Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 199 "Fuck! Is this a dragon?"

The bamboo raft under his feet, which was moving slowly with the current, suddenly bumped violently, and then Luo Chen heard it clearly, as if a chain was being dragged from the water, there was a rattling sound.

But the sound of the chains below hadn't stopped yet, and the sound of plopping into the water came from behind Uncle Cuigeng.

As the sound became more and more intensive, a series of water splashes were also splashed from the water.

Luo Chen instantly opened the Pupil of Delusion, and Qin Tang's right eye also turned pale orange immediately, and the two looked towards the rear;

I saw the figurines that were originally suspended in the air one by one scrambling to be the first to smash into the water.

"Uncle Remind, go at full speed!"

Before Luo Chen's voice stopped, the bamboo pole in Uncle Cui Geng's hand was frantically moving, and the speed of the bamboo raft was getting faster and faster.

But it seems that no matter how far they go, everyone can always hear the sound of the chain being pulled, and at this time, in the sight of less than 100 meters in front of everyone, there are also those densely packed figurines,
Under the action of the underwater mechanism, one after another was blown towards the water.

It was extremely strange, and the people who saw it couldn't stop feeling hairy. After a while, there were only chains left in the midair of the cave, and all the figurines had fallen into the river.

The bamboo raft was moving extremely fast, and there were human figurines falling from the front and back, and even a few human figurines almost fell on the bamboo raft, but they were kicked aside in advance by Luo Chen's quick reaction.

Not long after, there was no longer a human figurine in the midair of the cave, only bare bronze chains hanging in midair.

The sound of the mechanism stopped, and the ripples on the water surface quickly returned to calm, and the scene fell into an abnormal tranquility for a while.

But Luo Chen looked at the unusually calm water surface, but felt the oppressive feeling that the mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building, just like the calm before the storm.

Luo Chen quickly waved his hand to signal everyone's attention, because in his eyes, the figurine fell into the water as if it were alive at this moment, and the water flow washed away the mud that blocked the figurine's face.

The original facial expressions of the figurines have become clearly visible, such as pain, hatred, frowning, staring, and forbearance. In short, there are all kinds of expressions, full of life.

And the shriveled body of the figurines also swelled rapidly in the water, and cracks appeared on the lime-like body as it swelled.

Through those cracks, Luo Chen could even see that inside the body of the figurine, egg-like objects were constantly wriggling, as if they were about to hatch.

As the worm eggs in the figurines continued to grow in size and squirmed, bubbles began to pop out from the bottom of the water, gurgling like water being boiled.

The faces of the people on the bamboo raft couldn't help but changed drastically when they saw this, but the current situation could no longer allow them to think too much.

The worm eggs in that figurine came alive when they touched the water, and hatched crazily while wriggling, and turned into groups of worms the size of fingertips in a blink of an eye.

The white worms have fish-like fins on both sides, and they swim extremely fast. As soon as they appeared, they rushed towards the bamboo raft in groups, as if they sensed the breath of a living person.

This made Luo Chen couldn't help but think of another characteristic of the scorpion bug—transformation.

Yishu uses living people as the medium of insects, and people who die under the torture of the insects of Yishu will generate endless resentment, and then form resentment.

And the function of the scorpion insect is to act as a container for these grievances. It is extremely sensitive to the breath of living things. Once it appears, it will transfer the endless grievances to the living creatures.

In turn, these creatures become brainless and irrational, and only know how to kill monsters.

At this time, all the white bugs had gathered together, and the originally clear water turned into a milky white mud.

It can be seen how terrifying the number of these insects is. Seeing the white insects swarming towards the bamboo raft, Uncle Cuigeng, who was on the boat, remained panicked even though his face remained unchanged.

"This is a water bee, biting people is like playing with it!"

As he spoke, Uncle Cui Geng raised the bamboo pole in his hand and kept beating it in the water, obviously knowing these things.

The faces of Xiao Hu and the others also became solemn.

The water bee that Uncle Cui Geng mentioned is actually called the water bee (zhì) bee, which is a terrifying existence in southern Yunnan.

It is a shallow water creature that likes to lay eggs in a humid environment, and looks like strips of fat maggots.

The body of the wasp is flat, with a narrow front and a leaf-like or worm-like shape. It is a cold-blooded animal. It moves very quickly and is good at biting and sucking the blood of humans and animals.

Although the swarms of water hornets are more threatening, they can only survive in the water and cannot jump out of the water, so Luo Chen and others are not in danger of being bitten.

However, these water hogs also chose to strike at the bamboo raft very smartly. Groups of water hogs kept adhering to the bottom of the bamboo raft.

He didn't even talk about martial arts and played arhat in the water.

Don't be stingy at all.

The bamboo raft is getting heavier and heavier, and there is a danger of being sucked into the water at any time.

Just when Luo Chen wanted to cut his palm and use his blood to drive back these water hornets, the bamboo raft came to a wider cave in a jolt.

This is an underground cave with a large playground area. There are many stalactites, and the stalactites are dripping down from above.

The entire cave seemed to be dripping with light rain, and the sound was clear and sweet.

However, at the moment when Luo Chen and others' bamboo raft entered, the sound of cracking stones mixed with the sound of water dripping came over.

In the dark cave, it seems that a huge monster has awakened and is waiting for an opportunity to move.

Fatty Hu promptly pointed the searchlight at the place where the sound came from, and Luo Chen also saw it at the same time,

In a slightly sparse group of stalactites, a gigantic creature was looking down at everyone with its head held high.

"Fuck! Is this a dragon?"

A hint of astonishment appeared on Fatty's fat face, but he was not surprised. After all, Fatty had seen something bigger than this thing more than once. . .

I saw that the huge monster with its head held high and its body turned upside down was a giant green-scaled python with blue scales all over its body.

The body of the giant python hovered like a hornless giant, and the cold vertical pupils were full of desire for food.

After a brief hesitation, the body of the green python moved violently, and there seemed to be a gust of wind blowing in the cave.

The thick green python flicked its tail, and after destroying countless stalactites, it went straight into the water.

A long ripple was cut across the calm water surface, and the direction of the ripple was obviously the bamboo raft that Luo Chen and the others were riding on.

But unexpectedly. . .

Thank you friends who gave five stars!

Thank you!

Shiqiu's condition has been a bit poor these two days, but he is adjusting.

Please don't be disappointed, the era of Pippi Shrimp we left will eventually come back.

Also, seventeen is not short, really!

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