Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0324 Xu Huaijin's Little Revenge

The next day, Zhu Yunxi woke up.

Because he let go of his position of control and delegated all the power to Ping An, Zhu Yunxi drank a bottle of Maotai by himself last night and slept until dawn.

After getting up, he walked into the yard, but there was no one there.

Zhu Yunxi shouted loudly: "Where are people, why is there no one?"

At this time, Lao Bi was doing Tai Chi outside the yard, accompanied by Mao Yi, but Zhu Yunxi did not see it.

Xu Huaijin actually just woke up not long ago.

Because last night, seeing Zhu Yunxi urinating in the corner of the wall, it has been lingering in her mind.

Seeing Cynomorium thrown to the ground the next day, I went up and stepped on it a few more times.

But this thing was too hard to break through.

Immediately heard Zhu Yunxi's shout again.

His face started to burn again.

In fact, I can't blame Zhu Yunxi for what happened yesterday.

Zhu Yunxi was in a hurry to go back to the yard, not because he wanted to cry or shed tears, but just to solve his internal urgency.

At that time, I misunderstood and followed all the way.

So, the scene was awkward.

But this embarrassment has to be resolved.

After all, he lives in the same courtyard, and he still has to fulfill his duties as a military adviser.

Don't affect the overall situation because of personal embarrassment and impulsiveness.

After all, he is a military adviser, he is the spiritual pillar of the army, and the [-] Ming troops are watching.

If there is an awkward situation with him and no one cares about the other, the sergeants will have various guesses.

Maybe it will cause instability in the army.

This is of no benefit to anyone.

The embarrassment is the embarrassment, it is better to go out generously and persuade him to cheer up.


Xu Huaijin opened the door.

Zhu Yunxi turned his head and said, "You wake up so late? Did you get sunburned without looking at the sun?"

"I'm not in charge now, but you are still a military adviser, how can you be so negative?"

Xu Huaijin didn't expect Zhu Yunxi to think she was negative, but she was angry last night and didn't rest well.

If you want to say negative, it is Wu Wang yourself who is negative!
"Xu Huaijin, act as if you didn't see anything about yesterday's incident."

For Zhu Yunxi's words, Xu Huaijin was a little speechless.

How could it not have been seen?How could it be assumed that he hadn't seen it?
Forget it, I'll just pretend that I didn't hear what King Wu said just now.

"King Wu, I didn't see anything else. Instead, I saw your depression and your depression!" Xu Huaijin said.

Zhu Yunxi was startled, oh my god, Xu Huaijin, you actually said that I was weak, that I was listless!

"Xu Huaijin, I didn't do it on purpose, and I didn't know you were following me. But, you shouldn't question me and humiliate me! Saying such things to a man is equivalent to slapping your face!"

Zhu Yunxi said: "Since we have talked to this point, then well, I will not be able to recover, I will not wither, you will know if you try it."

Xu Huaijin was puzzled: "Is it still necessary to try this? King Wu, I see that you are depressed and lack of energy, it is obvious."

Lack of energy!

It turned out that what Xu Huaijin was talking about was lack of spirit, not...

Ah, ha, ha, Zhu Yunxi said haha, trying to hide his embarrassment, but it became even more embarrassing.

"Xu Huaijin, um, eh, I've been thinking too deeply these days, so my mind is a bit in a trance."

"It's not that I'm depressed or lack of energy, but that I need to rest for a while. One piece at a time, it's the way of civil and martial arts."

Xu Huaijin saw that Zhu Yunxi's words were not what he imagined: "That's it, that's good."

After Xu Huaijin finished speaking, Xiao Sui walked into the room.

After all, yesterday's embarrassment can't be removed for a while.

Zhu Yunxi walked out of the small courtyard, and when he went outside, he found that Bi Qianhu and Mao Yi were practicing Tai Chi.

"Old Bi, your Tai Chi is becoming more and more interesting." Zhu Yunxi said: "Tai Chi is round, no matter inside or outside, up or down, left or right, it cannot be separated from the circle. Everywhere is a circle, and everywhere is a punch. "

"Your arc movement must be done quietly, gently, calmly, slowly, and naturally. The easier and more natural the better."

