【Ding!Sign in successfully! 】

【Issuing sign-in rewards... 】

[Rewards have been distributed! 】

[I look forward to seeing you tomorrow! 】

The sound in the ears ends.

Lin Chao picked up the blueprint that had fallen on him.

[Obtain the Blueprint of Giant Thunder Spear × 1]

fish spear...

Just today I plan to go to the deep sea to catch chameleon keel snakes.

Might come in handy.


With this in mind.

Lin Chao opened the book to the second page, found the [Giant Thunder Spear Blueprint] in the material storage space, and reached out and touched it to open the relevant introduction box.

[Giant Thunder Spear blueprint: can be learned, after learning, you will get the giant thunder spear manufacturing formula in Universal Manufacturing. 】

[Giant Thunder Spear: Elemental magic item.Rely on the lightning fish spear released by the thunder element crystal to attack marine life!And it can achieve different effects such as stun and kill by controlling the release of thunder elements. 】

Read this introduction.

A look of relief appeared on Lin Chao's face.


Lin Chao was still thinking yesterday.

What method should be used to 100% guarantee to obtain the chameleon keel snake color sac without any damage.

did not expect.

Today this problem is easily solved.

electric shock!

There is no method that can keep the prey intact than electric shock!

So ever.

Lin Chao turned the book back to the first page without thinking, and opened the universal manufacturing interface.

Relying on the manufacturing formula displayed on the interface, the [Giant Thunder Fish Spear] was manufactured.

"Add five iron ingots!"

"Add three thunder element crystals!"

"Add a fully automatic mechanical gear."


The voice fell.

A fifteen centimeter long hollow iron pipe appeared out of thin air in Lin Chao's hand.

I saw that the whole body of the iron pipe was yellow.

And there are several lightning symbols scattered irregularly on it.


Where Lin Chao's thumb can touch, there is a slightly raised button.


That should be the button that fires the lightning.

But right now at home.

Let's not try it now...


Lin Chao retracted the [Giant Thunder Spear] to the material storage space.

Then he got up from the sofa and walked to the second floor, intending to check on Xia Lin's situation.

I see.

At this time, Xia Lin's body was suffering from a low fever and was very uncomfortable, so her brows kept following her closely.

But fortunately, he was still asleep.

But Fengfeng has already woken up.

After meeting Lin Chaoyue.

Immediately came running happily.

"Chiu Mi~"


Lin Chao hugged Fengfeng with one hand.

Putting one hand in front of his mouth, he signaled Fengfeng to keep his voice down so as not to disturb Xia Lin who was sleeping.

Fengfeng is also very obedient.

After knowing immediately.

He covered his mouth with two small paws.

A cute and lovely look.

"So nice."

Lin Chao praised Fengfeng and finished speaking.

He whispered to it again.

"I'm going out for a while."

"Then please take care of Xia Lin."

"Remember to feed her more water after she wakes up, you know?"

"Chiu Mi~"

After Jian Fengfeng nodded in agreement.

Lin Chao put it down from his arm.

And leave a sentence.

"Then I'm leaving! Everything is up to you!"

Then he turned around and left the small villa, boarded the [small combat ship], and sailed all the way towards the island M3185 where the [small nuclear reactor] was located.

And this time.

Fifteen hours have passed since Lin Chao left the island of M3185 last time.

and so.

When Lin Chao went to the island to harvest the lead box of [Small Nuclear Reactor].

A full harvest of five.


Two are used to make [X-ray imager].

One stays to continue to let the [small nuclear reactor] conduct nuclear reactions.

The remaining two. …

Lin Chao loaded them into the material storage space and brought them back to the small island of M7021.

They are going to be used as additional components of [Small Exploration Submarine].



According to the manufacturing formula displayed on the universal manufacturing page, Lin Chao added materials to it in turn.

Then he spoke.

"Choose where to place it! Add on top of the submarine mirror!"


One command.

I saw a layer of filter covering the submarine's window.

As for Lin Chao re-entering the submarine.

It was found that there was an extra button on the operation panel.

"Start Radioscope"


Lin Chao tentatively pressed the button.


The picture on the monitor changes.

Trees, houses, ocean...  

Wait until a series of inanimate things turn gray.

Only the creatures in the ocean, Xia Lin and Fengfeng in the small villa can be seen clearly from above.


Even the chameleon keel snake blends in with its surroundings by changing color.

Don't worry about not being able to see it with the naked eye!
that's it.

With everything ready, Lin Chao drove the [small investigation submarine] to the deep sea and began to look for the chameleon keel snake.


Not this one……

This is not...

this? !
It seems to be!

About ten minutes passed.

Lin Chao finally discovered a sea creature similar to a chameleon keel snake!


In order to confirm that it is correct.

Lin Chao turned off the radiological filter.

Let the display re-show the normal view of the sea floor.


I see!

Originally under the filter!

Snake-like sea creatures crawling there waiting for an opportunity!
without a filter!
I can't see it at all!
This perfectly fits the characteristics of the Chameleon Keel Snake!
And it proves it!
That is the Chameleon Keel Snake!

So ever.

in the next second.

Lin Chao opened the [Shadow Box] without hesitation.

And handed over the [Giant Thunder Fish Spear].

Then read it in your heart.

Use the [Giant Thunder Fish Spear] to stun the Chameleon Keel Snake, then drag it into the storage bin!

The shadow clones followed Lin Chao's thinking.

Out of the [Small Exploration Submarine], it ran towards the Chameleon Keel Snake.

And the Chameleon Keel Snake also noticed something strange!

But it doesn't know it's just a shadow!
Instead, he regarded it as prey!


I saw its rickety body suddenly straightened.

With lightning speed, he bit one of the shadow clones in one bite.

Both precise and ruthless!
It perfectly interprets what is called "the ruthless hunter in the deep sea"!

It's a pity that...

That's just a shadow!
By the time it realized that it was empty, it was already too late.

The other shadow clone had already aimed the [Giant Thunder Spear] at it, and pressed the launch button.

In an instant.

A golden light came out.

In a flash, it hit the Chameleon Keel Snake.

Instantly stun it.

Then it was dragged back by the shadow clone!

Not bad!

The first to get it!
Also had experience!
The rest is up to you!

Lin Chao continued to sail in the deep sea in this way.

Less than an hour passed.

[Blood Analyzer] The five chameleon keel snakes needed are enough!

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