The strongest striker system

Chapter 186 China's 17-year-old striker scored 2 free kicks

Before the Ajax substitute goalkeeper standing on the goal line could react, Sun Yingxiong's free kick hit the goal directly, and the ball went into the net with just a blink of an eyelid.

Relying on Sun Yingxiong's free kick to directly score the goal, the Ajax team's offensive and defensive drill match, the yellow team led the blue team 16-1 in the 0th minute of the first half.

Ajax coach De Boer, who was standing on the sidelines watching the game, was shocked by Sun Yingxiong's direct free kick just now. When the ball flew into the goal, he immediately acted With a dumbfounded look, I think this is simply incredible!
Since the place where he was standing at that time was only more than 20 meters away from the scene of the incident, the distance was so close that he could clearly see the whole process from Sun Yingxiong's shot to the ball entering the net.

What makes De Boer feel a little incredible is that Sun Yingxiong's free kick was not so tricky. Why did the substitute goalkeeper standing on the goal line not react at all to the ball? It really puzzled him.

After being dazed for a moment, De Boer secretly thought in his heart that if the goalkeeper was not the substitute goalkeeper but the main goalkeeper Cillessen, I am afraid that Sun Yingxiong's shot from an angle is not so tricky, and he will definitely be rejected. Cillessen saved the ball and tried to keep the goal clean.

At the same time, the Ajax substitute goalkeeper standing on the goal line also felt a little unbelievable. Just now he saw Sun Yingxiong's shot and flew into the goal from the left side of his body. With both arms, he made a save movement to the left side, which can completely save the ball, but he didn't react at all just now, and he was still standing there obediently.

In this regard, the substitute goalkeeper attributed the reason why he did not make a save in time to the fact that he was a little distracted just now and lacked concentration, so he did not make any saves, allowing Sun Yingxiong to shoot you from a not tricky angle. The ball went into the goal he guarded.

In his opinion at this time, if Sun Yingxiong shoots in this way again if he is given another chance, he will definitely be able to save the ball one hundred percent, and he will definitely not just stand there and watch. It is a shame and a shame to fly into the goal guarded by him with a save.

Not only the substitute goalkeeper thinks so, even Klaassen, who is standing at the top of the arc at the front of the penalty area, is ready to respond. After watching Sun Yingxiong's shot from a slightly straight angle just now enters the goal, he also feels that Sun Yingxiong's free kick directly hits the goal. It's not good, the ball enters the goal, nine times out of ten it's because the substitute goalkeeper is deliberately releasing water to sell Sun Yingxiong a favor.

Because in Klaassen’s view, the current Sun Yingxiong, a 17-year-old Chinese forward, is currently the hottest player in the Ajax team. At the same time, he is also deeply trusted by Ajax coach De Boer And love, can be described as De Boer's confidant.

What's more, Sun Yingxiong is now repeatedly rumored to be the target of Paris Saint-Germain, who has spent more than 6000 million euros in Ligue [-]. He can also be regarded as a cash cow for the Ajax club. As a substitute goalkeeper, of course, he can curry favor with Sun Yingxiong in due course , it will definitely be good for my future development in Ajax, and I can't be too obvious about flattery, so in the usual training, once I encounter Sun Yingxiong's shot, I will deliberately release water, regardless of Sun Yingxiong's shooting angle No matter how positive he was, he didn't make any saves.

On the huge No. [-] field, only Sun Yingxiong himself knows why the substitute goalkeeper did not respond to the direct free kick just now. The reason is very simple, that is, the goal of the shot he was after The power and the running speed of the ball, but not the angle of the shot. Under his powerful shot, the ball flies so fast in the air, let alone the substitute goalkeeper, it is Ajax's main goalkeeper. Leysen, I'm afraid there's nothing he can do about this incoming ball.

No, after Sun Yingxiong took a free kick on the right side of the front of the penalty area about 22 meters away from the abandoned goal, and scored the ball into the opponent's goal, apart from the two of them, Klaassen and Shenei, the other members of the yellow team included Huang. The team's goalkeeper, Cillessen, all gave Sun Yingxiong high fives to celebrate Sun Yingxiong's goal.

