The strongest striker system

Chapter 187 Chinese 17-year-old teenager competes with European stars in free-kick footwork

Before that, Ajax head coach De Boer, who was still puzzled, listened to the explanation of the team's main goalkeeper Cillessen, and he immediately beamed with joy. He felt that this time, for him and the team Said, it is like a treasure, Sun Yingxiong, a 17-year-old tall striker from China, is really amazing. From now on, whenever Ajax wins free kicks at the front of the penalty area, this kid will take the penalty.

At that time, Ajax coach De Boer just called the team's main goalkeeper Cillesen to him for questioning. There was no one else within a radius of ten meters between the two of them. In addition, the two of them did not speak very loudly during the question and answer process. Except for the two of them who knew that Sun Yingxiong's free kick just now was very good, the other Ajax players They don't know anything about it yet.

In particular, Klaassen and Schone, who were originally assigned by De Boer to teach Sun Yingxiong the methods and skills of direct free kicks, have been kept in the dark until now.

Regarding the free kick that Sun Yingxiong scored before the end of the first half, both Klaassen and Schone still believed that Sun Yingxiong was a blind cat meeting a dead mouse this time, and the angle of the shot was too tricky. Hanging straight to the dead corner in the upper right corner of the goal, even if the team's main goalkeeper Cillesen is guarding the goal, he is beyond his reach for this goal.

If Sun Yingxiong is given another chance to take a free kick and directly attack the goal, I am afraid that he will never shoot such a high-quality shot for the second time, because he will be finished with one or two shots relying on luck, and there will be absolutely no third shot. times.

It can be said that whether it is Klaassen or Schone, the two of them think that Sun Yingxiong's two free kicks scored directly in the first half are all luck, and in the eyes of the two of them, they scoff.

Although the team's offensive and defensive drill match in the morning was divided into two halves, each half was 30 minutes, at the request of the team's head coach De Boer, the first half of the game was advanced a few times. At the end of the minute, the members of the yellow team and the blue team rested for about 10 minutes and then regrouped to prepare for the second half of the game.

When the players of both the yellow team and the blue team returned to the field to prepare for the kick-off, they were suddenly stopped by the team coach De Boer who was standing on the sidelines. Under his instructions and arrangements, Klaassen and Schone, who originally belonged to the yellow team, were assigned to the blue team.

You know, the yellow team is full of main players, the blue team is full of substitute players, and Klaassen and Schöne are the core of Ajax's attacking midfield. It's in the team.

However, before the start of the second half, De Boer suddenly let the two of them go to the blue team.

At first, both of them didn't quite believe it, so De Boer had to repeat what he said again. The two of them, Klaassen and Schöne, rushed to the yellow team and went to the blue team reluctantly.

At the same time, De Boer selected two midfielders from the blue team to play for the yellow team. Changed his team.Afterwards, the four of them exchanged the blue vests and yellow vests they were wearing.

For the two players who were transferred from the blue team to the yellow team, the whole decision made by De Boer made them very emotional, because the two of them have always been substitute players in the Ajax team. They were able to be assigned to the blue team of the main company players in the first training session reunited today. Of course, the two of them were extremely happy.

For Klaassen and Schöne, they really couldn't be happier, because according to the past tradition, after the end of half of the game, after the main player's yellow team is transferred to the substitute player's blue team , it is often considered that the first half of the game was not good enough, and it is very likely that he will be pushed on the bench in the subsequent official game, and it is even possible that he will not even be able to enter the 18-man game roster.

The two of them, Klaassen and Schone, who were transferred to the blue team, took advantage of the fact that the game had not yet started, and they both seriously recalled it, and did not find any major mistakes in the first half, whether it was in the organization of the midfield or not. In series, it is better to pass the threatening ball to Sun Yingxiong on the front line. Both of them have done a good job. There is no reason to relegate them to the blue team as a substitute player. Puzzled.

However, since the team's head coach De Boer has made this decision, as players, Klaassen and Schone have no choice but to obey De Boer's arrangement unconditionally, because both of them know that De Boer is a man who says nothing. The authority of the coach cannot be challenged, otherwise, the two of them will probably be sent to the reserve team, so naturally they dare not do anything against De Boer.

In fact, Sun Yingxiong was also very surprised by the decision made by the team's head coach De Boer. He felt that Klaassen and Schone were hungry. They performed very well in the first half without any major mistakes and should not be dismissed. He was also at a loss when he was transferred to the blue team, which was full of substitute players.

With the whistle of the assistant coach who played the guest referee, the second half of the Ajax team's offensive and defensive drill match began, and the blue team, which was all substitute players, was responsible for the kick-off.

After being transferred to the blue team, Klaassen and Schone were both holding back their energy, that is, they must perform well. Isn't the yellow team leading the blue team 2-0 now? I hope they can rely on their strength Personal ability, strive to equalize the score on the court or even overtake the score before the end of the second half of the game, so as to prove that the two of them are worthy of entering the main lineup.

Since Klaassen and Schone were originally the core midfielders of Ajax's first team, after they were transferred to the blue team, the yellow team's midfield became a little out of control. There is still a big gap between the two substitute players in terms of ability compared with Klaassen and Schone, otherwise, they would not be substitute players.

No, just 4 minutes into the start, facing Klaassen and Schoney, after a two-for-one cooperation in the frontcourt, they were about to enter the penalty area. In desperation , a midfielder of the yellow team had no choice but to stretch out his hand and pull Schoney to the ground.

After Schonei fell down, the assistant coach who was the guest referee blew his whistle and decided that it was a pulling foul. The foul site was about 20 meters away from the goal on the right side of the front of the penalty area, and the yellow team was awarded a penalty. A free kick in the front of the penalty area.

