NBA super point guard

Chapter 75 Awakening

After the All-Star break is the trade deadline.

Back in Oklahoma, Li Muhua knew that the team had made a deal.

The object of the trade was the Orleans Hornets, who played against the Orleans Hornets the next day. The Thunder traded Chris and Joe Smith for Tyson Chandler.

This made Li Muhua a little sad.

Chris and Li Muhua have a good relationship, while Joe is a veteran of the team, they were only traded due to injuries and other reasons.

Tyson Chandler's injury is not serious. It can only be said that the transaction between the two parties is just an investment for insiders.

The Hornets aim to pass the first round of the playoffs, while the Thunder have to make arrangements for the strength of the interior.

Just get what you need.

In the locker room, Li Muhua glanced at Chris' wardrobe, and the nameplate had been removed from it.

"Come on, LI, this is all business!"

Westbrook patted Li Muhua's shoulder and comforted him in a low voice.

Li Muhua nodded, although he knew from the beginning that this alliance was the most impersonal place, but he was always a little bit upset about it.

Ford Center, the game begins.

Due to the lack of inside gate Chandler, the Hornets used backup center Max to top the starting lineup.

Collison jumped the ball and won again.

Li Muhua saw Collison's mouth grinning, and guessed that this guy was planning to torture again.

But Collison went undercover.

In the first quarter of the game, Collison made 2 of 0 shots and cheated the team.

On the contrary, substitute center Max made 2 of 2 shots. It can only be said that these two guys are evenly matched.

Chris Paul ranks first in the current league rankings in assists and steals. In the first quarter, he performed very well. In addition to connecting the teams, he made 9 of 5 shots and 3 of 1 three-pointers. 11 points, 4 assists and 1 steal.

This is not the most important thing. The Hornets blossomed more, and the first quarter opened up a difference of more than 10 points.

The first quarter ends.

"LI, after you play, organize the offense, is there any problem?"

After Brooks emphasized it again and again, he turned around and asked.

"No problem, sir!"

Li Muhua is very confident. CP3 is only 1 meters. In comparison, the matchup advantage is obvious.

In terms of technology, the two have similar characteristics, the only difference is that Li Muhua is the newly promoted three-point leader, and the ability to open up space is also what the team needs most.

However, at the beginning of the second quarter, the Hornets' La Salle Butler defended.

The Thunder team attacked, Li Muhua did not choose to play, but passed to Westbrook.

The point guard is not only to control the ball and pass the ball, but also to adjust the state of the players on the field. For example, like Chris Paul, selective passing is not blindly breaking through, but finding opportunities and distributing the ball reasonably.

Judging from the situation in the first quarter, the Thunder felt a bit cold, especially Westbrook, who had a very low outside shooting percentage.

Westbrook started instantly, like a small tank, rushed into the inside of the Hornets and caused a free throw.

The attack of three melons and two dates can't chase points at all, and can only barely maintain it.

Li Muhua was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do. It was glorious to win the three-point champion, but the opponent would guard Li Muhua strictly.

After James Posey was replaced, the battle became more and more difficult. James Posey was close to Li Muhua.

Without Tyson Chandler, the Hornets lost the defensive gate inside, but Collison is a rough guy and can't get in.

In this game, the Thunder played very hard.

In this way, in the fourth quarter, the two sides replaced the substitutes, and the game entered garbage time.

The Hornets won the game 110:98. This is because the Thunder scored some points in the fourth quarter, otherwise the score would be even worse.

Li Muhua's statistics are very dismal, only 2 points, 5 assists and 2 steals. The whole game was defended like sleepwalking.

After the game, Li Muhua left the locker room with a depressed face.

"Li, what's the matter?"

Adams came up and patted Li Muhua on the back.

"Ron, I just..."

"Haha, you were in a bad state during the game, I saw it too!"

"What's the reason for that?"

Li Muhua was very puzzled. It is said that with the Ultrain, the passing route was clearly engraved in his mind, but when he was dragged to defend, Li Muhua was indeed in trouble.

"Silly boy, why don't you run without the ball?"

Li Muhua was stunned for a moment, he was playing number one, what the hell was running.

From the above, it is not difficult to see that although Li Muhua has received systematic training, he still doesn't have a special understanding of the position. This is the experience of the game and has nothing to do with learning ability.

"Okay, think about the previous game, how did you cooperate when Russell was on the court, remember to be there on time tomorrow!"

Adams smiled and urged Li Muhua to leave.

At this time, Brooks came over.

"Thank you, Ron, for getting LI out of his confusion as soon as possible!"

"no problem!"

Silent all night.

The next day, the training ground.

"Look, LI, this is the support point for running. Tell me, how was your running yesterday?"

Adams was very serious, and circled a few points with the tactical board.

"No. Running without the ball!"

"Yes, this is a mistake that rookies often make. Once they are defended, they are like wooden stakes. This is the trouble caused by running without the ball. You know, once you run, you can get open. And Easier to respond to the pass and have a shot himself!"

After Adams explained it carefully, Li Muhua came to a little understanding.

Li Muhua also ran without the ball before. For example, with Hamilton, a running man, he almost vomited blood from exhaustion.

Yes, the running position is very coquettish, and there is no stop. Li Muhua's physical exertion was the problem before, and he didn't run much after that.

Judging from these few games, with the ball in his hands, Li Muhua can still pass the ball decently, but once the pass is made, he seems to have lost his motivation. Chance.

"Ron. Me."

Li Muhua was about to explain, but was interrupted by Adams:
"Son, I know that your physical strength is very poor. I didn't want to be so strict at first, but you also know the current situation of the team. Once the offense cannot be opened, we will definitely lose, and your vision is the team's strength at critical moments. The most needed weapon, the defense can be relaxed, but the offense must be opened!"

"Got it, Ron, you show me how to do it!"

After hearing this, Li Muhua nodded without hesitation.

Adams didn't hide his secrets. As an assistant coach, he had a lot of game highlights and off-the-ball training videotapes in his hands, so he directly took a stack of them and handed them to Li Muhua.

"There is a video recorder in the office, you can watch it now, we will start training without the ball in the afternoon!"

Li Muhua honestly plunged into the coach's office.

After a while, other players came one after another, and they were surprised that they didn't see Li Muhua.

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