Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 200 Does this have horns in the eyes?

The green python didn't attack the bamboo raft, but opened its foul-smelling bloody mouth under the water and sucked it in violently.

Immediately, the water flow and countless water hornets were swallowed into the belly of the green python.

The alarm bell in Luo Chen's heart rang loudly, but he didn't pull out the Scarlet Firmament Sword. One reason was that the green python had no intention of attacking them for the time being.

Another reason is that Luo Chen's current strength has only recovered [-]%, and this is because the little sister Qin Tang helped Luo Chen with her spiritual pupils, otherwise it would be even worse if she only had less than one-tenth of her strength.

Although the Chidan Shenzhu brought countless benefits to Luo Chen's body, it also put a layer of shackles on him.

Fatty and Xiao Hu were already standing on the bamboo raft with rifles in their hands, the muzzles of the guns kept shaking toward the water, just waiting for the green python to emerge.

But the space of this karst cave is bigger, and the water level has become deeper. In addition, the endless water hornets block the view, and everyone can't see where the green python is.

"Hey! I said Fatty, that big worm at the bottom seems to have taken a fancy to you!"

"Maybe it will suddenly come out of the water and chew it for you!"

Xiao Hu looked at the slightly dignified atmosphere behind him and couldn't help but open his mouth to relieve it, but the fat man seemed to have blown his hair.
"Your uncle's old Hu, maybe Chang Chong likes you, why don't you show off your spirits and jump off by yourself!"

The bamboo raft moved slowly with the current, and the time passed bit by bit in tension.

The water hornets adsorbed on the bamboo raft under the water also gradually disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Luo Chen didn't move, and everyone didn't dare to act rashly, and the water surface became extremely calm, as if the green python left after eating.

But Luo Chen knew clearly in his heart that the green python just regarded the water hornet as a snack before the meal, and the real big meal was his group.


A giant cyan tail exploded into the water and slapped towards the bamboo raft where everyone was standing. The faces of the Xiaohu trio couldn't help being shocked, as one can imagine,

No matter how tough the bamboo raft is, it won't be able to withstand the green python's wagging tail attack. At that time, even if everyone survives the shooting, they will end up with the bamboo raft destroyed and people falling into the water.

At this critical moment, before Luo Chen could explode, Uncle Cuigeng, who was standing at the end of the bamboo raft, directly stabbed the bamboo pole in his hand on a protruding stalactite.

The thrust formed by the anti-shock actually pushed the bamboo raft horizontally for a considerable distance, barely avoiding the green python's wagging tail.

The monstrous water splashed a huge water wave, at this moment the fat man showed his advantage, lying on the bamboo raft with his whole body lying sideways.

He actually used his own size to firmly hold down the entire bamboo raft, saving everyone from a difficult situation.

Everyone looked at the fat man showing off his power, but they couldn't care about Caiyun in their hearts. . .

Because before the water spray dispersed, a huge head burst out of the water in an instant, and the snake head with green scales, while twisting its body, quickly approached Qin Tang on the bamboo raft.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Uncle Cui Geng at the stern of the raft directly dropped the bamboo pole under his feet, and took off the big yellow bow that was carried on his back with his backhand.

Bending the bow and setting the arrow was done in one go, after holding his breath for a short time, two cold lights rushed towards the head of the green python, and it was actually a bow that shot two arrows at the same time.

Moreover, the two arrows shot towards the green python in no particular order, and the green python didn't have time to react at all, and the arrows shot through both eyes.

Immediately, streams of foul-smelling snake blood spewed out, and the green python under severe pain directly entered a berserk state.

The huge python body tossed and rolled in the river water, setting off waves one after another.

Seeing that the bamboo raft, which had suffered several tosses, was about to collapse, Luo Chen finally made a move. Under the obstruction of Qin Tang's eyes, Luo Chen put the Chixiao sword he had just pulled out on his back again .

Then with a wave of his hand, a huge white vortex appeared directly above the water.

"hold head high!!!"

Haha, I didn't expect it, my uncle was not made into soup, you two-legged beast, welcome to my uncle's arrival! ! !

Luo Chen couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this guy's screaming more arrogantly than before, but luckily Luo Chen couldn't understand what this guy was talking about, otherwise he would definitely eat it.

What is this product?Why is it so ugly?
There are still two sticks stuck in the eyes.

Does this have horns?

Although there were question marks all over its head, the giant boa did not hesitate at all, and rushed towards the green python the moment it came out.

Originally, the body of the green python was absolutely one-on-one, but it seemed so small in front of the giant boa.

The giant pig said that it didn't take much effort to subdue this creature with horns in its eyes.

The huge and strong body directly wrapped up the tumbling green python, and then twisted it hard, the green python was compressed into a ball.

Endless blood mist sprayed out, immediately dyeing the river red, and the giant asshole was also unceremonious, and swallowed the green python that had become a ball into its belly in one gulp.

The gigantic giant's head broke through the water, looked down at Luo Chen on the bamboo raft, and groaned excitedly.

Uncle Ben is awesome, right?

Haha, praise my uncle!

It seemed that Luo Chen didn't feel the intention to kill the pheasant in Luo Chen's eyes, and the giant pheasant even splashed in the water with its tail in excitement.

However, the end of the splashing water became the last wave that caused the bamboo raft to disintegrate. The bamboo raft, which had already been tossed and tossed, couldn't bear it anymore and scattered away.

Xiao Hu: "Convex(艹盘艹)"

Fatty: Damn it!
Uncle Reminder: Where did this lack of heart come from?
Luo Chen saw that the giant rat in front of him really had everything he wanted, and hurriedly shouted to Xiao Hu and the others next to him:
"Jump up!"

Then he pulled up Qin Tang beside him, jumped up high, and looked at the giant ass with murderous eyes in the air:

"If we fall into the water, then you are ready to go into the pot!"

into the pot?

The excitement in the giant pig's eyes froze for a moment, and then revealed a deep fear.

It still remembers that day, the scene where the hostess in a golden dress was shaking a huge golden pot in front of him.

Tsk tsk, what a miserable man. . .

The huge body suddenly exploded at a much faster speed than usual, and rushed straight to the bottom of the crowd, catching the falling figures of Luo Chen and others with extreme precision.

When Luo Chen saw the giant beetle that caught him and the others, something called regret flashed in his eyes, it seemed that he couldn't eat that delicious beetle soup for the time being.

The giant pig breathed a sigh of relief, and worked hard to stabilize his body. It is still useful to try his best to express himself.

Then, under Luo Chen's instruction, the giant frog swam forward with a swing of its body.

Everyone was surprised to find that standing on the giant back was much more comfortable than riding a bamboo raft, and they didn't have to slide it by themselves.

Just as everyone was relaxing, the water in front of them suddenly rippled.

Under the illumination of the searchlight, those corrugated silver lights are as gorgeous as the Milky Way in the sky, which is really beautiful.

However, it has been a law since ancient times that the more beautiful things often contain great dangers, this time is obviously no exception.

Shirley reached out and fired a flare at the top of the cave in the distance, and the dazzling white light was refracted by the water surface to illuminate the entire cave.

I see. . .

Two hundred chapters, wow!




Why!It is not easy! ! !

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