Before returning to the cabin, Li Yingjie put the only rabbit he caught into the cage, and stuffed some grass into the cage.

At this time, there were only two rabbits left in the cage, and they ate all the others.

When setting up the noose in the morning, Li Yingjie also lamented that these rabbits are not very vigilant, and the probability of being caught in the noose is very high. He should be able to catch five or six rabbits at night.

Unexpectedly, the caught rabbits were cut off by those wild beasts, and only one remained in the end.

"Can I take a bath today?" Lin Xiaoying asked after setting up the rabbit.

Li Yingjie thought for a while, then shook his head.

"It's better not to wash it. I'm not sure if the bear will come to visit again. Be patient. Let's build a bathroom tomorrow and wash it tomorrow!"

Lin Xiaoying felt a little lost after hearing this.

However, she also knows the priorities. It is really uncomfortable not to take a bath for a few days, but compared with the danger of being attacked by a bear, it is necessary to be patient.

So, after a brief wash, they returned to the cabin.

There were still a lot of bamboo that had been dragged over before. Sitting at the door of the small wooden house, Li Yingjie smashed some thick bamboo into bamboo pieces, cut them into lengths of more than one meter, and processed them with a knife.

He sharpened the front end of each bamboo piece, and then placed it beside the house. The bamboo piece was not polished smooth, but the sharpened end was very sharp.

Outside, as soon as it got dark, the crescent moon hung in the sky, and the fire outside the cabin was still burning, so the surrounding area was not very dark.

"Is this for a javelin?" Lin Xiaoying picked up a piece of bamboo and looked at it, then asked curiously.

There is a pointed tip cut out in front, which looks like a projectile weapon, but the length does not look like a javelin, and it is not polished at all. How will it be used then?
These are bamboo slices made of bamboo with a thick bowl mouth. The thickness of the bamboo slices is about one centimeter. After being smashed into bamboo slices, the width is about four to five centimeters.

Li Yingjie explained while sharpening the tip.

"It's not a javelin, it's not a bow, it's something for bears!"

"For the bear?" Lin Xiaoying was taken aback.

Li Yingjie briefly described his thoughts.

"The big hole dug more than ten meters away from the cabin is a trap for bears. Tomorrow, I will dig the hole to a depth of more than three meters, and then bury these bamboo slices in the hole with the pointed end up. At that time, we will find a way to lure the bear to step on the trap..."

Li Yingjie didn't say anything about the rest, but Lin Xiaoying had a strong imagination and immediately imagined that scene.

The pointed ends of these bamboos were inserted densely into the trap more than three meters deep, and the surface of the trap was covered. The bear passed by and suddenly fell down. The pointed ends of the bamboo slices directly pierced the bear's skin!
I'm afraid it will kill the bear in a short time!
Immediately, Lin Xiaoying felt a chill in her heart, as if a bamboo thorn had pierced her body.

She immediately took a few steps away from Li Yingjie, and said with concern: "Be careful, don't get pricked by bamboo thorns!"

"Don't worry!" Li Yingjie replied cheerfully.

At this moment, he was thinking that they might have a bearskin in two days. The bearskin was nearly two meters high, and the bearskin must be very spacious. This bearskin might be able to make two mattresses.

Thinking of this, Li Yingjie became more motivated.

The length and width of the trap are about two meters, and Li Yingjie plans to bury a piece of bamboo every 80 centimeters in it, so a total of more than [-] pieces of bamboo are needed.

Bamboo slices don't need to be polished smooth, just sharpen the top, so it is very quick to make.

When the moon was directly above their heads, more than 80 bamboo pieces were all cut. Li Yingjie washed his hands aside, and yawned and got into the cabin.

"Go to sleep, build a bathroom next to the cabin tomorrow, and it will be safer to take a shower in the future."

Thinking about the complicated work to be done tomorrow, Li Yingjie became even more tired.

After fastening the door of the cabin, he lay on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

And that night, just as Li Yingjie guessed yesterday, Xiong didn't come again, he slept until dawn.

Opening his eyes in the morning, Li Yingjie immediately signed in.

These days, if he stays up until the wee hours of the morning, he will sign in in the wee hours of the morning.

If you don't stay up all night, sign in when you wake up in the morning.

Now, it has been No. 18 days, and in three more days, it is time to get the next gift package of the system.

Li Yingjie lay on the bed and thought about it. In the past few days after gaining the ability to perceive danger, not only did he not relax at all, but he became even busier.

All because of the sudden appearance of a bear, a bear who came to the door twice.

Thinking of this, he immediately got up from the bed, ready to continue digging the trap.

Lin Xiaoying was still sleeping. The two of them ran for almost a whole day yesterday. Lin Xiaoying was obviously tired. Li Yingjie got out of bed quietly and did not wake him up.

After a brief wash and a few mouthfuls of dried peaches, he continued to dig traps.

Yesterday, we dug to a depth of more than two meters, and the soil below was relatively soft, but because it was too deep, we needed to use a basket to transport the soil outside.

Li Yingjie threw all the largest twig baskets they made into it, then jumped in and started digging, and put the dug up soil into the basket.

At this time, there were already people watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room.

When they saw that Li Yingjie only threw in one basket, they were still a little puzzled.

Ling Dan: "Why didn't he throw in a few more baskets, so that it would be easier to pull them out later, or else he would have to go up once to fill one."

Chenbo soldier: "The anchor obviously doesn't even have a rope. I don't think he's going to pull the dirt with a rope at all!"

Ling Dan: "Huh? Then why throw it in a basket and put soil in it..."

At this time, a basket of soil has been filled.

Everyone immediately saw that Li Yingjie put the engineering shovel aside, grabbed the bottom of the basket with both hands, and lifted it up suddenly, lifting the basket to the top of his head!
Then, Li Yingjie let out a low cry, and threw it out suddenly, and the basket of soil was splashed out like water.

Ling Dan: "Shocked!!!"

Chenbo soldier: "Shocked!!!"

I want to open a small store: "This basket of soil must weigh a hundred catties, and the operation of the anchor is really sixfold!"

Wu Qi'an: "Splashing soil like water is really amazing. It seems that the fact that the anchor can carry three hundred catties is not a rumor!"

People don't have much money: "I guess it's more than three hundred catties, you see, his operation is like drinking cold water..."

Big Hen: "It is estimated that in this world, only the anchor can do this kind of operation!"

And just as they were bragging, Li Yingjie suddenly crawled out of the pit again, found all his thorn baskets, and threw them in.

He said to himself: "It's too tiring to splash outside like this, my waist almost broke!"


I haven't flattered you yet!

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