The strongest striker system

Chapter 184 The 17-year-old Chinese teenager keeps the team's two big stars in the dark

Early the next morning, Sun Yingxiong, who went to bed early and woke up early, woke up at 06:30 in the morning, dressed neatly, washed up, played on his mobile phone for a while, and browsed the news online.

Especially when he logged in to the sports channels of some of the largest news websites in Europe to see if there were any reports about him. What made him feel a little lost was that, for the past three days, none of these large sports news websites His real-time reports, even news about him, were three days ago.

In the past, if these sports news websites were almost all about his personal reports, Sun Yingxiong would feel bored by Ou’s writing. It’s only been three days, and he hasn’t been found in the real-time news. This report made him feel a little empty in his heart.

After he quit these sports news websites, Sun Yingxiong discovered another problem, that is, he opened the MSN on the mobile phone, and found that Yilanna's profile picture was gray, and she did not say that she was not online, and, in this In two days, he hadn't even sent him a single message.

Not only that, Sun Yingxiong looked through his call records, and there was no missed call, and he also checked the text messages on his mobile phone, and there was no message from Ilana. Now, he felt in his heart that Even more lost.

Just as Sun Yingxiong was about to leave a message of greetings to Yilanna who was offline on MSN on his mobile phone, he saw that the time displayed on his mobile phone was already [-]:[-] in the morning.

According to regulations, the restaurant at the Ajax football training base serves breakfast from seven o'clock in the morning until 08:30 in the morning, a total of one and a half hours. After 08:30 in the morning, Ajax The restaurant at the Kelsey Football Training Base will close on time.

Because Sun Yingxiong ate dinner with Klaassen and Shener, and because he was too full from eating in the middle of the afternoon yesterday, he was not particularly hungry, so he ate a little bit of dinner yesterday.

After one night, as soon as Sun Yingxiong woke up in the morning, his stomach started to growl. He was hungry, not only because his stomach was full of sisters, urging him to go to Ajax football immediately. Have breakfast in the restaurant of the training base.

It is even more because, at eight o'clock this morning, he will follow Klaassen and Schone to conduct free kick training. They say they are together, but in fact, Sun Yingxiong is practicing alone. The two people in the house stood by and watched, just staying aside and putting on a show.

Even so, Sun Yingxiong felt that he had to go to the restaurant of the Ajax football training base to have breakfast immediately, and then go to the No. [-] training base and do some preparatory activities before training. For an hour, he still has to coordinate football and equipment matters with the logistics staff. If he doesn't leave now, I'm afraid it's really too late.As the saying goes: Time is tight and tasks are heavy.

What's more, the weight of Sun Yingxiong's domestic mobile phone that has been used for several years is less than 300%. He put it in the room to charge, and took everything with him, and went directly to the player's dormitory building [-] meters away. The restaurant at the Ajax football training ground outside.

As soon as Sun Yingxiong stepped into the gate of the restaurant of the Ajax football training base, he looked around the restaurant and found that there were only a handful of people coming to eat.

So, Sun Yingxiong, who was hungry and hungry, quickly took a plate, took some food in the buffet area, and found a vacant seat in the corner of the restaurant to sit down.

It took about 10 minutes for Sun Yingxiong to eat all the food on the dinner plate, and he seemed to be 300% full. He immediately got up and left, and went to No. [-], which was [-] meters away. The field, trotting all the way to the line.

After Sun Yingxiong arrived at the No. [-] venue, he took a closer look. He really didn't know if he didn't see it, and he was shocked when he saw it.

What Sun Yingxiong never expected was that there were people who came earlier than him. On the way to Lin, he was still thinking about waiting for the logistics staff in charge of warehouse management to borrow some footballs and equipment in advance.

Now, he completely let go of this matter, because at this moment, the logistics staff have already started to arrange sports equipment on the No. [-] production site, including the human wall model camp in the restricted area.

Just as Sun Yingxiong stood there in a daze, a battalion logistics staff handed him a backpack, which contained sports shoes, jerseys, trousers, socks, shin guards, vests and other sports clothing and equipment for usual training.

So, after Sun Yingxiong took it, he went to the locker room 30 meters away from the No. [-] venue, changed all the sports equipment in the backpack, and then returned to the No. [-] venue.

In the youth training school of Yanjing FC Football Club in China, Sun Yingxiong and the others kept the sports equipment by themselves, and washed the clothes by themselves. Sometimes, if the boys are lazy, the first day of training is over. , During the training on the second day, I continued to wear the clothes of the previous day. Once it was summer, the whole training ground was stinky.

After Sun Yingxiong came to Ajax Football Club, he was extremely surprised that the sports equipment of each of these players was kept by the club's logistics department.

For example, the sneakers they wear on their feet, the jerseys they wear, etc., after the game or training, they must be handed over to the Ajax logistics staff for safekeeping. They will clean the sneakers and jerseys until the next time. During competitions or training, send them to their hands for use.

After returning to the No. [-] venue, Sun Yingxiong saw that the club's logistics staff had placed all the equipment they needed, so they withdrew to a nearby resting place to stand by.

Since it was only ten minutes after breakfast, Sun Yingxiong did not immediately start to practice the free kick to directly score the goal, but practiced around the outer circle of the No. [-] field for about half an hour. The jog of time.

At about [-]:[-], Sun Yingxiong finished his jogging and was about to stand at the front of the penalty area for free kick training, when he saw Klaassen and Schonei fully dressed and walking out of the locker room come over.

