribute points, better luck in other places, grab some record rewards and occasional drops from wild bosses, bump into hidden bosses, and an account with more than 700 points is not too difficult.

However, Ren Pingsheng was killed in the new area, and then a man who wanted to fly was killed. These two first grabbed a lot of dungeon record rewards, and then formed the Extraordinary Guild to grab a lot of money in the carnival...

The Extraordinary Guild has taken away nearly [-]% of the number of bosses so far. With such a monster organization suddenly added, the income of other guilds will naturally be greatly affected-of course, such an impact will not be average, it just depends on luck, good luck For example, Liu Shibo and He Jing have grabbed more bosses than usual, and many club teams have extremely rare bosses...

Lian Fei and Zong Qinghua are such unlucky ghosts.

So far, they have calculated that, excluding the rewards they can get in the next two carnivals, when they reach level 650, their character attribute points will be exhausted, which is [-] points.

This is still the case when their scattered attribute points are kept at [-] points.

That is to say, in the next two carnivals, if they can't grab fifty bosses, they can only choose to start all over again.

For rookies who have just debuted, it is not too difficult to start over. However, Lian Fei and Zong Qinghua are no longer rookies—they are both young, and ordinary professional players already have a chance at this age. Entering the first team - after all, at the age of 16, they can create a role in the new area. One year of good luck and two years of bad luck are already their third thoughts!
There is a saying in the professional league that if you can't make it to the first team, your career is basically over-although this is not absolute, it is an extremely common phenomenon.

The reason is simple—it is a more appropriate age to enter the first team. Generally speaking, ordinary players need one or two years to integrate into the team, and then wait for the opportunity. At the age of 20, there are more opportunities, and at the same time, they need to accumulate experience , In this case, it is possible to become the main force at the age of 22 and three years old, to hone for a year or two, to establish your position in the club, and to achieve some good performances when you are at the golden age of 24 and five years old.

However, if it is a few years later, by the time the chance to hit the honor, he will already be 27 or 30. Although there are many professional players in their [-]s who are still young and strong, those are basically geniuses who are young and successful...

At the age of 27, the main force was stabilized at the age of eight, so the effect it could play was too small.

What's more, for the club and the head coach, when they want to choose a player to enter the main lineup, will they choose a 21-year-old player, or a [-]-year-old player?
In the case of similar levels, of course, the younger the age, the greater the potential.

So Lian Fei and Zong Qinghua are also very anxious. Jianmang's main lineup is already solid, even if they get an account with 750 points, they can only play a substitute position, wait for the opportunity in the team, and then slowly get ahead Come on, so they want to get a character with at least [-] points in the first place, so the chances are better.

"Xiao Fei, work hard, we still have hope, don't give up!" Zong Qinghua encouraged his partner.

"Well, don't worry, I won't give up easily." Lian Fei nodded heavily. He and Zong Qinghua have a very close relationship. The two grew up together and were determined to become professional players. The two had suffered a lot to be able to enter the youth team of a top professional club like Jianmang, and they could also enter the new area to create accounts at the same time, which is enough to prove that their strength is indeed good.

However, sometimes, it is useless to rely on strength alone, and it depends on luck.

If they have not been able to create a good account for three consecutive years, then in the next year, the club will let other younger echelon members create accounts-although there are rumors that the club will let a group of ten people More young players will enter the new area, but there may not be a place for them, after all, they are already old, they are not considered young...

For Lian Fei and Zong Qinghua, the last two carnivals are their last chances. Otherwise, if they are terminated by the club, they may only be able to find a place in a first-tier team, and then continue to look for opportunities, but Such an opportunity, after all, will be even more slim.

"I hope you'll be lucky, and you won't meet those guys from the Extraordinary Guild." Lian Fei and Zong Qinghua prayed at the same time.

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