For the big apprentice that he doesn't like, even if he takes a second look, it's annoying, let alone treat him as his son.

Seeing his expression, Lin Bufan's eyes dimmed a lot, and he continued:
"Once upon a time, I was taught earnestly by Master, thank you for your teaching, my disciple will never forget it.

It's a pity that my talent and ability failed to meet Master's expectations, I'm sorry.

During the Qi training period, I have never stepped onto the podium once, and this is the first time after foundation establishment.

However, I originally thought that Master would be pleased and would look at me with admiration.

But unfortunately, Master seems to hate me even more. "

These words made all the people below quiet down, and there was an intriguing light in their eyes.

The eyes of several real people fell on Xiao Chuyi's face, expecting to see different expressions on his face.

But unfortunately, Xiao Chuyi didn't show any expression, his eyes were indifferent as if he was listening to a scripture.

But there is a violent heart under the calm appearance.

"I suddenly figured it out, I can no longer abuse myself, I can no longer waste my time.

I must cheer up, and I can no longer be disgusted by people, and I can no longer be spurned by people.

I thought Master would accept me again after seeing my changes, but unfortunately, he hates me more than ever.

I think, Master, you may want me to keep messing around and wasting my time.

Instead of suddenly one day surpassing your carefully cultivated proud disciple on the competition stage. "

Lin Bufan looked up to the sky and took a painful breath, and fixed his eyes on Xiao Chuyi.

"Am I right?"

"You, villain!"

Xiao Chuyi couldn't stand listening anymore, he stood up abruptly, and almost blasted Lin Bufan with another wave of coercion.

Lin Bufan's words can be said to have deeply analyzed the secrets in his heart. The disciples he cultivated with all his heart were defeated by the disciples who had been ignoring him, which in itself was a denial of his career in nurturing talents.

He is the head of the six sons of the Mitian Sect and the number one swordsman in cultivation, how could he allow his disciples to deny his strength.

It took a long time for Xiao Chuyi to endure the urge to kill someone.

"There are some things that we, master and apprentice, should talk slowly behind closed doors, instead of talking nonsense on this occasion.

Don't you think that just getting a foundation establishment No. 2 is amazing, and you dare to compete with your master. "

"No, I dare not." Lin Bufan bowed deeply to him again, "I haven't finished my words yet!"

"You still have something to say!" Xiao Chu was so angry that his whole body trembled, thinking that he would say more disrespectful words, "Hurry up and get out after receiving the prize."

"Junior brother, why are you doing this?" Sect Master Qiu came out to smooth things over at the critical moment.

"If you know your mistakes, you can correct them, and there is nothing good about them!

Nephew Lin rarely understands the truth, we as elders should encourage him.

Who hasn't been young and frivolous, isn't there an old saying, the prodigal son turns his back and doesn't change his money!
Let him say what he wants to say! "

As soon as Xiao Chu helped his forehead, he also felt that his performance was too aggressive and damaged his composure, so he immediately sat back on the chair.

"Yes, Master Master Xie!" Lin Bufan bowed to Master Qiu, "Master Master Master is right, I hope that I will be a prodigal son who turns back, and I will be self-denying and conscientious in the future, so as to put an end to the absurdity of the past .

Please watch my performance, and Master please watch my performance.

If I am really a rotten wood that cannot be carved, Master, please hold your hand high, let me go, and also let yourself go. "

After finishing speaking, he bowed down again before stepping off the stage.

For a while, the entire awards ceremony was silent, and needles could be heard, and everyone was thinking about the meaning of Lin Bufan's words.

Let me go, let go of yourself, what do you mean?

It feels strange and profound.

Only Xiao Chuyi understood the meaning of Lin Bufan's words.

He wanted to get out of his control, no longer wanted to be his apprentice, wanted to be free.

However, apprentices do not have the qualifications and rights to sever the master-student relationship with the master, and the master can only declare that he does not want any apprentice.

Even worse, he issued a written document and expelled a certain apprentice from the division.

Why did Lin Bufan reveal the tense relationship between him and Xiao Chuyi in front of all the disciples of the sect?
It's just because he is very sure that there is no possibility that the relationship between him and Xiao Chuyi will return to the filial relationship between master and apprentice.

Breaking up is a matter of time.

Let me speak out now, maybe in the future I will be able to avoid some infamy.

The real person Liufeng and the suzerain whispered again, all trying to persuade Xiao Chuyi to accept Lin Bufan again, to be a qualified good teacher in the future, and continue to teach him well.

However, Xiao Chuyi, who was driven off the shelf, couldn't listen, he didn't give anyone face for his temper, he got up and left.

The leaders left behind looked at each other in blank dismay.

It wasn't until the master of ceremonies read the name of No.3 that everyone's thoughts were pulled back.

"No.3, Wu Di."

Since the awards ceremony, Lin Bufan's reputation has improved a lot.

Some disciples who used to disdain to interact with him, and who were bullied by the original owner, would take the initiative to say hello to him when they saw him.

Even if it's just on the surface, it's a big step forward.

The road to the villain's whitewashing seems not as difficult as imagined.

But there was one thing that made Lin Bufan very depressed.

The heroine, Xiao Meixue, chased him all day to exchange prizes, but if he didn't agree, she pestered him every day.

"Senior brother Lin, the master and uncle have already said that our prizes can be exchanged privately, so let's do it!"

"Why are you so stubborn? I finally got two Ruyi treasures, why should I trade them with you?" Lin Bufan ignored her and walked forward quickly.

I don't understand how the heroine I wrote became this one.

"Then, let's just exchange the spirit stones we can get! I'll exchange [-] high-grade spirit stones for you for [-] high-grade spirit stones." Xiao Meixue did not give up, trotting behind him.

"Are you a fool, or are you too rich?" Lin Bufan was almost laughed out of anger, "Do you think I'm the kind of person who is greedy for petty gains?"

"Ah! No! I am willing to exchange it with you!" Xiao Meixue stopped walking, her small mouth pouted slightly.

She just wants to take the No.2 prize that should belong to her with peace of mind. Why is it so difficult?
"Go back! Girl." Lin Bufan said helplessly, "Your behavior can easily be misunderstood, and people will mistakenly think that you mean something to me."

"You, you are so annoying!" Xiao Meixue blushed again with anger, turned around and ran away.

But within a few days, she repeated the old trick again, which annoyed Lin Bufan very much.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are people, there are gossips.

The sect's number one beauty, the scandal of chasing the prodigal son Lin Bufan was spread all over the sky, Xiao Meixue was so angry that she cried a few times.

She felt that although he didn't dislike Lin Bufan as much as before, it was absolutely impossible for him to like him.

A person with bad deeds, even if he becomes better for a while, it is impossible for others to truly trust him.

The same is true for Xiao Meixue.

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