Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 470 Wooden house, eight hexagrams to find the dragon plate

"I'm going,,, wasn't this stupid bird still stupid just now!"

"Why is there such a big change before and after?"

"That's right, I always feel that almost all animals are afraid of Lord Luo!"

"Yeah, I'm so scared! Master Luo is a bit scary!"

"Could it be because of the Golden Crow tattoo???"

The difference between Luanniao's performance before and after made the group of people who were still holding back their smiles look dumbfounded.

Looking at Luanniao and then at Luo Chen, everyone's faces were filled with weird expressions.

However, Luo Chen is no longer surprised by their expressions, after all, he won't see them ten or eight times when he goes to the grave. . .

Looking at the ostrich that lowered its head towards him, Luo Chen surprisingly didn't send it to the imaginary world immediately this time.

On the contrary, this ostrich has lived here for a long time, so it must be quite familiar with this place.

But what made Luo Chen a little dumbfounded was that maybe it was because of the language barrier, or maybe this big bird was really dumb,
So no matter how Luo Chen gestures, that Luanniao always looks at him with a strange expression that we can't understand what you are saying.

It made Roczen want to set up a barbecue grill.

In the end, there was no other way, in Luanniao's eyes wondering whether he had met the second idiot, Luo Chen sent him to the imaginary world with a big wave of his hand.

After seeing off this not-so-intelligent guy, Luo Chen and his party walked into the wooden house rather helplessly.

The furnishings inside the wooden house are very simple, it seems that it does not conform to the identity of the First Emperor as an emperor through the ages, and it is more like a place where a reclusive layman once lived.

A table, a bed, a simple quilt, a purple sand pot and two cups for drinking tea.

What's more, there is a compass with a Yin-Yang Tai Chi fish pattern in the middle hanging on the wall, and two lifelike dragons are depicted on the back of the purple plate, surrounding the compass with their heads and tails in their poses.

On the front of the compass, eight large characters were engraved in block letters.

Qian (), Kan (), Gen (), Zhen (), Xun (), Li (), Kun (), Dui ().

After seeing this compass, a name popped up in Luo Chen's old eighth and Bai Yi's mind, gossip to find the dragon plate!
This gossip-seeking dragon dish is well-known in the Fengshui circle, and it is said that it is an "artifact" that every Fengshui master in the past dynasties dreams of;
It is said that after a feng shui master has this plate, it is no longer difficult to observe mountains and waters, find dragons and tap acupuncture points, and it can fundamentally prevent the problem of feng shui masters pointing to the place where the master kills.

But according to the legend, the last owner of the Bagua Xunlong Pan was Li Chunfeng in the Tang Dynasty!
Why did this thing appear in the depths of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?
Moreover, the purple clay pot is obviously not something that craftsmen in the Great Qin Dynasty could make, let alone this finely crafted Fengming pot.

But why did these cross-age things appear in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?
Moreover, who lived here before?
Once curiosity arose in this person's heart, before he got an accurate answer, it was like scratching his heart with claws, and his heart was itchy.

Just like the current Buddha and others, each one of them is like a deep thinker, and they almost use their hands to hold their heads to make a concave shape.

"Huh? Lord Luo?"

The thoughtful second master noticed Luo Chen's strangeness at this time, and hurriedly walked in front of Luo Chen with a look of worry.

But Luo Chen's state at this time was completely unable to answer the second master's question, because from the moment he entered the wooden house and saw the gossip-seeking dragon plate.

Some pictures kept appearing in his mind, and the pictures merged with the surrounding environment, making it difficult for him to distinguish which was a dream and which was reality.

The images in his mind are still flashing, even Luo Chen can clearly see the expressions of the characters on the images.

It is still this very clean, tidy and simple cabin, and it is still the stone table in front of the door, but in the picture, there are two figures in different clothes on the two seats of the stone table.

One was wearing a golden ancient costume, with his back facing Luo Chen, while the other was wearing a blue Confucian scholar's robe. The two just sat across the table, playing chess with each other.

It seemed that the two were still talking about something, so that the person in the blue robe still had some sadness and worry on his face.

Then, when the screen turned, the figure in the golden robe had disappeared, leaving only the man in the green robe standing with his hands behind his back.

Through the jade pendant hanging on his waist, Luo Chen could clearly see that the jade pendant was engraved with the word 'Li' written in block letters.

The picture was changing, and the figure of the man surnamed Li finally disappeared in front of the wooden house.

Of course, before this, many pictures flashed in Luo Chen's mind, all before this wooden house, and many people appeared in the pictures.

Among them are,,, white clothes!

There is also the man surnamed Li who appeared before, after seeing this, Luo Chen already had some guesses about the identity of this man surnamed Li.

That should be Li Chunfeng!

That is to say, Li Chunfeng, the Fengshui master of the Tang Dynasty who left the chessboard cipher text for Luo Chen when he was in the Qinling Miku.

After the screen flashed, Luo Chen also came back to his senses from the scene that didn't distinguish between reality and reality just now.

And at the same time, he also knew the news of how to move forward in the flashing picture.

At that moment, Luo Chen didn't delay anymore, he went straight to the wall and took off the Bagua Xunlong plate, then turned and walked out of the wooden house.

Although there are many thoughts in his heart, at this time Luo Chen is no longer obsessed with those pictures, because at this time he is already in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, and the sooner he reaches the deepest point, the closer he is to all his secrets. took a step.

Luo Chen can still tell which is more important.

After walking out of the wooden house, the flowing water and the trees are still there, but the dreamy big bird has disappeared.

And Luo Chen also went straight to the direction of the sky-reaching tree located in the center of the cave space.

But this time, Luo Chen did not stop in front of the big tree, but went straight around behind the big tree.

At the place where the tree's back faces the wooden house, there is a piece of sunken bark, and its sunken shape coincides with the edge of the Eight Diagrams Xunlong Pan.

I don't know why, but the height of the mechanism is exactly corresponding to the height of Luo Chen's outstretched arms, neither high nor low.

In short, Luo Chen did not expend too much effort to pat the dragon-seeking plate on the tree body, and then, relying on the opening skills of the mechanism in the picture, he stretched out his two fingers and slowly tapped on the Taiji diagram in the center of the dragon-seeking plate. superior.

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