NBA super point guard

Chapter 74 Three-Point Shootout Contest

"Yes, I want to thank my mother. She has always taught me that when I was about to give up basketball, she slapped me awake!"

When Durant held the rookie game MVP trophy, his speech made people cry.

After the skills challenge, Li Muhua came to the locker room.

The six players participating in the three-point contest are: Mike Bibby, Daquan Cook, Danny Granger, Jason Kapono, Rashad Lewis and Li Muhua.

"Jason, I'm sure to win this year!"

Granger stood there, seemingly confident.

Kapono smiled, the other players did not speak, and the competition had not started yet.

Li Muhua was unknown and had no part to speak. He just packed his sneakers and jersey and sat quietly waiting for the staff to call for someone.

Outside, the chants from the court broke through the sky, and it was the dunk contest.

When the players who participated in the three-point shot came out, the field was already ready.

Unexpectedly, Superman Howard did not get the championship.

However, none of this has anything to do with Li Muhua. Several players quietly chose to draw lots.

In the first round, Li Muhua took the first shot.


Li Muhua heaved a sigh of relief and stood in the corner.


Li Muhua didn't shoot fast, but he got the ball fast.

The first ball hit the iron with a bang.

However, Li Muhua did not hesitate and threw the ball in his hand again.


Another miss.

"What's the matter with LI? He usually has a high shooting percentage in games. It seems that he was too nervous today!"

The narrator said helplessly.

Turn on the super brain.

Li Muhua immediately entered into a mysterious state, slightly bent his knees, and then threw the ball.



The continuous basketball hit the net, causing the audience to scream.

Li Muhua is like a shooting machine, he shoots the first point very accurately, then the second point, and the third point.
At this moment, Li Muhua's forehead was soaked with sweat.

For such a high-intensity projection, the calculation frequency of Ultrain is a bit too high.

For the fourth and fifth points, Li Muhua chose to use his own ability, but fortunately it wasn't too ugly, with a 20% hit rate, he got a good score, [-] points.

Now the pressure from the first person has all been transferred to the five people behind.

Lewis played second and only scored two of the first two points, but later caught up and finally scored 17 points.

Bibby was miserable. He hit the iron continuously and scored only 14 points.

Granger, who let go of his rhetoric in the locker room, was the most embarrassing. He only scored 13 points. After shooting, Granger didn't want to lose more on the court, so he left the court with a black face.

Cook was fairly stable and scored 18 points. The last player to play was Kapono, who played steadily and scored 19 points.

The list of finalists came out: Li Muhua, Cook, Kapono.

Li Muhua had the highest score in the preliminaries, and now he has the highest call for the championship.

During the media interview, Kapono nodded:
"LI's three-point level is quite high. I have watched his game, and I hope God will stand by his side today!"

Kapono's performance was extremely magnanimous. The demeanor of the last three-point champion aroused the favor of many fans at the scene and applauded.

Li Muhua kept a low profile:

"I don't think my three-pointers are so good. The field and here are two different things. I just want to do my best!"

Cook also expressed his opinion:

"The three-pointer is more about the psychological quality. The players who come here to participate are of high standard. It is nothing more than a psychological training process!"

The game starts again.

Cook scored the lowest and took the lead in the game. He felt very average and only scored 15 points.

God was not on the side of the champion Kapono and only allowed him to score 14 points.

Li Muhua stood on the first point again.

If nothing else, Li Muhua is this year's three-pointer champion.

Now the audience held their breath and watched in silence.

the whistle
"Turn on!"

Li Muhua murmured in his heart, opened his eyes, and quickly took out the ball from the basket.


Hit, second, third first point all hit.

Li Muhua ran to the second point, the third point, and the fourth point. His shooting speed was very fast, which made people feel dizzy.

After throwing the penultimate ball, Li Muhua even raised his hands in celebration.

"Whoa, man, you're playing like crazy."

The commentator showed a surprised expression very cooperatively.

For the last bouquet, Li Muhua didn't choose to use Ultrain and missed it.

28 points.

However, even so, there was still thunderous applause on the field.

Now that small ball tactics are becoming popular in the league, three-pointers are regarded as the most important part.

It can only be said that this champion deserves its name.

Durant and Westbrook couldn't wait to jump out, and hugged Li Muhua to celebrate.

"I'm lucky this time, God is on my side, thank you everyone!"

Li Muhua held up the trophy and gave a speech with a smile.

Many people who don't understand think that Li Muhua is really lucky. Only the team who is inseparable from the Thunder team knows that this guy's three-point ability is really terrible.

"No brothers, no basketball!"

This is the theme of the NBA's publicity this year, and the same is true for the All-Star Game. In the East, despite LeBron James' outstanding performance, David Stern gave Kobe and O'Neal the MVP trophy at the same time.

Facing the OK combination, LeBron also has to stand aside.

The alliance can be regarded as a successful end to the entangled brothers.

No one really cares whether it's a default, after all, David Stern has been a showman for many years.

"Little bastard!"

"A rapist!"

The OK group has scolded each other for so many years, anyway, the alliance has given them face, and as for private affairs, the alliance has nothing to do with it.

This All-Star is of great significance to Li Muhua.

After the three-point shooting game, Li Muhua unexpectedly received a call from home:

"It's rare that it's finally rebroadcasted this time. Don't worry, you've seen it too. My son is fine. I didn't lie to you on the call before. Don't worry. I don't know this summer! Andrew has already finalized the contract for me, and I will talk to you sometime." Sign. With the money I sent back, you can buy whatever you want.”

With tears in his eyes, Li Muhua was very excited after talking with his father.

The Thunder team's record was so bad that CCTV didn't even have the right to broadcast it. Only this time, my father finally saw Li Muhua on TV.

This is not over yet, the phone rang again in a blink of an eye:
"LI, you are so busy, I can't get in for a long time!"

Doyle's resentful voice came over.

"Haha, dear, don't worry, it was a call from home just now."

After talking on the phone, Li Muhua and several teammates left the arena.

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