The strongest striker system

Chapter 185 The 17-year-old Chinese teenager scored a free kick in front of European stars

As soon as it was nine o'clock in the morning, Ajax coach De Boer immediately asked an assistant coach standing next to him to blow the whistle for the assembly team, and all the players scattered on the second court All assembled in front of him.

After hearing the whistle sounded, in less than 20 seconds, more than [-] Ajax first-team players scattered on the second field came to De Boer one after another.

After the assembly, Ajax coach De Boer first asked two assistant coaches to lead all the players of the first team to jog around the inner circle of the second court, mainly to do some recovery training.

After all, for the vast majority of these first team members, they have rested for two days. During this period, they certainly did not practice football. The injury situation, this is not what he wants to see.

What's more, all of them have just had breakfast, and it's only been more than an hour. The food in their stomachs hasn't been digested too much, and it's not suitable for them to do strenuous exercise immediately.

Also, under the leadership of the two assistant coaches of Ajax, all the players of the first team jogged around the inner circle of the second court for about half an hour before stopping.

Since Sun Yingxiong needed an extra hour of free kick training to score directly more than an hour ago, he had already run a circle around the second field for half an hour, and it was still the outer circle.

In addition, he practiced for about an hour to score directly from a free kick. It stands to reason that he should feel physically exhausted, but at this moment, under the leadership of two assistant coaches, Following the teammates of the first team, after running around the inner circle of the second court for about half an hour, unexpectedly, I didn't feel tired at all.

After jogging, Ajax head coach De Boer asked the assistant coach to lead the first-team players to perform a 15-minute stretching exercise on the No. And the muscles and bones are stretched out.

Soon, 15 minutes passed, and the next step was to draw 7 people from the first team to conduct a 7-on-[-] confrontation drill in a small area, divided into the yellow team and the blue team, and Sun Yingxin was picked up De Boer was arranged in the yellow team, which is full of main players.

As an assistant coach serving as the referee blew his whistle, at about ten o'clock this morning, the team's offensive and defensive confrontation match, which was divided into half an hour each for the second half, officially began.

Since Sun Yingxiong was assigned to the yellow team, which is the main player, it goes without saying that Klaassen and Schöne, who are the core of the Ajax midfielder, naturally became teammates with Sun Yingxiong in the yellow team.

Moreover, the goalkeeper of the yellow team is Ajax's main goalkeeper Cillesen, the two midfielders are Klaassen and Schone, and Sun Yingxiong is at the front as a single arrow.

Although this is just an ordinary offensive and defensive drill match within the team, whether it is the yellow team with main players or the blue team with substitute players, each of their players is very serious, hardworking and active, and no one is lazy .

Because each of them is very clear in their hearts that the seventh round of the Eredivisie League this weekend will start, and there are still three days of preparation time before the game. With a good performance, he left a good impression on the team coach De Boer. I am afraid that he will not get playing time in the confrontational training sessions in the next few days. Then, if you want to enter the Eredivisie game on Sunday night The roster, or even the starting lineup, may become very difficult.

In particular, the Ajax substitute players wearing blue vests, they are all alive and kicking, they are very desperate on both ends of the offense and defense. open.

For the main players wearing yellow vests, they feel that since Sun Yingxiong, the high center forward, is at the forefront, in order to reduce too much entanglement with the desperate blue team members in the midfield, they generally He seldom passed the midfield, and sent a long pass to Sun Yingxiong directly in the midfield.

Since this team's offensive and defensive drill match is a 7-a-side game, except for the goalkeeper who needs to lose one place, there are only two players on the back line, and Sun Yingxiong is alone, facing the two defenders of the blue team. When you have the ball in your body, you can still get the ball.

What's more, Sun Yingxiong's ability to grab points is very strong. If you look at the entire Eredivisie field, I am afraid that you will never be able to find a second player who can match him. No, the game started less than 5 minutes ago , The yellow team played a five-foot long pass from the backcourt, and Sun Yingxiong, who was at the top, grabbed the ball very easily.

The only regret is that Sun Yingxiong turned his back to the opponent's goal. Instead, he was closely pressed by two defenders from behind. After unloading the ball, Sun Yingxiong had to play back to the two sides. Or the player who plugs in from the back row passes the ball from his feet, otherwise, once the ball stays at his feet for more than five seconds, there is a risk of being broken.

In terms of stealing ability alone, looking at the Ajax team, Sun Yingxiong is of course unmatched. However, in terms of ball protection, due to his own rough skills at his feet, after all, when playing in China, He was born as a central defender. Although he has obtained the strongest forward system, he cannot change his weakness of poor ball protection ability.

Fortunately, Sun Yingxiong is not here yet, and he can still strengthen his lack and disadvantages in ball protection ability through usual training and participating in more games.

Although Sun Yingxiong, who was at the forefront, received five long passes from the backcourt, because his back was facing the goal, he was not only unable to turn around under the close pressing of two opposing defenders behind him, but also, if he did not If you pass the ball quickly, it is very likely that it will be cut off, and you will not be able to pose any threat to the opponent's goal in the natural year.

After the first 10 minutes of this team's offensive and defensive drill match, the game between the two sides was still 0-0, which made the players of the yellow team feel that some dissatisfaction was growing.

Due to the delay in passing the ball into the opponent's penalty area to form an attack, Klassen, the core midfielder of the yellow team, took the ball through halftime and began to play alone, and no longer fought with his teammates. We will cooperate on what.

Klaassen, who took the ball from the midfield, passed one of the opponent's defenders in the frontcourt. He continued to rush forward. When he was about 20 meters away from the opponent's penalty area, a central defender of the opponent Quickly stepped forward to block Klaassen who broke through with the ball.

