NBA super point guard

Chapter 76 Transformation

Since the team signed Li Muhua, Li Muhua was always the first person to appear on the training ground, whether it was a team assembly or not.

"The standard of LI still needs to be improved!"

Brooks explained to everyone with a smile.

Every team always has to give individual players a small meal at a certain period of time, which is not enviable.

Who knew that after training, it was the devil?Or an angel?

For example, in Jordan's Bobcats, Jordan often gave the players small meals, and as a result, the team's record plummeted in addition to being furious.

At noon, Li Muhua went into the cafeteria feeling dizzy.

"Li, are you okay?"

Seeing Li Muhua's listless look, Chris walked over to inquire.

"Chris? Why are you here?"

Li Muhua was surprised.

"This can only be said to be a joke!" Chris spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.

In fact, Chris and Joe are fine, the key is that Tyson Chandler failed the medical examination and the deal was cancelled.

As for what is found in the physical examination, it belongs to personal privacy.

Friends met but had no time to talk, Li Muhua gobbled it up and everyone was startled.

Li Muhua felt very hungry. The mental exhaustion of the morning was more tiring than after two games, and his legs could barely walk.

Two days later, the Thunder played away against the Phoenix Suns.

After the All-Star Game, the Suns temporarily changed coaches and hired Elvin Gentry to reintegrate the bombardment system into the Suns.

This is the first battle after the new coach took office.

Phoenix Sports Alerts:
"Erwin promised that the management would restore the Suns to their previous state, and also vowed to raise the team's offense to a new level. Facing the underdog Thunder, can the Suns play their own style? let us wait and see!"

The Phoenix Man:

"Scott Brooks and Elvin Gentry, who are also assistant coaches and serve as interim head coaches, have too many similarities. A collision between new coaches!"

Phoenix attaches great importance to this ball game, which is related to the Phoenix people's return to the playoffs.

At 1.8 o'clock in the evening, the American West Arena, which can accommodate [-] spectators, is very full.

The roar in the stadium seems to be able to blow off the roof.

locker room.

"Guys, this is just a regular season. We don't need to give too much meaning like the media, as long as we play well!"

Brooks couldn't help but smile and introduce to the players.

This morning, the Thunder officially announced that they signed a one-year contract with the team's acting head coach Scott Brooks.

Next season, Brooks will lead the Thunder for another year.

The players knew about this, and when they saw that the head coach was enjoying himself, they all applauded happily to express their congratulations.

As Stoudemire's eye was injured again, the Suns adjusted the starting lineup: Steve Nash, O'Neal, Richardson, Grant Hill, Barbosa.

Thunder starters: Durant, Westbrook, Krstic, Green, Weaver.

Game start.

The Suns got the ball and launched an offensive frantically. O'Neal's footsteps were slow, and Nash adjusted the offensive rhythm and fed the ball more to Richardson.

At the beginning, the Thunder team was in a hurry, and the Suns were in no man's land, wreaking havoc inside, Richardson and O'Neal dunked two consecutively.

Whenever O'Neal is under the basket, the reporters behind the basketball hoop will take the initiative to hide aside.

The Sharks were able to dunk rebounds when they were young, not to mention their current state after their weight gain.

Durant played a central role at critical moments, driving Green on the outside and shooting responses.

Li Muhua can also tell off the court that Durant has a good touch. In the first half of the quarter, he made 3 of 2 shots, 2 of 1 three-pointers, 2 of 2 free throws, and scored 7 points, 2 rebounds and 2 assists.

After Durant finished swinging, Westbrook stood up again.

He made an emergency stop jumper and made a quick pull from the outside, scoring 6 points in a row.

The official suspension, the two sides tied 16.

Li Muhua originally thought that the competition would be another battle between dragons and tigers, but who knew.
After returning from the timeout, the Suns went crazy and opened fire across the board. In just 4 minutes, they played a wave of 12:0 climax.

In particular, the veteran Hill began to support and organize the offense more, liberating Nash's offensive ability.

After the first quarter, the Thunder trailed the Suns by 23 points at 38:15.

In the second quarter, Li Muhua played.

The Thunder attack.

Li Muhua dribbled the ball, and Dragic, a rookie in the same grade of the Suns, defended against him and was good at pick-and-rolls.

For the first ball, Li Muhua didn't rush to hit it. Instead, after his teammates settled down, he beckoned Collison to pick and roll. With the help of a screen, he didn't make a breakthrough, but directly took off and shot.


Three point hit.

The point difference came to 12 points.

The Suns attacked, Dragic passed halftime, Barnes stepped forward to pick and roll, Li Muhua took advantage of this momentary gap, and took Dragic's ball from behind.

Li Muhua threw the ball casually, and Westbrook dunked the ball in the frontcourt.

10 points difference.

Dragic is a left-hander. In the basketball world, there is a popular saying that left-handers are difficult to guard.

Many people play with their right hands. When defending against each other, they subconsciously focus on defending the right hand. Suddenly a left-handed player comes, and there will be a lot of discomfort.

In Li Muhua's eyes, the advantage of stealing left-handed players is more obvious. When guiding the ball left and right, he can open his body and have a gap for a moment.

Looking back, Dragic sped up the ball, called the pick-and-roll again, disrupted the Thunder's perimeter defense, and then stepped back for a jumper.

Shoulder-mounted bazooka-style shooting, hit the iron.

Collison took off the rebound and handed it to Li Muhua.

Westbrook has almost stepped down to the frontcourt, and Barbosa is by his side.

When Li Muhua advanced one step beyond the three-point line, he faked a fax shot, shook Dragic, and directly pulled out the shot.


Three points hit again.

The point difference came to 7 points.

"Time out!"

The Suns requested a timeout.

"Li, good job!"

Brooks slapped Li Muhua on the shoulder hard. This disciple is finally willing to let go of his offensive end. This is good news for the Thunder.

Playing time and the needs of the team, Li Muhua chose the latter.After half a season of training, Li Muhua's physical strength has been able to support two quarters of the game.

Back from the timeout, Steve Nash replaced Dragic.

The Suns attacked, and Nash slowly dribbled the ball beyond the three-point line, his eyes flicked to the left wing.

Li Muhua's footsteps moved to the left, and Nash seized the opening at this moment, and quickly broke through to the right.

"not good!"

Li Muhua reacted when Nash made a move, but it was too late. Nash assisted Richardson and made a mid-range shot.

After confirming the eyes, Nash is a showman.

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