Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0325 firearms battalion is not reliable?

Three days passed, and more and more Hu people gathered outside the city, one camp after another.

Looking from a distance from the top of the city, you can see the banners of the Hu people everywhere, the camps and tents, and people shouting and neighing, so arrogant.

But the barbarians just besieged and made no further attacks.

Just like the usual hunting and hunting, they surrounded their prey and were not in a hurry to catch it.

They want to wait until the prey starves to death, and don't want to waste an arrow.

Although they did not attack, they had more and more equipment for attacking the city.

For example, they made several aerial ladders on site.

This area is the Hami grassland, and there are no tall trees.

Tall trees are on the hill.

From the southern Tianshan Mountains to Hami, there is a vast green sea, which is the snowy spruce forest.

At the junction of the Tianshan pasture and the forest, it is the source of wood for the Hu people to build the city.

Here they felled the giant logs, cut off the branches, and rode horses to the plains.

Because of the altitude difference, it is not too difficult to drag the giant tree to Hami.

For the Hu people, their city is not backed by mountains, but it must be near the river.

Building a city against a mountain requires leveling the foundation, which is a huge project.

Building a city on flat ground can completely resist the attacks of other tribes.

Moreover, building a city on flat ground is also conducive to suddenly breaking out from the city.

In addition to the tall Xueling spruce, a lot of stones were also brought in.

Petrified wood from the desert was also brought in. This kind of wood has become a fossil and its hardness is comparable to metal.

The most frightening thing was that they brought in a huge petrified wood five feet long.

It can be seen through the telescope that the diameter of the petrified wood is several times that of the petrified wood picked up a few days ago.

Compatible with the petrified wood is a giant city-charging vehicle.

The chariot to rush to the city is equipped with one hundred Hu people.

When besieging the city, these hundred barbarians would push on the city-charging cart, and let the petrified wood hit the city gate at an extremely fast speed.

According to Ping An's judgment, it only takes two times for such a city-rushing vehicle and such petrified wood to break open the city gate.

Don't say anything else, just this siege vehicle plus petrified wood is a headache.

Because the Hu people had no intention of attacking the city for a while, Chang Sheng, Chang Sen, Lan Shou and others also rushed from the other three city gates to the south gate to discuss with Ping An.

Seeing that all the generals looked worried, Ping An said: "Generals, we don't have to worry. Go back and tell the sergeants that the battle is fought by humans. We have fought from Jiayuguan until now, and it is the Hu people who are worried. We What is there to be afraid of?!"

"In terms of blood bravery, we have been tested for a long time!"

"In terms of unity, we are a whole, and the Hu people are a mob."

"In terms of resourcefulness, we have Master Xu sitting in charge."

What Ping An said did not dispel everyone's worries much.

Some thousands of households are thinking, we have Xu Junshi, but Xu Junshi is a woman after all.

The Hu people also have the national teacher Muzha'er.

Mu Zha'er's strategy can't be called ingenious, it can't be said that it's not ruthless!

Before Jiayuguan, Muzha'er was defeated because he didn't understand the Ming army and underestimated King Wu.

On the city of Guazhou, Mu Zha'er thought of a strategy to trap the hot air balloon so as to capture King Wu, which is really brilliant.

But no one thought that King Wu would prepare three long ropes on the hot air balloon and escape from danger.

At Yumen Pass, Muzha'er actually thought of getting out of Yumen Pass, allowing King Wu to enter the desert, and then attacking back and forth.

Also, this time the Hu people gave up the city of Hami to carry out an anti-encirclement and anti-siege of our army, which is definitely a brilliant move.

The three strategies were all unexpected by Master Xu and the King of Wu.

This shows that Muzha'er's resourcefulness is definitely not inferior to Xu Junshi and Wu Wang.

The main reason why the Hu people's strategy did not succeed is what King Wu said: God takes care of him.

"Currently, the biggest threat to the barbarians is not the return cannon, but the city-rushing vehicle!"

Pingan said: "We need to concentrate on dealing with the city-crashing vehicles! The task of the firearms battalion is: to intercept the city-crashing vehicles with firepower!"

Everyone looked at Mao Yi, relieved their worries.

With the Firearms Battalion, I'm really not afraid of these rushing cars.

No matter how big the petrified wood is, no matter how fast the car rushes to the city, it is still pushed by people.

As long as you aim at the person and hit it, its effect will not be exerted!