If the two central defenders of the blue team were to defend Klassen together, and if a close was made, Klasen would have nothing to do. The problem is that the two defenders of the blue team dare not be careless and can only be Keep one to guard Sun Yingxiong who has already entered the penalty area, and the other is to intercept Klaassen at the front of the penalty area.

Klaassen, who has very delicate skills at his feet, saw the opponent's central defender rushing forward to steal him. He immediately made a technical move of pulling the ball away, and he was about to get rid of the opponent in front of him. The central defender's defense, and then dribbled the ball into the opponent's penalty area, but suddenly the central defender who was defending him stretched out his hand and grabbed the jersey to prevent him from continuing to rush forward.

The assistant coach who served as the referee of the team's match, he was aware of the details, immediately blew the whistle, raised his hand to signal the blue team's central defender to pull a foul, and awarded the yellow team a free kick in the frontcourt.

The place of the foul is located at the front of the penalty area, about 22 meters away from the goal, and it is still on the right side of the front of the penalty area. Under normal circumstances, free kicks on the right side of the front of the penalty area are taken by Klaassen.

I don’t know what’s wrong with Klaassen today. He actually called Sun Yingxiong who was standing in the restricted area to him, and whispered to Sun Yingxiong for a few seconds. Sun Yingxiong was stunned for a moment, and then slightly nodded.

Originally, Klaassen called Sun Yingxiong in front of him, and even told Sun Yingxiong that he had just won a free kick on the right side of the front of the penalty area and handed it over to Sun Yingxiong to take the penalty. There must be no excuses.

In fact, Klaassen did this because he was holding a fire in his heart. In the previous ten minutes, he passed several long passes to Sun Yingxiong, but Sun Yingxiong himself could not form a goal. Unexpectedly, Sun Yingxiong was a little slow in handling the ball after he got in from the back row. After several seconds, he slowly knocked the ball back to him.

At this time, at least three defenders had already taken positions at the front of the opponent's penalty area, preventing him from advancing forward or using his long-range shooting skills. In Klaassen's perception, all of this was Because Sun Yingxiong was a little slow in passing the ball to him, which led to the situation of delaying the fighter, which naturally made him feel resentful.

About 15 minutes into the first half, the yellow team managed to win a free kick on the left side of the front of the opponent's penalty area. As the first free thrower, Klaassen should take the initiative to stand up and complete the kick Just hit the door.

However, at this time, Klaassen did the opposite. He wanted to embarrass Sun Yingxiong in front of everyone, because in his perception, Sun Yingxiong's free kick was very bad, about 22 inches away from the goal. If Mi's free kick hits the goal directly, let Sun Yingxiong kick it, let alone the ball hit the goal frame, I am afraid that Sun Yingxiong kicked it out, and the ball will not even be able to go around the wall in the penalty area.

Sun Yingxiong didn't know about the whole evil thoughts in Klaassen's heart. When he learned that Klaassen told him to let him take the free kick, he was a little surprised at first, and then he didn't refuse. Nodding in agreement.

The reason why Sun Yingxiong didn't make any excuses is because he also felt that this was indeed an opportunity for him to show his free kick shooting skills in front of everyone, especially in front of the head coach De Boer.

If the team's offensive and defensive practice match this morning is over, and he doesn't even have a chance to show off his free-kick footwork, then the two days of extra training day and night, wouldn't it be a waste of work.

After seeing that Sun Yingxiong agreed to his request, Klaassen walked away from the penalty spot. When he turned his back to Sun Yingxiong behind him, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and secretly gloated in his heart: Sun Yingxiong, you boy In the first ten minutes of the game, due to your slow handling of the ball, you missed many opportunities, which caused me to go forward several times in vain. Now, I gave up the opportunity to take the free kick. You, I think you kid wasted this free kick opportunity and didn't score the ball. Wait a minute, how do you explain to the other yellow team members? You kid must be going around too late.

To be fair, Sun Yingxiong didn’t handle the ball so slowly on purpose, but there were two opposing defenders pressing him behind him. If he wanted to get rid of it quickly, it was really very difficult. After clearing the two defenders behind him, he passed the ball. He has done his best.

After agreeing, Sun Yingxiong stood on the penalty spot. He first visually measured the distance to the goal, and then looked at the human wall lined up in the penalty area for about five seconds.

The assistant coach, who was standing not far away and temporarily played the role of the referee, blew his whistle to indicate that Sun Yingxiong could take the free kick.

After hearing the whistle, Sun Yingxiong stepped back about two meters. After he ran up, he immediately stood up and kicked the ball towards the goal.

This free kick hit the goal directly, but I was very powerful, the speed of the ball was very fast, when the ball was flying in mid-air, it didn't spin at all, and it easily bypassed the human wall in the penalty area, like It seemed to follow the positioning and navigation, and flew directly to the goal.

Before hitting the goal, Sun Yingxiong had already thought about it. He only needed to investigate the power of the shot and the speed of the ball. He didn't deliberately pursue the angle of the shot, as long as the ball hit the goal frame.

Sure enough, after the ball bypassed the goalkeeper in the penalty area, it went straight to the goal, and it was not in a dead corner. It was about half a meter away from the left goal post. Even so, the goalkeeper standing in front of the goal had no time to make a move. For any reaction, before he could make a save, the ball flew into the net with a not very tricky shot.

Everyone present was very surprised to see Sun Yingxiong's kick, which was not tricky at all, and he was able to break the goal. Moreover, the goalkeeper did not make any response. They were really surprised, including Ah, who was standing on the sidelines watching Jax's head coach, De Boer, was dumbfounded and thought this was incredible!

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