Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 472 The Ancient Capital of Xianyang in the Underground Palace

And below him, there is a valley basin like the bottom of a volcano. The overall space is very large, and it is more than ten times larger than the volcanic basin that Luo Chen saw in Yunding Tiangong before.

What is the concept of ten times probably needless to say, for Yunding Tiangong, it is a very shocking gap.

But to Luo Chen, this scale is what the Mausoleum of the First Emperor should look like, and it is in line with the identity of the First Emperor as an emperor through the ages.

In this space, the air is very good, not at all like the inferior air polluted by smog in modern times;

The ground of the entire basin is still covered with pear trees. Although the season has passed, in this underground greenhouse, those pear trees are still full of white pear blossoms.

Compared with the pear blossoms of wild rice stems, those brightly colored flowers planted on the ground seem to be a bit cheap.
Quite a kind of 'mandarin ducks are covered in double nights, and a pear tree presses crabapples. 'a feeling of.

And in the deepest part of the pear-blossom-white area, which is exactly opposite to Luo Chen, there are palaces of orderly size. The palaces form a group of palaces, and they are divided into three, six, and nine levels.

Standing at Luo Chen's position and looking towards the palace complex, he was able to get a full view of it, and every city gate and city wall was very clearly presented in front of his eyes.
However, it is located on the top floor, which is the largest palace, because of the distance, Luo Chen didn't see it very clearly, but only faintly saw the second half of the palace, which was actually sunk deep inside the wall.

Although it was only the first time seeing it, Luo Chen still had a familiar feeling, as if he had seen this kind of building somewhere.

"Well, well? Is there no way ahead?"

"Master Luo, why don't you go?"

Just when Luo Chen was trying to remember, Lao Ba, who was following behind everyone, couldn't hold back for a long time, squeezed behind Luo Chen abruptly, and poked out the head with glasses from the position under Luo Chen's armpit .

The small eyes are still rolling around, and that appearance is simply extremely wretched.

But after sweeping around like this, Lao Ba immediately exclaimed.

"I'm a grandma, isn't this Nima Xianyang Palace!"

"The first emperor, the old man, actually copied the entire Xianyang Palace into the underground palace?"

Xianyang Palace?
As a pure Chinese person, his familiarity with Xianyang Palace is naturally not at an ordinary level, because it used to be the place where Jiu Jiu Lao Qin symbolized imperial power.

It is also named after Zigong and Xiangdiju.

And whether it is the Xianyang Palace back then or the Xianyang Underground Palace deep in the emperor's mausoleum, they are all as unique as they were back then.

"Historical Records The Benji of Qin Shihuang" once recorded that during the process of Qin Shihuang's unification of China, "every time the princes were broken, write and release their palaces"

It means that every time the Qin State destroyed a country, it would imitate the palaces of that country on the Xianyang Plateau for the residence of the members of the six royal families.

The earliest period was also the time when Xianyang Palace was the most complete. In addition to the main palace of Xianyang Yuan, more than 300 separate palaces were built;

These palaces are connected by various complex roads, corridors, and pavilions to form a large closed circle, which constitutes the Xianyang Palace in a broad sense, with a diameter of more than [-] kilometers.

Of course, the scale of the underground palace is not that large, but a few buildings are used to represent it symbolically.

But even so, it is far beyond the scale of the Forbidden City.

"Xianyang? How big is this underground palace!"

"Also, I seem to remember that you haven't been to Xianyang, Baba!"

"It must be Ba Ye, who is old and not ashamed, and has started to behave nonsense again, don't you think so, Master Luo!"

Lao Ba's opening made the hearts of everyone behind him itch instantly, and they all couldn't wait to witness the shape of the underground palace Xianyang.

Seeing this, Luo Chen quickly dispelled all his thoughts:

"Old Ba is right, you will know after looking at it!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Chen stretched out his hand to grab Lao Ba's neck, stretched his feet, and jumped straight down.

The action without any warning frightened Lao Ba, he hugged Luo Chen's arm tightly in mid-air, and kept roaring like crazy:

"I am Cao!"

"Help! Ah~~~"

That shrill and ecstasy cry spread far and far in this basin space.

"Okay, stop howling, you've already landed!"

"Ang Ang? It's landed!"

"Let me just say, Eighth Master is blessed and fateful, so what could be wrong!"

Seeing Luo Chen's expression about to explode, Lao Ba muttered twice, then quickly closed his mouth.

But at this time, the people of the nine sects who stayed on it, after seeing is believing, sighed, and then came one after another, and they used their means to descend.

Although the surrounding environment has been seen at a glance just now, when everyone entered the "Pear Blossom Group" in person, they couldn't help sighing again.

In the center full of pear trees, there is a straight 'chidao' leading directly to the palace wall hall at the front.

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