"Ping An is good. I know how to think, know how to concentrate my forces, and realize the value of the firearms battalion."

"Good steel must be used on the blade."

"Ping'an is right. Wars are fought by men!"

"Wars are fought by men!"

"Wars are fought against people!"

"It doesn't matter what kind of car the barbarians have, just kill them and it's over."

Pingan said: "Commander Mao, your firearms battalion must keep an eye on the city-charging chariots, and the tower will be handed over to your five hundred brothers. As long as the chariots dare to come, let them stay under the city!"

Mao Yi replied: "Don't worry, General Ping, with our firearms battalion here, the barbarians will definitely not be able to get close to the city gate!"

Like all the generals, Zhu Yuanzhang also felt relieved. With the firearm battalion, the problem of rushing vehicles to the city was solved.

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang heard the voice of the third grandson: "No, Ping An and Mao Yi have made the problem simple!"

"It's too hasty to hand over the tower to the Firearms Battalion!"

"One of them didn't block it, the city gate was knocked open, and the barbarians rushed in! That's the end of the calf!"

What did Sansun find?

What's wrong with handing over the tower to the Firearms Battalion?
Can the firearms battalion stop the city rush car?
There is no need to block the rushing cart at all, just shoot the barbarians pushing the cart.

The five-segment shooting method created by Sansun for the firearms battalion is completely achievable.

They all received miraculous effects against the cavalry, let alone against 100 people in this area, who were still pushing carts and did not ride horses!
"Should we remind Ping An and Mao Yi now?"

"Forget it, let's talk about it when the city rush car arrives."

"We must give Ping An, Mao Yi and others a chance to fully think about it."

Zhu Yuanzhang is in a hurry, say goodbye to the third grandson, speak out quickly.

It's no small matter for a car to rush over the city!
Now the third grandson has given up the position of control to Ping An, and he himself often sleeps until dawn.

What if the third grandson is still sleeping, the barbarians launch an attack, and the city rush car rushes over, what should we do?
It may be too late to lift the third grandson from the bed and carry him to the city wall!

We have experienced everything on the battlefield, big and small battles, and we know a little bit that we must not take risks unless it is absolutely necessary.

Everything must be planned for a rainy day.

But the third grandson's voice went elsewhere.

The third grandson is always so anxious!
If the third grandson doesn't say anything, let him say what he wants!

If we don't know what the problem is, I'm afraid we won't be able to sleep well or eat well.

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly approached a little closer: "Why do we feel that the firearms battalion is guarding the city tower? It's not safe? I always feel that there is something wrong."

Everyone was shocked, the firearms battalion was not reliable?It's even worse to change it to something else.

That's not right, Chang Sheng and the others feel that the discussions here are all above the lieutenant general level, so why do you have a thousand households interjecting?

Xu Huaijin said: "Bi Qianhu, General Ping's arrangement is very reasonable."

Chang Sen said: "Bi Qianhu, tell me, why is it not reliable? What's wrong?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was just trying to elicit the voice of his third grandson. How could he know what was not reliable and where there was a problem?

If we knew, we wouldn't ask at all, just tell Mao Yi directly.

Zhu Yuanzhang had no choice but to say: "This, we just rely on our feelings and intuition."

Chang Sen smiled bluntly: "Bi Qianhu, everyone is talking about big things, so don't interrupt. Although King Wu takes good care of you and asks you to follow closely, you should also pay attention to your identity and don't talk nonsense. .”

Mao Yi was very worried at this time, Chang Sen, please stop talking!
Bi Qianhu is actually His Majesty!You actually asked His Majesty to pay attention to his identity, and told His Majesty not to talk nonsense!

Although His Majesty said that he will not punish you now, after returning to Yingtian, His Majesty will definitely find a way to punish you!

Mao Yi felt that Chang Sen was usually a good person and wanted to remind him, but he was afraid that His Majesty would be annoyed.

Zhu Yuanzhang was about to get angry, when he suddenly heard Chang Sen's "Pay attention to your identity" and suppressed the fire, yes, we are a thousand households, and we have no place to speak on such occasions.

"Hey, I didn't expect Lao Bi to ask a question."

"Old Bi actually intuitively felt that there was a problem!"

"You're old enough to be smart."

Zhu Yuanzhang also ignored other people's eyes, and subconsciously moved closer to Zhu Yunxi.

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