When Meng Yixuan returned to Yujue Peak, Xiao Chuyi gave him an ultimatum without turning around the bush.

"From now on, you are not allowed to associate with Lin Bufan."


For the first time, Meng Yixuan felt that the master was unreasonable. Everyone else's master wanted his apprentices to love each other, but he seemed to wish that the two apprentices would turn against each other.

"You are a phoenix, he is a pheasant, you are not the same people." Xiao Chuyi said it more bluntly, making no secret of his dislike and even contempt for the big apprentice.

Hearing this, Meng Yixuan felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

He doesn't think he is a phoenix, and his brother is not a pheasant.

In the past, he was actually just a good-for-nothing. If he hadn't gotten a chance, he would still be just a handyman disciple now!

On the contrary, he is a senior brother who has been a genius since he was a child.

Recently, he often thought that if the master hadn't accepted him as an apprentice, maybe the senior brother wouldn't have turned bad.

After a long silence, he whispered: "Master, brother, he has changed a lot recently, please give him another chance!"

"Hmph! Dogs can't change eating shit."

Xiao Chuyi's brows frowned even tighter, he didn't believe that the big apprentice who had done bad deeds would fundamentally change.

Let go of a sentence that has been said a thousand times recently.

"Train well, Yicheng Fahui, you can't lose to him."

Float away again.

After the martial arts meeting, it was time for the awards ceremony.

Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Golden Elixir, only 30 people in the top ten won the prize, but it was like a Chinese New Year.

There are lights and festoons everywhere.

Lin Bufan, as the No.2 in the foundation building group, was of course lucky to be among the award-winning personnel.

Meng Yixuan was originally the No.1 favorite, but in the end he only came in fourth.

Everyone who admired him felt sorry for him.

Lin Bufan glanced at Meng Yixuan to see if he was mentally unbalanced.

Unexpectedly, the eyes of the two met in the air.

Meng Yixuan's gaze seemed to be very calm, and when he saw Lin Bufan looking at him, he even smiled with his lips curled up.

I am not unhappy because I only got No.4, but I am more easy-going than before.

The sense of nobility of being above others has been reduced a lot.

The master of ceremonies is a handsome young lady. In fact, she is more than 1000 years old, but she still looks like a young girl.

After the impassioned opening remarks were finished, it was time for the leaders of the sect to speak.

After a long and stinky leader's speech, it finally came to the awarding session.

The gas condensation group was first published, and then the foundation group was released.

"Junior Sister Xiao Meixue really gave our female disciples a face, she was honored to be No.1 in Foundation Establishment.

The prizes are 1 yuan of top-grade Lingshi, one piece of seventh-grade Jade Emperor Cauldron, and two top-grade beauty fruits.

I invite Junior Sister Xiao to come on stage to accept the award. "

As soon as the voice fell, there was thunderous applause at the scene, both men and women were happy for her.

There is nothing to say about the good popularity.

Xiao Meixue hesitated for a moment, glanced at Lin Bufan, and then walked up to the awarding platform.

The joy of getting No.1 is completely invisible on his face.

"Junior sister, congratulations." The master of ceremonies took a huge storage bag from the elder and handed it to her with both hands.

But Xiao Meixue did not reach out to pick it up, but said seriously and earnestly:

"Senior Sister Qiu, can I say a few words?"

"Of course, the disciples who won the top three must give acceptance speeches."

"Thank you!"

Xiao Meixue brewed her emotions for a while, and said to the dark head below with her spiritual power:

"No.1, I deserve it, I hope the suzerain master can re-judgment No.1 and No.2.

No.1 should be Brother Lin, I don't want to take a place that doesn't belong to me.

So, Senior Sister Qiu, you should take back the No.1 prize, and just send me the No.2 prize. "

Upon hearing this, the audience was in an uproar.

In the tens of thousands of years since the sect was founded, this kind of thing has never happened. Even after winning No.1, they still don't want it.

There are gossip fires in the eyes of some people again. Could it be that the number one beauty in the sect has already been taken down by Lin Bufan?
What kind of means did that bad thing use?
Some young disciples of the sect already had lamentations in their eyes, and they all felt that a flower had been harmed by bad guys again.

Lin Bufan didn't expect that the heroine's brain circuit is like this, is it too honest, or is it stupid?
He remembered that the heroine in his novel was quite wise!Could it be that her joining made her stupid?

The leaders of the sect began to whisper to each other, as if they were discussing the feasibility of this matter.

After the agreement, Sovereign Qiu walked to the awards platform and put the No.1 prize into Xiao Meixue's hands with his own hands.

"Your achievements have been printed into the historical monument of the sect, there is no way to change it, but if you want to exchange your prize with No.2.

Can be done in private. "

"Oh! Alright then!" Xiao Meixue reluctantly took the prize and walked off the stage.

She had already made up her mind, anyway, she was determined not to get the No.1 prize, but only the No.2 prize.

"Building foundation No.2, Lin Bufan." The master of ceremonies continued to read, "The prizes are five thousand high-grade spirit stones, a seventh-grade Dragon Yin sword, and a pair of top-grade jade Linglong."

When Lin Bufan's name was pronounced, Xiao Chuyi, who was in the leadership seat, obviously had an unnatural expression on his face.

Originally, he didn't intend to come, it was the suzerain brother who dragged him here.

Sitting here and watching the big apprentice receive the award, not only did he not feel happy, but he felt very ironic.

It's just because Lin Bufan is already the apprentice he gave up.

The eldest apprentice pouted and slapped his face.

On the contrary, Meng Yixuan looked very happy, giving Lin Bufan a thumbs up, his eyes full of encouragement and respect.

There were thousands of people in the whole square, and there were only sporadic applause from the leaders' seats, which was in stark contrast to when Xiao Meixue's name was pronounced just now.

Not only is Xiao Chuyi not optimistic about him, most of the sect disciples are also not optimistic about him.

I feel that his temporary progress doesn't mean anything.

Lin Bufan looked calm, and walked towards the awarding platform with steady steps.

"Congratulations, Junior Brother Lin! This is your prize."

Miss Master of Ceremonies took the storage bag from the elder and put it in Lin Bufan's hand.

Then said routinely: "How about sharing your winning experience?"

Lin Bufan accepted the award and nodded, and also planned to talk about his acceptance speech.

Or, I want to speak out for the heinous villain in the book.

"Thank you, sister, then I will say a few words."

Instead, he looked down at Xiao Chuyi, raised his head, took a deep breath, recalled the past of the original owner, and said after a while:

"I came to Mitian Sect when I was eight years old. I regard this place as my home. I worshiped Xiao Zhenren as my teacher when I was eight years old. I regard him as my father."

When he said this, he bowed deeply to Xiao Chuyi who was not far ahead.

Xiao Chuyi blushed, and his expression became even more unnatural.

Being regarded as a father by an apprentice, most masters would be happy to hear that, but he was just the opposite.

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