Since the No. [-] field where they are located is equivalent to half the size of a regular football field, the distance between their players is very close to each other. Cillessen, who is the goalkeeper of the yellow team, even went to Sun Yingxiong. to cheer him on.

After scoring the goal, the game resumed again. The yellow team scored directly with Sun Yingxiong's free kick and led the blue team with a score of 1-0. They immediately adopted defensive counterattack tactics and forced the blue team to attack. , and then they waited for an opportunity to launch a quick counterattack.

Under normal circumstances, once Sun Yingxiong is closely guarded by the opponent's two central defenders, then the fulcrum effect will not be obvious. However, once the blue team attacks, more troops are invested in the front. On the field, the defense will become relatively empty and lax.

No, after losing the ball, the blue team immediately defended from the previous Guinsoo, and gradually invested more troops in the frontcourt to attack. If they wanted to equalize the score before the end of the first half, they had to rely on the two central players just now. The defender went to mark Sun Yingxiong and became a central defender to mark Sun Yingxiong, which greatly increased Sun Yingxiong's degree of freedom and range of activities, as well as his ability to hold the ball.

After all, the seven members of the yellow team are all Ajax's main players. They play defensive and counterattack tactics, which can be described as handy, while the blue team, which is behind in the score, are all Ajax's substitute players. There are not many games and lack of rich game experience. Once the decision is made to attack, the balance between offense and defense will be broken, because more personnel are invested in the offense, and the defense is unconsciously relaxed.

Next, the blue team played offense for about 10 minutes, but the yellow team's defense was impeccable. They didn't give them any chance to pass the ball into the penalty area, even if it was within 20 meters of the goal. In the area, the blue team can't attack and can only shoot a dozen long-range shots from the outside, which can only be regarded as a knock-on effect. The actual effect is not obvious, and it does not pose any threat to the yellow team's goal.

In the 27th minute of the first half, the yellow team intercepted the ball from the backcourt and made a long pass directly to the top of Sun Yingxiong who was on the front line. Under the personal interference of the blue team's defenders, he accurately judged where the ball landed, and unloaded the ball with ease.

Seeing that there is only one person behind him defending him as a stand-in, Sun Yingxiong has nothing to worry about. He is a little outside the top of the arc at the front of the opponent's penalty area, but his back is facing the goal. After unloading the ball, he is about to throw the ball Lead to the other side of the body and turn around to form a breakthrough.

The central defender of the blue team who defended him closely found that there was not even a blue team member within ten meters of him. If he was passed by Sun Yingxiong, let him face him directly. Against the goalkeeper of the blue team, and then form a single-handed ball opportunity.

What's more, their position is only two or three meters away from the penalty area. Once Sun Yingxiong passes by, ah, Sun Yingxiong is put into the penalty area. Being careful is a foul, which will lead to serious consequences of being awarded a penalty kick.

Thinking of this, the central defender of the blue team did not stop doing anything. Before Sun Yingxiong dribbled the ball and turned around to pass him, he directly pulled Sun Yingxiong to the ground, preferring to give Sun Yingxiong a point outside the arc of the penalty area. The free kick at the place cannot let Sun Yingxiong pass him, and then form a one-handed ball. At that time, he really has nothing to do.

After Sun Yingxiong was pulled down, the assistant coach who was the guest referee immediately blew his whistle and decisively penalized the blue team's central defender for a pulling foul. A little outside the top of the arc in the penalty area, the yellow team was awarded a penalty. Free kick.

Since the free kick is a little outside the top of the arc at the front of the penalty area, and the distance to the goal is very positive, whether it is Klaassen or Schone, it is very difficult for the two of them to directly attack the goal with their footwork Xingyao.

At this time, Ajax coach De Boer, who had been standing on the sidelines to watch the game, immediately said that the free kick would be given to Sun Yingxiong to take the penalty.

Now that the head coach of the team has said this, the two of them, Klaassen and Schone, who were standing in front of the ball, were still discussing whether the free kick should be taken by you or me, but they both left. Open, let Sun Yingxiong take this free kick.

