Paul dribbled the ball past halftime, and Lin Shuhao stepped forward to defend.

It seems that Paul has a plan in his mind. From his expression, it can be seen that he has a way to deal with both the offensive end and the defensive end.

Paul passed the first ball to Griffin.

It was Tucker who defended Griffin.

Compared with Gasol last season, Tucker has a lot of height difference, but he is a few years younger, and his foot is very stable, and his defense is very tough.

However, the white monster Griffin has improved again this season, and he is still sure of playing Tucker in singles.

Sure enough, Griffin easily scored two points by turning around and shooting.

After all, Tucker is limited in height and cannot stop Griffin from pulling.

The Lakers attacked, Lin Shuhao passed the ball to Kobe.

Redick defended Kobe, and Barnes waited for an opportunity to help defend.

Kobe played Redick more easily, but his touch is very average today.

He also made a dry pull, but he missed the shot and went out of the basket.

Jordan gets the rebound.

Jordan and McGee bounce similarly, but Jordan is more explosive and has a stronger body, which allows Jordan to take advantage of the inside.

Barnes received a pass from Jordan and launched a fast break directly. Redick ambushed in the corner.

Kobe was still a little slower than his prime, and he wasn't keeping up with Redick.

After Redick received the ball, he fired from the corner, swipe!

Three point shot!

This is Redick's biggest change this season, that is, as long as there is an open space, he will not miss.

According to statistics, his open three-point shooting rate reached 56%, which is quite amazing.

In the last few games, his open shooting percentage has reached 62%, which is the pinnacle of his life.

For such a three-point shooter, no team should leave him open.

But Kobe can keep up with Redick in positional battles, but he can't keep up with Redick when the offense and defense switch.

This may be a weakness of the Lakers in this game.

When the Lakers play against the Grizzlies, they need to increase their speed, but when they play against the Clippers, they need to slow down.

Xu Feng knew this very well, so he whispered a few words in the ears of Lin Shuhao and Kobe.

5:0, the Lakers fell behind.

The Lakers fans were very quiet at this time. They knew that this game must be fierce, but they didn't expect that the Clippers had the upper hand on both offense and defense as soon as the game started.

Lakers offense.

Lin Shuhao dribbled the ball past halftime, this time he didn't give it to Kobe, but to Xu Feng.

Facing Barnes' defense, Xu Feng planned to go under the basket, because Barnes' height and weight were not as good as Xu Feng's.

But Barnes has a dark background in the United States, so his temper is very explosive.

Xu Feng heard that because of the emotional entanglement between Barnes and "Little Fish" Fisher, Barnes even beat Fisher.

Maybe it's the team's strategy, maybe Barnes personally doesn't like Xu Feng. When he defends Xu Feng, he moves very aggressively and is also very subtle.

Just when Xu Feng resisted Barnes and broke through to the basket, Barnes suddenly hugged Xu Feng's waist, and the two fell to the ground at the same time.

The referee immediately ran over and separated the two.

Barnes stared at Xu Feng with fierce eyes, and whispered, "I won't let you get past me."

Xu Feng understood a little bit, Barnes was going to trade with him at the limit.

That is to irritate him and send them both off.

Sure enough, the referee didn't watch the replay, and directly called the two technical fouls one by one, and each hit [-] boards!

Xu Feng felt wronged and wanted to ask the referee to argue, but was held back by Kobe.

Kobe was very experienced. He knew that the opponent did it on purpose. If Xu Feng angered the referee again, it would be really dangerous and he would be fined.

Once in the game between the Lakers and the Rockets, Kobe and Ci Shiping had entanglements during the game.

At that time, Ci Shiping provoked Kobe, but Kobe was unmoved and raised his hands high to show his innocence.

Later in that round of the playoffs, the Lakers defeated the Rockets and finally won the championship.

Xu Feng was really angry just now, but under Kobe's reminder, he regained his sanity in an instant.

Yes, no head, Barnes, it's a ruse!
The game continued, the Lakers attacked, Xu Feng took the ball and continued to break through to the basket, Barnes was still entangled with Xu Feng.

But Xu Feng was extremely calm, and at the moment when Barnes was squeezed so that he lost his center of gravity, he suddenly jumped up!
This is Kobe's trick, and now Xu Feng is more proficient in using it than Kobe.

It was too late for Barnes to block it.

But he was still pretty bad, and quietly put his foot where Xu Feng's foot landed.


His movement is very covert, because his head is looking up and his feet are stretching out. If others see it, they will think it is not intentional.

Xu Feng felt hot and scored a two-pointer.

When he landed, he felt something under his feet.

If it was last season, it is really possible to get injured, but this season, Kobe summed up a lot of tips to avoid injuries.

One of them is to prevent footsteps, that is, when landing, the legs should not be tense, but should be softened.

If you feel something is wrong with your feet, take advantage of the situation and roll around on the ground.

It is said that Curry is also very good at this trick, because there are too many stepping monsters in the league.

Xu Feng took advantage of the trend and rolled on the ground before getting up.

He didn't yell at Barnes, but just looked at Barnes coldly and snorted.

Barnes pretended not to know anything, turned and walked away.

As the game continued, the Clippers took various moves against Xu Feng, stepping, pulling, and irritating him.

However, Xu Feng avoided all these secret tricks with his extraordinary calmness.

However, although these moves did not cause harm to Xu Feng, they had a very bad influence on other Lakers players.

The Lakers players have a characteristic, they are all good boys, there are no villains.

As for the Clippers, headed by Paul, although he is not a big evil person, there are really many small tricks.

Lin Shuhao was hit by Paul's giant loop several times, and he was hit in the ribs by Paul's elbow on several dribbles and suffered minor injuries.

Barnes not only attacked Xu Feng, but also injured Livingston. Livingston could not play this game.

As a result, the situation took a turn for the worse, and the Clippers overtook the score at the end of the first quarter.

At the end of the first quarter, the two teams scored 37:32, and the Clippers led by 5 points.

Since Lin Shuhao was also slightly injured, he couldn't play in the second quarter. The team didn't have a third point guard, so Xu Feng could only play for a while.

In this way, the risk of Xu Feng's injury was increased.

Although Xu Feng had an advantage against the opponent's substitute after he came on the field, Bo Yang was also injured, and Ding Yan Yuhang was also hit on the leg.

Xu Feng was really angry.

Although basketball wants to fight, this kind of hurtful little action is too dangerous for the players, and it might be reimbursed for the season!

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