Originally, what Li Yingjie wanted was to stand in the pit and pour the soil out of the basket directly.

But now the pit was more than two meters deep, and he had to lift the bottom of the basket to pour the soil out.

As a result, he found that pouring soil outside became extremely troublesome.

So, Li Yingjie threw all the baskets in, and after they were all full, he threw out the soil together with the baskets.

Then, climb to the top of the pit, dump the soil and throw the basket down.

Anyway, it’s a method that ordinary people can’t use!

And in this way, the speed is much faster.


When Lin Xiaoying walked out of the cabin, she saw Li Yingjie crawling out of the pit, covered in dirt.

She hurried over and asked, "Do you need my help?"

Li Yingjie nodded, rubbed his stomach and said, "The trap has been dug, you cook quickly, I'm hungry!"

After digging the pit for more than an hour, Li Yingjie now feels his stomach growling all the time, and he is almost exhausted from hunger.

Lin Xiaoying nodded, washed up briefly, and immediately started packing and cooking.

Li Yingjie also specially emphasized, kill a rabbit and stew it!

Then, when Lin Xiaoying was killing the rabbit to cook, Li Yingjie took the sliced ​​bamboo and lowered it into the pit again.

The pit was about two meters long and wide. Li Yingjie planned to bury the bamboo slices at the bottom of the pit at intervals of about [-] centimeters.

Originally, he thought that each bamboo slice should be [-] centimeters apart, and a total of [-] bamboo slices should be needed here.

Ten rows horizontally and ten columns vertically.

But after thinking about it carefully, there is no need to bury bamboo pieces on the edge of the pit, and the bear will not fall against the edge, so only more than 80 pieces are needed.

Li Yingjie jumped into the pit and began to bury bamboo pieces.

Each bamboo piece is about one meter long, but in order to prevent them from breaking easily, Li Yingjie buried the bottom sixty to seventy centimeters in the soil, leaving only twenty or thirty centimeters of the pointed end.

After shaking it a few times, it is very solid.

So, Li Yingjie kept digging holes and began to bury bamboo pieces.

When Lin Xiaoying called him out to eat, the more than 80 bamboo pieces were only half buried.

He stomped on the buried place and climbed out of the pit.

While eating, the two discussed the location of the bathroom.

In addition to the bathroom, Li Yingjie also plans to build a toilet at the back of the house, which will be much more convenient in the future, at least it will be much more convenient for Lin Xiaoying.

The rabbit meat was stewed, but not all the meat was stewed in. Lin Xiaoying left a bloody skeleton in accordance with Li Yingjie's request.

In addition, the rabbit's head and internal organs are also put aside.

Usually, these things that cannot be eaten directly are buried in the soil, or thrown far away, so as to prevent wild beasts from coming over with the smell of blood.

But now, Li Yingjie was going to use them as bait for traps.

After eating, he immediately went over to continue making traps, buried all the bamboo pieces in the bottom of the cave, and stepped on the soil at the bottom of the cave very firmly.

Then, Li Yingjie found some twigs, Lin Xiaoying also came to help, the two placed a layer of twigs on the trap, and then covered it with a layer of leaves.

Sprinkle a thin layer of soil over the leaves and throw some hay on top.

Lin Xiaoying sighed: "Such a hidden trap, let alone a bear, even people may fall into it."

Li Yingjie thought about it, and suddenly found another problem.

There are other contestants on this island. If they come here and accidentally fall into this pit, it will be very dangerous.

The bottom is full of sharp bamboo slices, which can easily pierce human skin.

Moreover, the length of each bamboo piece is more than 20 centimeters, maybe it will directly tie people right through!
At a depth of about three meters, the moment a person falls, the falling force is very large.

"We can't guarantee that other contestants will come here. If someone does come, it will be troublesome if they step on our trap." Li Yingjie said with a frown.

"Then what should we do? How about we expose this trap a little bit to make it less hidden, so that people can find it if they come over. People should be very cautious when walking on a deserted island, just like us As usual."

Lin Xiaoying thought about it and said.

Li Yingjie shook his head.

"No, the black bear is also very cautious. If we don't hide the trap well, it might not be fooled at all."

So the problem now is to hide it well and let people know that there is a trap ahead.

Thinking of this, Li Yingjie's eyes suddenly brightened.

Since these two points are to be satisfied, it is better to simply use methods that humans can understand but bears cannot.

So he said with a smile: "It's actually very simple. We only need to write on the ground around us, and people will find it when they see it!"

When Lin Xiaoying heard this, she immediately laughed too.

"Haha, this is indeed possible. If someone comes, they will be able to understand what we wrote, but when the bear comes, they can't understand at all."

So, the two began to write on all sides of the trap.

Start writing from tens of meters away: Be careful!There is a trap 50 meters ahead!

To more than ten meters away, the content becomes: Be careful!There is a trap ten meters ahead!

On the edge of the trap, it is written: STOP!There is a trap ahead!Risk of falling!

Words were densely written on the ground all around.

After writing, the two laughed together.

"It is possible to write on this wilderness to remind others. Perhaps this is the power of human civilization!" Li Yingjie couldn't help sighing.

Only humans can do this kind of thing, and other animals have never mastered writing.

If it was a dog, it would urinate in four weeks at most, announcing that this was its territory, but it could not convey any detailed information at all.

It wants to tell its own kind that there is a trap ahead, so it can't urinate around it!

Even if you pee around, other dogs may not know what it means!

The two marked the ground, and Li Yingjie took the bloody rabbit meat left over from cooking, tied it with vines and hung it on the tree next to the trap.

"I can smell the smell of blood, and the bear should be able to smell it soon too!" Lin Xiaoying said from the side.

Li Yingjie smiled.

"If it was around here, it would be easy to smell. However, bears are usually active at night, and they are probably hiding somewhere to sleep now!"

He went on to say: "Let's hurry up and build the bathroom. I haven't showered for several days. I stink."

Lin Xiaoying immediately wanted to say that I am too, but stopped abruptly.

Can I say that, there is a camera above my head that is broadcasting live, besides, I am a fairy, and a fairy won't stink if she doesn't take a bath.

However, she happily planned the location of the bathroom with Li Yingjie.

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