The villain is whitewashed: I don’t want to be a villain even if I am killed

Chapter 22 Obedient little apprentice, naughty big apprentice

Because he had to find a shelter.

After wandering around Mi Tianzong for a whole day, he finally found a 'Geomantic Treasure Land' with strong aura.

This place is not under the jurisdiction of any real person from the six peaks, it is located behind Yunhe Peak.

It is called Cliff Peak there, and ordinary people would not think of setting up a home there, because the mountain peak is very strange.

To be precise, it is not a mountain, but a huge rock.

From a distance, it looks like a goose egg.

In the entire mountain, only the top of the mountain has a little vegetation, and the rest are all cliffs.

The area of ​​the peak is too small to fit even a small house.

However, for Lin Bufan, a loner and widow, this place couldn't be more suitable.

He first opened a hole on the cliff, and then leveled the uneven ground, and a simple cave was completed.

Then go to Yunxiao Peak to find Qiu Zhenren, who is also the master of a sect, and ask for instructions there. Finally, he asked the elder of foreign affairs to issue a document.

This territory belongs to him in writing.

Staying at Yujue Peak for one night, Lin Bufan packed up his things and set off early the next morning.

He didn't bother Xiao Chuyi any more, and he left without making a sound.

Old Hei was still squatting on his shoulders, as if he was even more reluctant than Lin Bufan to part with the cave where he had lived for a while, and looked back again and again when he left.

After arriving at the new home, Lao Hei was not very satisfied with it.

No garden, no big tree, not even a bird.

Moreover, the temporary cave mansion dug out is really too small.

"Let's just live there! At least it's a place to live.

The biggest advantage here is that the aura is abundant enough without being disturbed by others. "Lin Bufan said while working.

"Hmm! Why hasn't this deity suffered?" Lao Hei raised his head and looked at Lin Bufan, feeling distressed and apologetic, "I'm sorry, from now on this deity will no longer miss the female cat."

"No, you should think about it or you have to think about it. I won't suppress your nature. Tomorrow, I'll catch you two female cats and bring you back as a wife and concubine."

While chatting, they dug the cat's nest.

He just wanted Lao Hei to live a relaxed and happy life with him.

Going to Lingshou Mountain to catch two female cats back is not just talking.

It doesn't matter if the mother cat has kittens, he is responsible for raising them.

Anyway, he is in charge of this site, and he can do whatever he wants.

"Boy, don't worry about it. This deity is not those young people. It is not necessary. If you let me see Xiaobai again, I will be satisfied."

Old Hei's heart is now filled with Xiao Bai, and he has no interest in other female cats.

"Your wish will basically not come true."

"It doesn't matter if we don't see each other, I think, Xiaobai has a master like Miss Xiao, so life should not be too bad." Old Hei could only say resentfully.

"Meow meow meow, meow meow meow!"

However, it really said that Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived, and at this moment, there was another meowing sound from the entrance of the cave.

One person and one cat looked out in astonishment, and saw Xiao Meixue holding Xiao Bai floating on the flying sword, appearing not far from the entrance of the cave.

Because the cave was on the cliff and there was no foothold, she could only float in the air in this way.

"Senior brother Lin, I didn't expect things to turn out like this, I'm sorry."

Xiao Meixue's stunning face was filled with apology.

"What compensation do you need, just ask, as long as I can satisfy, I will never play tricks."

"It's okay, it's a blessing in disguise!"

Lin Bufan didn't care much.

Here, he felt more at ease.

Seeing that Lin Bufan seemed to be fine, Xiao Meixue felt a little relieved, but seeing him live in such a place, she felt even more guilty.

After thinking for a while, he said: "But, where is this place where people live? You, why don't you go to Yunhe Peak!

It's very spacious there, but there are very few people, so one more person is completely fine. "

"Go to Yunhe Peak, are you sure?" Lin Bufan got up and walked to the entrance of the cave, "Junior Sister Xiao, are you stupid?

If I live in your Yunhe Peak, wouldn't it be confirmed that I have plans for you? "

"Ah!" Xiao Meixue's face turned crimson again, and she stammered again, "Then, will you live in this kind of place from now on?"

"It's very good here. It's not as good as your own dog's kennel. It's up to me to live here. What's wrong?"

"That's the case." Xiao Meixue lowered her head, her guilt didn't decrease but became heavier.

"It's always not good to have no master to guide you in the future. Otherwise, I'd better go to your master to explain the situation!"

"Don't, I live comfortably here."

"Okay then! Then, then, are you almost there?"

"It's not bad, please go back!" Lin Bufan said lightly, but then changed his words, "There is still a female cat missing."

"Ah! Female cat!" Xiao Meixue looked up in surprise, "Are you talking about Xiaobai?"

"Yes, from now on you will occasionally bring the little white cat here for a few days, my old black will miss it very much."

"Okay!" Xiao Meixue smiled, her sense of guilt finally eased, she quickly directed Feijian to move closer to the entrance of the cave with her mind, and then threw the little white cat into it.

"I'll come back tomorrow." After saying that, he quickly disappeared.

Old Hei was full of joy, fearing that Xiao Bai would be thrown, he quickly used his body as a pad to catch him.

It stands to reason that such a small temple should be rarely visited by people.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the heroine left, the hero came again.

"Brother, can I go in?" Meng Yixuan was also floating in the air, speaking cautiously.

"Come in!" Lin Bufan didn't even look back at him, and continued to work on the layout of the cave.

"Thank you, brother." Meng Yixuan's face beamed with joy, feeling that Lin Bufan didn't reject him, not to mention how happy he was.

After entering the cave, Meng Yixuan sat cautiously on the rough stone bench. He wanted to say a lot, but when they were face to face, they seemed to have nothing to say.

After thinking for a long time, I said: "Last time, in the duel between us, I didn't intend to kill you. I, I just instinctively used the killing move. When I wanted to take it back, it was already too late."

"Yeah! I didn't mean to kill you either, but Master misunderstood." Lin Bufan nodded, "We're even, don't worry about it."

"Then, let's get along well like other brothers and sisters from now on, can we?"

After saying what he had always wanted to say, Meng Yixuan felt much more relaxed and less restrained.

Lin Bufan patted the ashes on his hands, stood up, admired the fruits of his labor for a while, and then turned to Meng Yixuan and said:

"Of course you can, but I'm afraid Master is not willing to see us being friendly."

Meng Yixuan's eyes darkened: "Master, he is going too far."

"I understand him instead.

In his mind, I am the bad guy.

Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. If you get too close to me, you will become a bad person.

So, if you want to be a good apprentice of Master, you have to stay away from me. "

Lin Bufan patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Brother, although we are direct brothers, we really can't be like other direct brothers.

Let's go back!It's getting late, probably by now Master is already spreading his spiritual sense to look for you. "

You are right, at this moment Xiao Chuyi was really looking for Meng Yixuan, and when he found out that his obedient little apprentice was actually at the bad big apprentice's place, his expression immediately became gloomy.

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