When Sun Yingxiong stood in front of the ball, De Boer spoke again, asking the goalkeeper of the blue team to stand on the sidelines to watch the game, and the goalkeeper of the yellow team, Cillessen, mainly defended Sun Yingxiong's free kick.

After Sun Yingxiong took the free kick, Cillesen returned to the yellow team to keep the goal, and the yellow team goalkeeper standing on the sidelines returned to his original position.

The reason why Ajax coach De Boer arranged for Cillessen to guard this goal was because Sun Yingxiong scored a free kick more than ten minutes ago. In his opinion, it was because of the blue team's goalkeeper's attention. He didn't concentrate enough, so he didn't complete the save of Sun Yingxiong's kick. This time, he wanted to see how Sun Yingxiong's kick was, and whether Cillesen could save Sun Yingxiong's kick.

After seeing Cillesen standing on the goal line, the assistant coach who was the guest referee blew his whistle, indicating that Sun Yingxiong could take the free kick.

In the previous two days, Sun Yingxiong's practice of directly breaking the goal with a free kick was either a free kick from the left side of the front of the penalty area or a free kick from the right side of the front of the penalty area. , A free kick so close to the goal.

Regarding the direct free kick this time, in fact, Sun Yingxiong didn't have much confidence in his heart, and he just had the mentality of trying to complete this direct free kick.

The whistle stopped for about three seconds. Sun Yingxiong first ran two meters away. He immediately kicked the ball with the instep of his left foot, and then the ball quickly bypassed the human wall lined up in the penalty area. , flew to the upper right corner of the goal.

Because Sun Yingxiong's goal was not only powerful, but also the ball was very fast, and the angle of the shot was also very tricky. Cillessen, who was standing on the goal line, did not make any reaction this time. , the ball went straight into the dead corner of the upper right corner of the abandoned goal.

From Sun Yingxiong's kick to the ball into the net, the whole process only takes a second. Even the goalkeeper with the fastest reaction, facing such a fast ball, even if the shooting angle is not tricky enough, he can't do it at all. Take any effective rescue action.

For a goalkeeper, they must first have a prediction of the incoming ball, and then make a save according to their own prediction, but the problem is that Sun Yingxiong's free kick hit the goal, making Cillessen completely lost Prediction, he didn't wait for him to make a prediction, and was about to make a save to the left or right. The ball flew into the goal one step ahead of him, which caught him off guard and caught him off guard.

If it is said that Sun Yingxiong scored the goal with a free kick more than ten minutes ago, because the shooting angle was not tricky enough, many people suspected that the goalkeeper of the blue team was not focused enough and opened the gap, which led to the loss of the goal.

So, this time, it was replaced by Ajax's main goalkeeper Cillessen, who still didn't make any reaction. Standing on the goal line and watching the ball enter the net is enough to see Sun Yingxiong's free kick The lack of hitting is very difficult to deal with.

Afterwards, Ajax head coach De Boer, who was standing on the sidelines watching the game, couldn't bear it anymore. He called the assistant coach who was the guest referee, and stopped the game, so that the team's offensive and defensive drill confrontation in the first half ended. Finish.

"Cillessen, why didn't you make any saves in the face of Sun Yingxiong's free kick just now?" De Boer walked up to Cillessen and asked in a curious tone.

Facing the head coach's inquiry, Cillesen shook his head first, and then replied truthfully with a face of helplessness: "Mr. De Boer, it's not that I don't want to save, it's because Sun Yingxiong's shot just now was too fast. Hurry up, even if it wasn't for the tricky shooting angle and hitting the ball into the upper right corner of the goal and into the net, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to make a save in such a short time, because I don't even have the time to predict where the ball will come from. "

After listening to Cillessen's answer, just now, De Boer, who had a sad face on your face, immediately filled his cheeks with joy, and secretly praised in his heart: Sun Yingxiong, this little guy, seems to have a really smart brain. He got the hang of it. He didn't completely imitate the shooting skills of Klaassen and Schone, but created his own set of shooting skills. He didn't pursue the shooting angle too much, but paid more attention to the power of the shot and the speed of the ball, and didn't give enough to the opponent's goalkeeper. Prediction time, win with quickness.As long as the ball can be within the range of the goal frame, then nine out of ten goals will be scored.

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