"Why do circular movements? There is a scientific reason for this."

"The nine major joints of the human body, including the neck, spine, waist, hips, knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows, and wrists, are all round or naturally curved."

"Circular motion is the most harmonious motion."

"Because of the roundness, Taijiquan can well avoid the extreme phenomenon of inattention, inattention, relaxation, and panting in foreign boxing and many other competitions, so as to make one's mind and blood even, psychological and physiological yin and yang balance, and conform to the human body. rules."

"Taijiquan has the characteristics of moderation, moderateness, and flexibility. If you master it well, it can really prolong your life."

"As long as you have the comprehension of old Bi, if you continue to practice, you will definitely have no problem living past a hundred years old."

At first Zhu Yuanzhang thought that the third grandson was bragging. Can a limp Tai Chi be called boxing?Can it prolong life?

But after practicing, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that his body was much more relaxed and his spirit was much better.

I used to suffer from insomnia, but now I sleep soundly!
Zhu Yuanzhang felt that something was missing if he didn't practice Taijiquan for a day.

If we continue to practice according to the method Sansun said, it is really not wishful thinking that we are over a hundred years old.

After the practice, Zhu Yuanzhang felt comfortable all over.

"Master Xu, Lord Mao, and General Ping are invited to discuss matters on the tower."

Liu Haiwang, a hundred households in the Firearms Camp, entered the yard.

Zhu Yunxi said: "Mr. Xu, the peace of Hami City depends entirely on you. I can listen to your discussions, but don't ask for my opinion."

When Xu Huaijin heard this, he realized that Zhu Yunxi really wanted to take a break.

Xu Huaijin, Zhu Yunxi, Zhu Yuanzhang, and Mao Yi went up to the top of the city together, and Ping An pointed to the distance and said, "King Wu, Master Xu, Mu Zha'er is here!"

Zhu Yunxi said: "Ping An, you are in charge now, don't ask me, just pretend I don't exist."

At this time, Chang Sheng, Chang Sen, and Lan Shou who were guarding the other three doors also came.

Hearing Mu Zha'er appeared, everyone took out their binoculars one after another, and sure enough, it was Mu Zha'er, the national teacher of the Hu people!

Everyone was very surprised, didn't Muzha'er go to attack Jiayuguan?
It seems that Jiayuguan has not been captured!
There is also a possibility that Wuna Shili saw the [-] Ming army walking out of the desert intact, panicked in his heart, and asked Muzha'er to return quickly.

"Hu people are using golden eagles to send orders, and there must be more than one of them," Ping An said.

"Conquering Jiayuguan is not the most important thing for the Hu people." Ping An said: "For Wuna Shili, the most important thing is to wipe out us who have penetrated into the Western Regions in one fell swoop."

"According to observations, there are more and more Hu people surrounding the city of Hami, and more tribes have been entangled in Wuna Shili, just to prevent us from rushing out of the encirclement."

"Hu people's return artillery appeared in front of them. Some Hu people are sending stones, charging cars and other siege equipment here."

"Today, the water volume of the two rivers has been greatly reduced. The Hu people have already started blocking the river upstream."

"The entire army has been storing water since yesterday, but due to the limited equipment found, the amount of water stored is very limited, not enough to last three months."

Xu Huaijin said: "The Hu people will not attack the city immediately, their purpose is to besiege. Therefore, we must make preparations for a long-term defense."

"For long-term persistence, the most basic thing is food and water."

"Currently, there are still a lot of food, grass and water in the city, but they must be used sparingly. I suggest that from today onwards, all personnel are not allowed to wash."

Ping An immediately adopted Xu Huaijin's suggestion.

Zhu Yunxi said: "Isn't it? You can't wash? You don't wash your face either?"

Xu Huaijin said: "King Wu, you have handed over your power, and you will be no different from ordinary soldiers within three months. All personnel are not allowed to wash, and King Wu must abide by it."

"As a military adviser, I can take the responsibility of supervising the army myself. If the king of Wu violates it, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Zhu Yunxi immediately bowed his head and remained silent.

"Xu Huaijin, this is targeting me! Retaliation!"

"Sure enough, women are small-minded."

"Only women and villains are difficult to raise! The ancients are sincere!"

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