Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0326 we also dog, like 3 grandchildren

"The barbarians came here pushing the car, so there's no protection at all?"

"The barbarian's defense is first of all to guard against the front!"

"Set up a big shield in front of the chariot, and put a big shield on top of the chariot, and the barbarians will hide behind and under the shield."

"In this way, they can break through our army's frontal defense and head straight for the city gate!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was surprised, yes, if the barbarians do this, the firearms battalion above the city gate is really useless!

Standing up a few shields is nothing, no matter how heavy it is, it can't compare with a giant petrified wood.

If this is the case, the role of the firearms battalion is not as good as that of other arms.

Put some big stones on the top of the city and throw them down when the barbarians rush over, and many people will be killed.

Hu people have shields, which can block the bullets of firecrackers, but they cannot block stones.

"Hu people push the cart, the weakest point is the sides!"

"Because it's impossible for a barbarian to push a cart with one hand and grab a shield with the other."

"Therefore, in addition to deploying troops on the front tower, it is also necessary to arrange sufficient firepower on the horse faces on both sides."

"As soon as the barbarian's assault vehicle came, the front and sides fired cross-fire in three directions at the same time!"

"This is called triangular crossfire, ensuring no dead ends and full coverage!"

"Ping'an and Mao Yi have to realize that the bullets in the firearms battalion are one round less!"

"We must be careful and careful, one bullet will kill a barbarian!"

"Pay attention to the drills of the barbarian's assault vehicles, and see how many people they arrange in each of the three directions."

"Not all fire!"

"It must be stipulated in advance that the sergeants with good marksmanship have the right to fire. Whoever shoots the first will shoot the second!"

"Several people cannot aim at one person at the same time!"

"Of course, except for the small bosses of the enemy army."

Zhu Yuanzhang finally heard the answer he wanted.

This reminder from the third grandson is really timely!
If this hadn't been thought of, the barbarians' chariots rushed over, and the firearms battalion hadn't wiped out the cart pushers, and they might have knocked open the city gate all at once.

The consequences were unimaginable.

The third grandson has many unexpected sharp weapons in his hands, such as hot air balloons, big iron balls, excavators and so on.

But the speed of the hot air balloon is too slow, and it is unrealistic to want to take off and destroy the barbarian's returning cannons and city charging vehicles.

By the time the hot air balloon lifted off, the barbarians had already taken precautions.

In fact, there is no need for protection. When the hot air balloon hovers, the Hu people have time to transport the personnel and equipment below.

Hu people have long been familiar with hot air balloons, and it is impossible to achieve the miraculous effect of Jiayuguan.

There is also an excavator, which is a sharp weapon, but the key is that it has long been thrown in Guazhou City.

Even if the small country in the Western Regions that manufactures excavators still exists, they will give it to Wu Nasili.

With the force of the third grandson and his equipment, it is no problem for him to escape with a few people, but there are 6 people in the city!
The third grandson said a few days ago that the task of defending the city is very difficult, and now it is really not easy to observe and analyze.

I hope the third grandson has another move!

Ping An also stipulated several different semaphores for everyone to facilitate the immediate coordination of the four city gates.

The city of Hami has a radius of ten miles, and semaphore is the easiest and fastest way to communicate.

At the end of the meeting, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately walked up to Mao Yi.

Zhu Yuanzhang gave Mao Yi all the precautions he heard from Zhu Yunxi's heart.

Mao Yi was overjoyed after hearing this, and immediately sweated profusely, with cold sweat dripping down his back.

Oh my god, if it wasn't for His Majesty's reminder, the Firearms Battalion wouldn't even be able to deal with a hundred barbarians pushing carts, and it would be embarrassing at that time!
If you follow His Majesty's method, not only can you deal with the barbarians, but you can also save a lot of bullets.

Your Majesty really deserves to be the emperor who rose from the bottom, and has always maintained a good habit of thrift.

Even wars are so budget-friendly!
Counting the firecrackers and bullets obtained from the city, if it is just to prevent the barbarians from rushing into the city, it is enough!

Mao Yi felt that it might not be so easy to defend Hami City.

As a blockbuster firearms battalion outside Guazhou City, there are more difficult tasks waiting.

At the routine meeting the next day, Mao Yi proposed Bi Qianhu's idea to Ping An, and Ping An and others immediately looked at Bi Qianhu differently.

Chang Sen also seemed very magnanimous, and first apologized to Bi Qianhu: "Bi Qianhu, you are amazing, and you are really thoughtful! What I said yesterday was not pleasant, so I'm sorry!"

"Old Bi is amazing."

"Old Bi actually thought of this!?"

"Although Lao Bi has just been transferred to the firearms battalion and he doesn't even know how to load gunpowder, he actually knows how to maximize the effect of firearms."

"My God, Lao Bi also knows how to shoot from three sides!"

"Old Bi is so good, he really shouldn't be just a hundred households!"

"What does this mean? It means that there is a problem with Ming's army! Anyone who is capable is buried!"

"Sure enough, an old man in a family is like a treasure."

Ping An was also convinced at this time, and quickly praised Zhu Yuanzhang with a few words.

"General Ping, let Bi Qianhu participate in all military meetings in the future. Bi Qianhu must be consulted for any major decisions."

Xu Huaijin immediately made a decision as a military adviser.

Taking another look at Zhu Yunxi, he thought, his eyesight is still very good.

Back then, Bi Qianhu was just an ordinary hundred household in Huoqiying.

Suddenly Zhu Yunxi's attitude towards Bi Qianhu was very different. At first, Zhu Yunxi thought that Bi Qianhu belonged to Fengyang, and had a similar accent, similar stature, and similar age to his grandfather.

Looking at it now, the reason why Zhu Yunxi promoted him to Qianhu and asked him to follow him was not due to emotional factors.

Lao Bi is really capable!
Zhu Yuanzhang felt the admiration of the surrounding eyes, and he hadn't felt this way for a long time!
Ever since he pretended to be a hundred households of Huoqiying, except for the people in Huoqiying, everyone else regarded him as an old man.

But the eyes of the third grandson are different!

There were surprises, surprises, and doubts in his eyes.

Zhu Yuanzhang was startled, will it be exposed this time?

We are just an ordinary hundred households, and thousands of households are just promoted by the fire line. How can we know so much?How can you be so thoughtful?
Will the third grandson suspect that we can eavesdrop on his voice?
No, definitely not!
If you didn't encounter such a thing as eavesdropping, you wouldn't believe it if you were killed.

The third grandson, even more unbelievable!
The third grandson doesn't doubt that we can eavesdrop on our hearts, but he will doubt our identity!
If the third grandson continues to think about it, will our identity be exposed?

To be on the safe side, next time I have to explain to Mao Yi, not to mention that we said it, it was a solution that Mao Yi and Liu Haiwang came up with together.

Let's also learn from the third grandson and pass the credit to others!

Let's push it to Mao Yi and Liu Haiwang.

These two people will never shirk.

We also dog, like the third grandson.

On the fifth day, the two rivers passing through the city of Hami stopped flowing.

There are more and more Hu people around the periphery. From a distance, there are continuous yurts and camps.

The generals looked at the scale of the Hu people. In just a few days, so many Hu people came.

Judging from the yurts and tents, there are at least 10 Hu people!
For the Hu people, their territory is vast and sparsely populated, and now so many people have gathered at once!
This is the rhythm of wanting to completely wipe out the Ming army!
Lan Shou and Chang Sen saw the formation and scale of the Hu people through the binoculars, and even their hands began to tremble slightly.

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