Under normal circumstances, in the Ajax team, any free kick on the right side of the front of the penalty area is handed over to Klaassen to take the penalty. In addition, this time, Klaasen was adjusted to the yellow team. This was the yellow team's free kick, and it was natural for him to take the penalty. None of the other players of the yellow team raised any objections, and they all thought that Klaassen should take the penalty again.

Soon, the members of the yellow team lined up a human wall in the penalty area, especially Sun Yingxiong, a 1.9-meter-tall big center, also participated in the defense this time. He stood on the human wall lined up by the yellow team Inside, and still facing the goal, it blocked Klaassen's shooting angle on the left side. After all, it was still a little difficult to get over Sun Yingxiong's head.

So, standing in front of the ball, Klaassen made a decisive decision to shoot from the left side of the wall, so he didn't run up at all, but just looked forward, and then kicked with the outer instep of his right foot. ball.

The kicked ball really flew from the left side of the wall in the penalty area to the goal, and it also bypassed the heads of the defensive players on the left side of the penalty area. Go directly to the lower right corner of the goal.

Because Sun Yingxiong stood on the far left side of the human wall, this reassured the goalkeeper Cillesen. He secretly made a bet in his heart, guessing that Klaassen must be playing on the right side of the goal, and he guessed bingo.

Originally, Cillessen's position was a bit to the right. The ball Klaassen only focused on pursuing the angle of the shot, but did not pay attention to the speed of the ball and the power of the shot. There was a side attack, and at this point, he firmly held the ball in his hand.

Seeing that his free kick was successfully saved by Cillessen, and he also got the ball, Klaassen standing in front of the penalty spot was very disappointed and couldn't help shaking his head, because in his opinion, his shot The angle was tricky enough, and the ball went towards the dead corner of the lower right corner of the goal, and Cillessen made up for it, so there was no way around it.

Sun Yingxiong, who was originally standing on the far left side of the human wall in the penalty area, looked back and saw Cillesen making a save to the right. After getting the ball, he first blinked his eyelids at Cillesen, and then Desperately ran towards the front.

Because the blue team had a lot of people in the penalty area preparing to grab a second point when Klaassen took the free kick just now, leaving only a central defender and the goalkeeper in the penalty area in the defense.

When Sun Yingxiong strode to the midfield, Cillesen immediately kicked his big foot and found the top of Sun Yingxiong's head very accurately. Sun Yingxiong easily unloaded the ball under the condition of five guards. down.

After unloading the ball, Sun Yingxiong hurriedly took the ball and rushed directly to the penalty area about ten meters away from the frontcourt, and the central defender of the blue team who was dragged behind saw this scene and did not dare to neglect in the slightest , rushed forward to intercept and steal Sun Yingxiong.

Although Sun Yingxiong's foot skills are relatively rough, he is facing an Ajax substitute central defender who has never participated in any official games. It is not good to compare his foot skills with him. Where to go.

At this moment, for Sun Yingxiong, it is a narrow road and the brave wins.

Facing the central defender of the blue team rushing forward, Sun Yingxiong took the lead to break through and was about two meters away from him, and found that while the opponent slowed down, there was a large gap between his legs.

It was too late and then soon, Sun Yingxiong made a pass through the crotch, and the ball quickly passed between the legs of the blue team's central defender in front of him. Just as Sun Yingxiong was about to face the blue team's central defender When he was defending, he was tripped and fell to the ground by the blue team.

For the blue team central defender, he is the last line of defense for the blue team. If Sun Yingxiong successfully breaks through through the crotch at this time, then let Sun Yingxiong form a single-handed ball. Your goalkeeper on this side is naturally a great threat to the goal.

What's more, Sun Yingxiong had his crotch pierced just now, which made the blue team central defender feel very angry. He also tripped Sun Yingxiong, who was about to successfully pass him, to the ground with anger. It's just that the ball is extraordinary.

The Ajax assistant coach who played the guest referee immediately blew his whistle, thinking that it was a tripping foul, and the place of the foul was on the left side of the front of the penalty area, about 28 meters away from the goal. It can be said that, It should be quite far from the goal.

It stands to reason that such a long distance is not suitable for direct attack. Instead, it should be a coordination to transfer the ball into the penalty area, so that the offensive players ambushing in the penalty area can get the ball and form an attack.

Sun Yingxiong, who was tripped to the ground, just got up from the ground, and Ajax coach De Boer, who was standing on the sidelines watching the game, began to speak, asking Sun Yingxiong to take a free kick directly, and ordered the yellow team to take a free kick. Goalkeeper Cillessen in goal.

The purpose of De Boer's doing this is very simple, that is, he wants to see how effective Sun Yingxiong's direct free kick is at such a long distance, and whether he can complete the goal, even if he can shoot within the range of the goal frame Inside, he thought that Sun Yingxiong's extra training in the past two days was not in vain, and he had made great progress, which also made him feel gratified.

Let Ajax's main goalkeeper Cillessen keep the goal. De Boer is also out of this consideration, that is, if Sun Yingxiong's shooting angle is not tricky, can Cillessen save the ball? He looked forward to it very much.

After Cillessen took his position in front of the goal, and the players of the blue team lined up a human wall in the penalty area, the Ajax assistant coach who was in charge of the guest referee immediately blew his whistle, indicating that Sun Yingxiong could Take the entire free kick.

Sun Yingxiong, standing in front of the ball, did the same as the first half. He first ran about three meters away, and kicked the ball towards the goal with the outside instep of his right foot.

Although the free throw was a little far away from the goal, Sun Yingxiong's kick was very powerful and the ball was very fast. After the ball bypassed the wall lined up in the penalty area, it flew directly to the goal.This time, Sun Yingxiong still did not pursue the shooting angle. In his opinion, as long as the ball hits the goal frame, can this kick score a goal?

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