Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 198 Remind Uncle Geng: Young people know how to talk about love

What a strange woman full of mystery, even proficient in medicine.

. . .

Half an hour later, Luo Chen and Qin Tang walked out of the house.

No one knew what happened inside, but looking at Luo Chen's state at this time, it was obviously much better than before.

After a simple breakfast, everyone walked straight towards the mountain under the leadership of Uncle Cui Geng. Although everyone had a series of questions about this newly joined Qin Tang, but because of Luo Chen, no one opened their mouths. .

It is worth mentioning that it seems that spring has really arrived for Fatty.

Caiyun, the small owner of the inn, looked at him with a trace of worry in his eyes, Luo Chen couldn't help being a little surprised by this discovery.

So it seems that the ancestor of the fat man may really have something to do with Captain Mojin, after all, he was personally appointed by Qi Cao!
After more than two hours, the group came straight to a bamboo forest not far from Caiyun Inn, which is the closest to the river and also the boundary with the most flat water.

Under the leadership of Uncle Cui Geng, a group of people found the bamboo raft that Uncle Cui Geng has used for two or three years. The workmanship of the bamboo raft is very exquisite. Spread the water.

The most important thing is that it is very strong, and it is no problem to sit seven or eight people.

The bright oily sheen on the surface of the bamboo raft can ensure that the bamboo raft will not sink due to water absorption to the greatest extent during its travel.

Together with Uncle Cuigeng, Fatty and the others quickly pushed the bamboo raft into the water, and then everyone floated along the direction of the river.

clatter clatter clatter clatter clatter clatter clatter

Tick ​​tock, crackling, crackling

I have to say that the climate in the deep mountains of southern Yunnan is very changeable. The sun was still shining brightly one second; the next second suddenly changed my mood,
Luo Chen and his bamboo raft managed to travel less than 100 meters, and there were waves of ripples on the calm water.

The raindrops that fell from the sky smashed into pieces on the calm water.

The sky also darkened at the right time, thunder and lightning accompanied by streaks of lightning.

In the eyes of the fat man full of shock, Shirley handed her diamond umbrella to Qin Tang, then turned around and walked into Xiao Hu's diamond umbrella.

And Qin Tang held up the diamond umbrella to cover herself and Luo Chen together.

Fat Man: Please be human! ! !
Uncle Reminder: Young people know how to talk about love, but they don’t know how to learn rowing skills from me.

But soon, under the increasing rain, Uncle Cui Geng skillfully manipulated the bamboo raft under his feet into a cave.

Luo Chen paid attention to the time, and the clock indicated that it was 12:17. (1217 Oh!)

Different from the sweltering heat of the rain outside, there was a coolness that hit everyone the moment they entered, and as the bamboo raft continued to deepen, the refreshing coolness turned into a shade.

Xiao Hu cautiously turned on the portable searchlight and began to explore the surrounding environment.

On both sides of the cave against the wall, pairs of white skeletons piled up in the damp cave.

Even not far ahead, clusters of green flames ignited out of thin air in the cave.

This is phosphorus fire, which often manifests in places where the bones are piled up, but it is basically harmless.

Luo Chen couldn't help but looked back at the fat man. In the past, when encountering these weird things, this guy was the first to shout, but now Luo Chen is a little impressed.

But what really surprised Luo Chen was Qin Tang, a woman who was not afraid of these things at all, and even revealed a trace of excitement in her eyes. . .

"Stand still, the water flow will become more and more urgent!"

"Be careful, don't get thrown off!"

Uncle Cuigeng, who had been supporting the bamboo raft, obviously felt the change in the water flow, and he couldn't help reminding everyone that it wasn't just the rushing water that killed people here.

As the bamboo raft moved forward rapidly, Uncle Cuigeng could only barely use the bamboo pole to maintain the stability of the bamboo raft.

And as the water flow accelerated, everyone came to a wider cave. Through the irradiation of searchlights, everyone could clearly see that the stalactites were reflecting phosphorescence.

And at the top of the cave, a naturally formed stone bead is inlaid in midair.

Behind the stone bead, a giant animal head like a tiger and a lion is opening its bloody mouth, wanting to choose someone to devour, and all the rushing water is collected here, flowing into the bloody mouth.

Is this the Fengdu city gate leading to the underworld?

The fat man couldn't help but feel hairy, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Uncle Cuigeng: "Uncle, don't play with us, is this the right way?"

But Uncle Cui Geng didn't seem to find it strange, and let the rushing water send the bamboo raft to the giant beast's mouth.

"It's okay. Although this road is a bit scary, it's a shortcut. It'll be fine,"

Almost in the blink of an eye, everyone came to the head of the beast along the rushing water. Under the searchlight, everyone was able to see clearly that this is not a tiger's head or a lion's head, it is clearly the dragon's head.

And that stone bead is like a jiao bead spit out from the mouth of a dragon, and the sharp-eyed Qin Tang saw through the light that behind the dragon's head, there are still dense figures.


Before they had time to think about it, the bamboo raft had already rushed into the dragon's head. After waves of turmoil on the bamboo raft, everyone finally came to the calm water.

The water flow is no longer so turbulent, but the cave has become extremely narrow, and through close observation, the figures that Qin Tang found earlier turned out to be Teng Chong figurines hanging upside down above the cave.

All the individual figurines were hung upside down in the air with their hands bound. Affected by the humid environment in the cave, the surface of the figurines had turned grayish brown, as if a layer of grayish brown moss had grown on the human body. .

The facial features are blurred, and men and women can't be seen clearly at all, but the body shapes of the figurines are fat and thin, tall and short.

They were all hung in mid-air by rusty chains, they were extremely miserable, Xiao Hu and Fatty couldn't help cursing while watching.

However, at this moment, Qin Tang on the side suddenly said, "This King Xian was originally a wizard from the ancient Dian Kingdom!"

"He believes in evil gods, and his killing technique uses the spirits of the dead as a medium. According to the ancestors, the more unjust souls die from his killing technique, and the more miserable the death, the greater the power of his killing technique will be. .”

"And here should be the passage opened by the King Xian when he built the tomb. These figurines may be the slaves and craftsmen who built the tomb for him!"

After hearing what Qin Tang said, Xiao Hu couldn't help but punched the wall of the cave: "This is an evil monarchy and slavery system, not to mention suffering and suffering to build mausoleums and build tombs, and you have to suffer so much. Don't let them live in peace."

"Fortunately, we are people who grew up in the new era, otherwise we might be dragged to be strong men by someone!"

The fat man also spat angrily, and said in agreement.

"Okay, you two, just say a few words."

Hearing the angry words of the two, Luo Chen suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and hurriedly stopped them.

But unfortunately, it was too late. . .

Let's celebrate the return of the missing persons.

How about a wave of power generation?
Hee hee

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