"Okay, Sun Yingxiong, you came quite early, and it's almost time, so hurry up and start training with free kicks and direct goals. Yesterday, when we were having dinner in the restaurant, we all agreed. Take charge of standing on the sidelines to observe, no more direct free kick demonstration for you, next, for this hour, you will complete the practice of free kick direct scoring by yourself, you kid, don’t go back on your word.” Go Klaassen, who was approaching Sun Yingxiong, reminded Sun Yingxiong again with a smile on his face.

Facing Klaassen's reminder, Sun Yingxiong said frankly: "Klaassen, Shenei, you two, don't worry. I, Sun Yingxiong, spit and nail each other. I will definitely mean what I say. It’s just watching from the sidelines, and I can practice by myself.”

In fact, in Sun Yingxiong's view at this time, even if the two of them, Klaassen and Schone, were crying and begging to show him a free kick to directly score the goal, he probably would not agree.

The reason is very simple. Sun Yingxiong has engraved in his mind the picture of Klaassen and Schoney each demonstrating three free kicks and directly attacking the goal. As long as he thinks about it, he can review it at any time. There is no better way to let the two of them demonstrate.

What's more, on the basis of the two of them, Sun Yingxiong has improved the way of direct free kicks. He no longer asks how tricky the angle of the shot is, but how powerful the shot is and how the ball moves. How fast.

With the power of the shot and the speed of the ball, Sun Yingxiong felt that there was no need to pursue the angle of the shot too much. As long as the ball can hit the goal frame, it is almost impossible to break the goal.

No matter how experienced the goalkeeper is, facing the heavy and fast ball, before he can react, the ball has already flown into the goal, even if it is the right direction to judge the incoming ball. , Due to the full strength, it is very easy to cause the goalkeeper to drop the ball if he fails to catch the ball, and the attacking side can also launch a second attack.

Originally, Sun Yingxiong really thought that the two of them, Klaassen and Schoney, would stand aside and watch his practice of scoring a free kick directly. When he stood 25 meters away from the goal on the left side of the front of the penalty area, and, The ball was placed at the penalty spot, but the sidelight caught a glimpse, the two of them went to the rest area, and chatted happily with the logistics department staff who were on call at any time in the rest area.

After seeing this, Sun Yingxiong couldn't help shaking his head slightly, thinking that these two people really have no eyesight. If you stood by and watched, you would probably be dumbfounded by his wonderful free kick shooting.

Although Klaassen and Shener went to the rest area more than 20 meters away, Sun Yingxiong himself still did not relax at all. This first kick not only easily bypassed the human wall model placed in the restricted area, What's more, the ball hits within the range of the goal frame, but the angle of the shot is not tricky enough, but the speed of the ball is very fast. It can be said that this is a good start.

In the following consecutive four-footed shots, except for one shot that blocked the anti-aircraft gun, the other three-footed shots easily bypassed the human wall model placed in the penalty area, and all hit the goal without exception.

Sun Yingxiong is still very satisfied with the first wave of five-footed shots. Except for one missed shot, the other four-footed shots scored goals. He couldn't help but praise himself secretly. : Boy, great job!
After practicing for about half an hour at a place 25 meters away from the goal on the left side of the front of the penalty area, Sun Yingxiong practiced for half an hour at a place 25 meters away from the goal on the right side of the front of the penalty area.

Although Sun Yingxiong didn't carry out detailed statistics, he got a general understanding. In the past hour or so just now, his shooting percentage reached about 90.00%. Such a high shooting percentage is due to his It was completed in just two days. In this regard, it is really a rapid progress.

You know, two days ago, Sun Yingxiong's direct free kick hit rate, it can be said, was less than [-]%. It is very difficult to successfully bypass the outgoing ball, let alone send the ball into the goal.

Just as Sun Yingxiong finished his one-hour free kick practice, Klaassen and Schone walked up to Sun Yingxiong.

"Sun Yingxiong, you looked very hard just now. It's not bad. The back is so good. Just now, although I didn't see if you hit the ball into the goal, but now you can successfully let the ball bypass the placement. The model of the human wall in the restricted area, this shows that you have made great progress!" Klaassen walked up to Sun Yingxiong, first patted Sun Yingxiong on the shoulder with his hand, and then said with a smile.

Afterwards, Shenei also clenched his fists, and lightly punched Sun Yingxiong's chest twice. Then, with a smile on his face, he pretended to say: "Sun Yingxiong, what Klaassen said just now is not wrong. , your boy’s performance today has indeed improved a lot compared to two days ago, but I took a sneak peek just now and found that your shooting angle is not tricky enough, even though some shots can hit the ball inside the goal frame, if you If the shooting angle is not tricky enough, it will be easy for the goalkeeper to get the ball or throw the ball away. So, you have to work hard, kid!"

After listening to Klaassen and Schoney's unreasonable advice to him, Sun Yingxiong did not refute on the spot, but put on a very modest look, nodded, and agreed: "Yes, yes, Klaasen, Schone, what you two said is very true. I really need to improve my shooting angle, and I will definitely work harder in the future to live up to the expectations you two have placed on me."

After the three of them had some courtesy, it was about nine o'clock in the morning. Ajax's head coach De Boer led several members of the coaching staff and other first-team players from the second to the second. Walked out of the locker room more than 20 meters away from the production site.

Just now, when Sun Yingxiong practiced shooting directly from free kicks alone, he was still a little puzzled. It was already past eight o'clock, why didn't even a single shadow of the other players of the first team show up? Could it be that they were all late Bar.

It wasn't until this time that Sun Yingxiong realized that they were not late, but that the head coach De Boer had greeted each of them in advance. After Sun Yingxiong finished training, they came together for the morning offensive and defensive drills. .

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