"And, from now on, there is no longer any danger on the periphery, you can mine resources at will!"

"At the same time, I am also willing to use the resources you mined to teach you some related magic spells."

all of these.

Sounds tempting.

But Lin Chao was not dazzled by the temptation.

Instead, he kept his sanity and asked Emperor Ensi back.

"You yourself said that after Luke turned into a shadow, he became even more powerful with his control over shadow magic."

"You can't even end it? What do you want me to use to end him?"

It's over.

Only King Ensi responded softly.

"Don't worry, I know that."

"Killing Luke is not something that can be done overnight."

"In the future, I will tell you how to do it little by little, and teach you some magic."

"And right now, all I need is a promise from you."

"Would you like to do me this favor?"

The voice fell.

Lin Chao hadn't been able to think about it yet.

A system prompt sounded in his head.


"Triggered! Hidden Mission: Darkborn's Choice!"

"Please make a god-level choice from the following two options!"

"1. Choose to help Emperor Ens kill Luke. Reward: Luke's Heart of Shadow. At the same time, the system will allow you to fuse with the Heart of Shadow without burden and become the strongest Shadow Mage."

"2. Choose to help Luke kill Emperor Ens. Reward: Luke's gratitude. After Luke returns to the world after his resurrection, he will appoint you as the guardian to rule the shadow world together!"

"I promise you."

The system beep has just ended.

Lin Chao gave the answer without hesitation.

There is no justice here.

just because of.

For Lin Chao.

Compared with the domination of one person under one person and above ten thousand people.

Obtaining Luke's power and becoming the strongest shadow magician is more attractive.


Emperor Ensi nodded in satisfaction, and said to Lin Chao.

"Okay, with your words, I feel relieved."

"As for Luke's matter, we will discuss it later."

"I remember you said you want to save people? Go back first!"


Emperor Ensi waved his right hand.


[Ancient Portal] On the empty magnetic drill frame, a surging black film reappeared.

But Lin Chao didn't step across the past.

But looking at Emperor Ensi, a thought suddenly occurred to him.

"I ask you a question."

"How did you treat cancer patients at that time?"


Look at Emperor Ensi's puzzled expression.

It should be because they don’t know what the new era term “cancer” means.


Lin Chao explained to Emperor Ensi as best he could with the knowledge in his mind.

"Cancer is a disease in which a mutation occurs in one part of the body, begins to proliferate indefinitely, and invades other parts of the body."

That's it.

Emperor Ensi suddenly realized.


"I understand."

"We called it chronic disease at that time, and it was very curable."

"When you say you go back to save people, do you mean to save people with this disease?"

Upon hearing this.

Lin Chao took a look!
I feel that I am right to ask one more question!
There is indeed a play!

So ever.

He continued to ask without hesitation.

"Since you said it's curable! Can you tell me how you cured this disease at that time?"

"of course can."

Emperor Ensi nodded in agreement.

"I'll say a spell, just write it down."

"Choke Kosdilla Uhai One."

The mantra is over.

The book in Lin Chao's hand also responded.


【Ancient Radiation Box】

[The manufacturing formula has been comprehended! 】

[Please go to the universal manufacturing function to check it yourself! 】

next second.

Lin Chao didn't think much about it.

Open the book directly to the first page and open the universal manufacturing panel.

only see...


[Ancient Radiation Magic Box: Ancient magic item.Using ancient magic to control the targeting of radiation rays, it can kill mutant cells with high precision without harming others. 】

This is awesome!

Use magic to control radiation rays!
It directly solves the most difficult target problem of modern radiotherapy and chemotherapy!
Even if Xia Lin is diagnosed with leukemia, there is nothing to be afraid of!
thought here.

Lin Chao left a sentence to Emperor Ensi.

"I'm going back first! I'll come back after it's over!"

"it is good!"


Lin Chao couldn't wait to pass through the [ancient portal] and came to the hut on the small island of M7021.


"Add fifty magnetic drills!"

"Add ten rubies!"

"Choose where to place it!"


under the moonlight.

After some murmurs came out of Lin Chao's mouth.

I saw that the magnetic drills began to pile up on each other in the hut, and quickly merged into a furnace.


Those ten rubies.They came out one after another, making a circle, and embedded them around the stove one after another.

in this way.

[Red Crystal Forging Furnace] is also completed.


It is a little different from what Lin Chao originally envisioned.

Lin Chao originally thought that the omnipotent forging [Red Crystal Forging Furnace] was very hot and would release a lot of heat.

But actually.

The temperature inside the furnace cannot be felt at all outside the furnace.

Its high temperature is only confined to the furnace.

After Lin Chao put the stone in.

Almost instantly.

Crystalline silicon is forged.

[Obtain Crystalline Silicon × 1]

[Obtain Crystalline Silicon × 1]

[Obtain Crystalline Silicon × 1]



The crystalline silicon needed to manufacture [blood analyzer] and [X-ray imager] will be available.

The [Lead Box] only needs to wait for the output of the [Small Nuclear Reactor] tomorrow.

The rest is to manufacture the [Universal Medical Staining Solution] needed for the [Hematology Analyzer]...

Thoughts so far.

Lin Chao unfolded the universal manufacturing interface from the book.

Then search for [Universal Medical Staining Solution] in the search box.

next second.

A line of manufacturing recipes appeared in front of his eyes.

[Universal Medical Staining Solution: Chameleon Dragon Bone Snake Color Sac 0/1]

【Universal Medical Staining Solution: It is made of intact and undamaged chameleon bone snake color sac, which can dye different components in blood to determine the content of each component.The chameleon keel snake is a deep-sea creature that is extremely ferocious and can change color, making it difficult to see with the naked eye.Normally relying on the integration with the surrounding environment to sneak, waiting for opportunities to kill all kinds of marine life as food, it is a ruthless hunter in the deep sea. 】

Hard to see with the naked eye...


In this case.

Then wait until tomorrow to prepare and then go to sea to find it.

After having a simple plan.

Lin Chao turned and left the hut and returned to the villa.

After seeing Xia Lin and Fengfeng leaning against each other, and sleeping soundly and peacefully.

He returned to the sofa on the first floor.

With the gentle moonlight, I also entered the dreamland.


【Current days: 13】

[Current status: Not signed in. 】

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