Isle of M7021.

The chameleon keel snake's long body was twisted stiffly in a pool of blood.

Lin Chao, on the other hand, held the color sacs taken out of their bodies, and said in a low voice...

"Add five chameleon bone snake color sacs!"


The moment the voice landed.

The bloody color sac turned into a bottled reagent.

[Obtain Universal Medical Staining Solution × 5]


Whether it's crystalline silicon, universal medical stains or lead boxes.

That's it!

Lin Chao began to add these materials to the [blood analyzer] and [X-ray imager] in sequence according to the manufacturing formula.

"Choose where to place it!"


"Choose where to place it!"


After two beeps.

I saw the materials required by the two machines fly out one by one.

And on both sides of the [electricity storage type lightning rod] selected by Lin Chao, they began to build up separately.

This whole stage.

Lin Chao has been watching from the sidelines.

At the same time, make a rough estimate in your heart.

It only took 3 minutes.

The instrument has been formed.


I saw two more power cords stretching out from the two instruments respectively, and connected to the storage box of the [electricity storage lightning rod] to complete the power supply.

in this way.

[Blood Analyzer] and [X-ray Imager] are completely completed!

Lin Chao saw this.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the book, turned to the sixth page, opened the chat room interface, and sent a private message to the doctor.

"I've prepared the equipment you want, do you need anything else? If you don't need it, you can pack it over there, and I'll pick you up right away!"


The doctor was taken aback for a moment.

Because in his subjective consciousness, he doesn't think that those medical instruments can be manufactured in this world.

After a while, he came back to his senses before adding another sentence.

"I don't need anything else, I'll wait for you here, come here."

"it is good."

After saying this.

Lin Chao closed his book, boarded the [small combat ship], and brought the doctor back from island M2951.

As for the first moment on the island.

The doctor didn't go to see Xia Lin.

Instead, I went to see [blood analyzer] and [X-ray imager].

I see.

As a doctor, he seemed to see an old friend.

He was so excited that his voice trembled.

"That's right..."

"It's them! It's them!"

"you are great!"

"It is possible to manufacture these things in this world!"

"And in just one day!"

"How did you get the crystalline silicon? And medical dyeing solution!"

"We'll talk about that later."

Lin Chao forcibly changed the topic of the doctor's deviation.

"Go see Xia Lin first."

"Oh, yes, yes."


The belated doctor followed Lin Chao to the second floor of the villa.

And coincidentally.

Xia Lin also just woke up not long ago.

After seeing the doctor and Lin Chao, she forced a smile and said.

"Lin have worked hard again..."

"I don't work hard, it's my benefactor who works hard."

While the doctor was talking, he walked quickly to Xia Lin's bed, bent over and squatted down.

Then he took out the needle tube he made in advance from his pocket, and took a tube of blood from Xia Lin's arm.


After the blood collection, the doctor stood up holding the blood collection tube and said to Lin Chao.

"I'm going to do a blood analysis on her first."

"When it's over, please help her go downstairs for an X-ray examination."

"it is good."

Lin Chao nodded in response.

"You go first."


The doctor goes downstairs.

Lin Chao went over to help Xia Lin get up from the bed.

At the same time.

Xia Lin also discovered something tricky from the conversation between Lin Chao and the doctor.


In the process of going downstairs.

Xia Lin asked Lin Chao tentatively.

"Didn't the doctor come last time and say that I just have a common cold, plus some anemia?"

"Why are you here again..."

"And what about X-ray examination?"

"Do I have some other illness?"

After hearing this.

Lin Chao thought to himself.

Xia Lin is a mature adult.

By now.

Lie to her again.

She might not believe it either.

On the contrary, it will be more suspicious.


After Lin Chao pondered some words in his mind.

He opened his mouth and confessed to Xia Lin.

"Based on your various symptoms, the doctor initially suspected that you have leukemia. That's why I searched for materials everywhere, and got a blood analyzer and an X-ray imager to make a further diagnosis for you."

That's it for the voice.

Lin Chao immediately felt that Xia Lin, who was supported by his hands, gave a heavy meal because it was difficult to accept this matter.

Lin Chao quickly said the second half of the sentence in a very firm tone.

"But don't worry!"

"I have also taken into account your diagnosis!"

"So, I have also prepared an instrument that can cure your illness!"

"I promise you will not die! And you will become the same as before! Be healthy and healthy! Do whatever you want!"

These words.

With a pertinent tone.

In an instant, Xia Lin was dragged back from the border of despair.


Xia Lin asked back.

Lin Chao replied.

"It's true."

"Let's go downstairs quickly! The doctor is still waiting for us!"

"it is good……"


Lin Chao helped Xia Lin to find a doctor and completed all the examinations skillfully.

As for the test results.

It will be out soon too....

"It's... leukemia..."

The doctor announced in a heavy tone.

"If you want to be cured... Chemotherapy is required..."

Speaking of it.

The doctor looked sideways at Lin Chao.

The meaning expressed from the eyes is.

Various high-tech instruments required for chemotherapy...

Probably can't do it...

But Lin Chao responded easily.

"I understand."

"I'm going to prepare things for chemotherapy!"

"Xia Lin will ask the doctor to take care of you for a while!"


The doctor was taken aback after hearing this, and then revealed all the shock in his heart.

"Chemotherapy equipment is a hundred times more sophisticated than blood analyzers and X-ray imaging equipment!"

"Can this also be made?"

"Of course."

Complete the answer in three concise words.

Lin Chao didn't wait for the doctor to ask any more questions.

Then I took the [small battleship] and went straight to the island of M3185.

Harvest all the lead boxes produced by [Small Nuclear Reactor].

【Obtain lead box × 6】

The timing is just right!
Six lead boxes!

One stayed to continue the nuclear reaction.

The remaining five. …

"Add five lead boxes!"

"Add a hundred stones!"

"Add five purple gems!"

"Choose where to place it!"


The voice fell.

Because of the ancient magic contained in the amethyst, it works!
Suddenly, a burst of purple light appeared in front of Lin Chao's eyes!
Lin Chao closed his eyes subconsciously.

And when I open my eyes again...

only see...

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