In fact, Xu Feng had another idea in today's game, which was to lower the price!

Press Lillard's price!

Lillard is a player who does have strength, but his shortcomings are also obvious, that is, his defense is not good, and his performance is prone to malfunction under heavy pressure.

But if his teammates can drag the game to a critical moment, his big heart will show its effect.

Such a player can be an ordinary star, but not a superstar.

But Feita Sports wanted to sign a contract with him, Lillard asked for a high price, and Yin Suwan didn't want to pay that high.

So this game is very delicate.

If Lillard blows up the Lakers, then he will have a bargaining chip and a strong waist when negotiating with Feita Sports.

If Xu Feng played him the worst season, then Lillard has nothing to say, let's lower his value!
In the next game, the Lakers had the upper hand. Under the heavy pressure of the Lakers' defense, they were completely out of order.

Especially Lillard, he only scored 7 points in the first half, 5 of which were scored in the first half of the first quarter.

After being taken care of, he made one of seven shots and only scored 2 points.

At the end of the first half, the score between the two sides was 57:40, and the Lakers led by 17 points.

Xu Feng scored 22 points in the half and dominated the game again.

And he also has 7 rebounds, 6 assists, very comprehensive data.


In the Fujixun Sports live broadcast room, today's guests are Su Qun and Ke Fan.

The two greatly appreciated Xu Feng's performance today.

"Needless to say Xu Feng's offense, on the defensive end, he is really the Lakers' star!" Su Qun repeatedly praised.

"Indeed, Mr. Su Qun, the Blazers were already in full bloom, but the crazy defense led by Xu Feng made the Blazers dumb again."

"Kobe's offense is unstable now, but his defense is also very hard, which is admirable."

"Lin Shuhao also surprised me. I used to think his defense was mediocre, but after joining the Lakers, his defense and oppression are very strong."

"That's right, the integrity of the Lakers is getting better and better now, I really look forward to their playoffs!"

"The competition in the Western Conference is too fierce this season. The Warriors, Spurs, Rockets, Clippers, Thunder, and Grizzlies are all very strong. The playoffs must be very exciting!"

"Speaking of the Warriors, they are really strong. Although they lost to the Lakers, their record is not bad. They have always maintained a half-court gap with the Lakers. If the Lakers are not careful, they may be overtaken."

"For the top teams, home court advantage is very important. The Lakers must defend it, otherwise they may fall before the Western Conference Finals."

"However, I still have great confidence in Xu Feng. He was in the World Cup, and I could see that he is a star who can withstand tremendous pressure. Our Dragon Kingdom is so lucky to have such a superstar!"

"It's still the same sentence, if Dayao was born a few years later and partnered with Xu Feng, I dare not think..."

"Haha, that will definitely rule the world of basketball. Dayao is actually very unfortunate. He lacks helpers in the Rockets and the national team. Others are not at the same level as him."


In the Lakers locker room, Xu Feng saw that the players were all exhausted, lying down one by one.

But the players were still very excited, especially Nick Young, who was chattering endlessly.

"Today's defense is really cool. For the first time, I feel what it feels like to defend the opponent!"

Kobe smiled and said: "The most important thing in defense is not skill, but the most important attitude. As long as we have an attitude, we will definitely make them feel uncomfortable!"

Xu Feng clapped his hands twice and encouraged him: "Yes, it's mainly about attitude. If the Lakers want to make some achievements this season, we must work hard!"

D'Antoni also walked in. Knowing that the players were tired, he encouraged him: "Today is a playoff rehearsal. Let's fight together. The Blazers must win this game!"


The second half of the game began.

Under the leadership of Lillard, the Blazers struggled and tried to counterattack.

But after Lillard stole a super long three-pointer, he was locked up by Lin Shuhao.

Although he cheated another three-point foul, Lin Shuhao generally restrained Lillard.

The rest of the Blazers are still defended in a downturn.

The Lakers once again expanded their lead. The game lasted 5 minutes and 53 seconds, and the score came to 67:46. The Lakers led by 21 points.

The Trail Blazers coach had no choice but to call a timeout.

But the timeout is useless, they lose because they can't break the Lakers' defense.

The Lakers players experienced the fun of defense. Although they were very tired, they became more excited as they played, and it seemed that their fatigue was reduced a lot.

At the end of the third quarter, the score came to 92:63, and the point difference came to 29 points.

The game took another turn.

The Blazers didn't play the main force in the fourth quarter and let the substitutes play the rest of the game.

In the end, the game ended and the score was fixed at 118:102. The Lakers defeated the Trail Blazers again.

Xu Feng played 24 minutes, scored 34 points, and was named the best player of the game.

Lillard only scored 13 points, far below his scoring average, very uncomfortable.

After the game, he didn't say hello to Xu Feng, but went straight back to the locker room. It was obvious that he was very depressed.

A local reporter from Portland interviewed Xu Feng.

"Mr. Xu Feng, congratulations, you have won. You showed a strong aggressiveness on the defensive end in this game. Can you tell me how you feel?"

Xu Feng replied: "The Trail Blazers are a very strong team with many offensive methods. Every player can attack, so we must do more on the defensive end. Fortunately, the Lakers have done it."

"Yeah, the overall defense of the Lakers is online today, even at the expense of physical strength. Your motivation to the players is very important. I see you often yelling with your teammates."

Xu Feng said with a smile: "I have many ways to communicate with my teammates, shouting is just one of them, and sometimes whispering, you should be able to see it."

The reporter also laughed, and asked again: "You are now ranked first in the All-Star voting, but you are not far behind the second James. Are you confident that you will win the vote?"

Xu Feng shook his head and said, "I'm not very interested in this. Fans' love is certainly a pleasure, but I still hope to use my results to speak! In addition, I thank the fans who voted for me, thank you!"

"You are very good to the fans. Everyone knows that. Now that you are a shareholder of Feita Sports, what will be your next move?"

It is no secret that Xu Feng is a shareholder of Feita Sports now, so Xu Feng did not hide it.

"Feta Sports is inseparable from the support of the fans. We will sign more stars and do charity work. Speaking of charity, this weekend, we will go to the welfare home to do volunteer work. I hope you can help us spread the word."

The reporter nodded approvingly and said, "Okay, we also support this kind of charity. I hope everything goes well for you!"

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