The charity activities Xu Feng mentioned are not empty words, he does them almost every month.

He will set aside at least one or two days every month to go to children's welfare homes in various places to do charity.

And every month, his account will automatically transfer 10 yuan to charities for those in need.

This weekend, it's Xu Feng's weekly charity event again.

Xu Feng, Lin Shuhao, Ding Yan Yuhang, and Nick Yang came to a children's welfare home in Los Angeles.

When they got here, the boys immediately recognized the stars and jumped up happily.

Because Xu Feng's fame is getting bigger and bigger, so they came to do charity this time, and several media came to follow them.

However, Xu Feng only kept the official media of the Lakers club, and persuaded everyone else to leave.

Because Xu Feng doesn't want to put on a show, he just needs to make a documentary for the club's officials, in order to set an example for other players.

The four of them first played basketball with the little boy in the orphanage, and then accompanied a few little girls to draw.

Then Xu Feng also checked the food here.

I have to say that this is the worst orphanage Xu Feng has ever been to. Xu Feng felt a little dissatisfied, so he raised his opinion.

The nuns in the orphanage are also very helpless. The address here is very remote, and the donations received are very few, so the funds are limited.

Moreover, children here are not picky, as long as they are needed, they will be accepted, so the conditions are not so good.

Xu Feng was very emotional. The orphanage did the right thing, but its ability was limited.

So Xu Feng resolutely decided to donate 200 million yuan to the orphanage, build a house for them, buy some toys for the children, and improve the diet.

Several other people also donated money, Lin Shuhao donated 20, Nick Young donated 20, Ding Yan Yuhang donated [-].

The Lakers Club officially donated 200 million.

In this way, the orphanage should become the largest orphanage in this area in the future.

The person in charge of the orphanage, an old nun, had tears in her eyes. She has been here silently for many years, and she has been unable to make ends meet. Now that she met Xu Feng and others, she was able to make ends meet.

The four of Xu Feng took a group photo with several nuns, and even took a group photo with the children.

On this day, although they were a bit tired and donated so much money, Xu Feng and the others felt that it was very meaningful.

Every time Xu Feng finishes positive energy activities, he feels in a good mood.


The Lakers' next game is at home against the Clippers.

The last time they played away against the Clippers, the Lakers won.

This year's Los Angeles duo are all aiming for the championship.

Paul has been in the league for many years, and this lineup is the most promising.

Griffin, Jordan, Redick, and Barnes are all top players in the league.

Coupled with the strongest point guard Paul, the past two years are indeed very promising.

But the sudden rise of the Lakers and Warriors, as well as the menacing Cavaliers and Rockets, made the future of the Clippers very bleak.

If the Clippers want to give fans and players confidence, the best way is to defeat the rival Lakers in the same city.

Because the Lakers are the most popular team now, as long as they beat the Lakers, the players' confidence will soar and the chemistry will be better.

So before this game, the Clippers held back their energy and conducted a lot of research on the Lakers' game videos.

The result of the research is that Xu Feng must be strangled to death!

As long as Xu Feng's offense is strangled, including his personal scoring and support, the Lakers will be in trouble.

However, strangling Xu Feng is not easy. Other teams in the league know to restrain Xu Feng, but few teams do it.

The Spurs did it last season, but Xu Feng has evolved, and the Lakers teammates are different from last season.

Kobe Bryant came back, with strong support inside and outside, the Lakers no longer count on Xu Feng to carry alone.

Therefore, according to the practices of last season, such as double-teaming, it is definitely useless.

The Clippers coaching staff studied for many days and finally worked out a way to deal with Xu Feng.

The Clippers also conducted targeted training, just waiting for this day.

The media and fans also paid more attention to this game. Before the game started, there was smoke everywhere.

Although Paul's fans are not many in number, they are extremely powerful. In online forums, they are crazy about Lakers fans, Xu Feng fans, and Kobe fans.

Even the fans of both sides taunted and abused each other under the news of the other side.

Although these behaviors are naive, it also shows that the competition between the Lakers and Clippers is very fierce.

At the press conference before the game, many media reporters came to interview, Xu Feng found that there were many more reporters than usual today.

"Mr. Xu Feng, in the last game, you beat the Clippers with difficulty. Do you have the confidence to beat the Clippers in today's game?"

Xu Feng nodded and said, "Of course I have confidence. Our Lakers record is now the first in the league. Why don't we have confidence?"

"Paul said at the press conference that they will definitely beat you today, and they have found a way to restrain you. What do you think?"

Xu Feng laughed and said, "I'm really looking forward to this game. I want to know how they restrained me. If I don't perform well in this game and cause the team to lose, I will blame myself."

"So do you have anything to say about the Clippers? For example, do you have any training for the Clippers?"

Xu Feng shook his head indifferently: "No, our training is normal training, and we won't target them, because this is not the playoffs, and the Clippers are not our potential opponents, so there is no need to target the Clippers."

This sentence is too crazy, and the Clippers are completely ignored.

After the reporters listened, they all applauded. Xu Feng's B outfit was very natural, without any sense of arrogance, and he was much smarter than Paul.

"Mr. Xu Feng, the Clippers just won four consecutive victories and also defeated the mighty Warriors. Did you watch that game?"

Xu Feng nodded and said, "I read the report after the game, and the Clippers played very well."

"Since this is the case, will you make any adjustments to the lineup?"

"No, there is no need to adjust. Our current Lakers lineup is the strongest lineup that can beat any opponent!"

Xu Feng's self-confidence made the reporters feel that this match would be very exciting and might produce some explosive news materials.


At [-] o'clock in the evening, at the Staples Center, the Lakers played against the Clippers at home.

The Lakers' starters are still Xu Feng, Kobe, McGee, Tucker and Lin Shuhao.

The Clippers are also the usual starters this season: Paul, Redick, Griffin, Jordan and Barnes.

The game started, the middle circle jumped the ball, and Jordan grabbed the first wave of possession.

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