Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 471 The eight hexagrams are reversed, the ancient tree 'opens the door'

Luo Chen gently exerted force with his fingers, and turned the Eight Diagrams Searching Dragon Plate in a counterclockwise direction, and following his movements, there were bursts of dull sounds from within the sky-reaching tree.


"Wo Cao, what did Lord Luo do? Why did the big tree 'open' the door suddenly?"

The two fat men, who were about to catch two big fat fish by the water to improve their food, turned their heads hastily when they heard the sound.

And at the moment when the two turned around, their positions in front of the big tree were under Luo Chen's control, and a door opened slowly.

The slightly hollow tree heart inside was exposed.

The two fat men stood beside the water and looked at each other. They even stopped rolling their trouser legs for a while.

"Ahem, Fat Uncle, can we catch this fish yet?"

"Fuck you, didn't you see Master Luo went in!"

"You know how to eat every day, look at your fat body!"

The fat man taught Xiaopang a lesson unceremoniously, without the slightest bit of shame for being a fat man, and the angry Xiaopang kept calling him shameless and shameless in his heart.

"What's wrong with the fat? Don't you have any? Have you eaten your rice?"

"Furthermore, Xiaopang, I went to heaven and earth to touch rice dumplings, relying on this fat body."

. . .

After seeing the mechanism on the big tree open, Luo Chen put away the dragon-seeking plate and walked towards the tree gate.

The hole above the big tree has obviously been carefully polished. The overall shape is two meters square, and there is a lot of space inside, as if the entire inside of the big tree has been hollowed out.

And looking into the big tree along the cave door, there are some long stone strips circled inside. The texture of the stone strips is so hard that after Luo Chen stepped on it, he didn't feel the slightest shaking.

The stone strip circles around the inner wall of the entire tree, winding downwards round and round, reaching the depths of the ground;
Although it is extremely deep, it does not give people any sense of discomfort, and there is no endless darkness in it, but a kind of brightly lit burning eyes.

Eternal candles extend downward along the direction of the stone bars, and at intervals there will be clusters of yellow and flickering candles, without any dark dead ends.

The overall shape is like a fire dragon hovering around its body.

"How deep is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?"

"If I remember correctly, and with the vertical tree hole in front of us, we have already gone three floors down!"

Regarding this, Luo Chen was noncommittal, and it took more than 70 people and nearly 80 people to build it for 39 years. With such a scale, it is no wonder it is so small.

And according to the personality of the first emperor, let alone the third floor underground, it is not an exaggeration to build it to the ninth floor underground.

After the tree center space went down 50 meters, the wooden structure was no longer in front of everyone's eyes, and it seemed to have passed through the roots of the sky-reaching tree.

The surrounding environment also turned into a structure of rock mixed with soil.

"Father, why do I feel something is wrong?"

When everyone was busy on their way, the second master, who had always been thoughtful, suddenly turned his head and said to the Buddha,

The Buddha was taken aback for a moment, and then he immediately understood what the second master wanted to express. After pondering for a while:
"Perhaps it's due to the unique geomantic omen of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, so it's not as dangerous as the tomb we visited before."

The second master nodded truthfully when he heard the words, but he didn't feel at ease because of the Buddha's words, because it was really too weird.

Let's not talk about this journey, I haven't encountered any evil spirits such as zongzi, and even the traps are pitifully few.

Although he had passed quite a few checkpoints, the second master always felt that something was missing, and somehow felt unexciting, too bland.

In fact, this kind of thinking is not only shared by the second master, but also by the members of the Nine Schools and the Mojin trio. It always feels that this place is too ordinary and does not fit the identity of the first emperor.

But Luo Chen knew that everyone had entered into a misunderstanding in their thinking. This majestic Mausoleum of the First Emperor was not as simple as they thought.

Among other things, the rivers and seas made of mercury will definitely make anyone hate it. Besides, all the agencies along the way, which one is not the crystallization of Qin Shi craftsmen and the wisdom of the Mohists.

If there was no self, would this place really be so dull?
Thinking about it, everyone has already descended to the deepest part of the tree hole space, and in front of them, there is also a gradually shrinking road at this time.

It was very wide at the beginning, but it shrunk tighter as it went back, until it could only accommodate one person.

And at the front of the hole, there was an extremely bright white light, as if the outside world was an outside world.

Seeing this, Luo Chen hurriedly walked forward, and stopped when he reached the edge of the cave entrance.

Raising his eyes and looking forward, what caught his eyes was a fault-like space, and Luo Chen's current position was halfway up the fault space.

It is equivalent to the best "observation platform" in this space. You can look up at the dome when you look up, and you can overlook the whole situation when you look down.

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