"You said that this island has been inhabited before!"

Li Yingjie guessed while picking cotton.

In his impression, growing cotton is very troublesome. Except for planting in the field, he has never heard of wild cotton.

Could it be that there are people on this island who grow the cotton here?

When he told Lin Xiaoying about his guess, Lin Xiaoying was also taken aback.

"It shouldn't be. When I came here, the organizers said that this place is a desert island. How could anyone live here?"

When the two thought about coming, the organizer's introduction about the deserted island clearly stated that it was a deserted island, and there were various animals and plants on the island.

There is no mention of inhabitation at all.

"Nature is full of wonders, maybe this cotton is naturally grown here."

Lin Xiaoying didn't know the environmental requirements for cotton growth, she looked around at the cotton, and then said:

"Besides, there is not a lot of cotton here. There are only a dozen clumps in total, and it is estimated that there are more than 100 clumps in total."

Li Yingjie also looked around.

There are really not many cottons, and although the bolls grow large, there are very few knots on each cotton plant.

Taking them all off may not be enough for a quilt.

The two picked the bolls that had matured and cracked, and only picked cotton. Soon, half of the basket was filled.

"These small bolls and cotton bolls are left, let them grow for a while, and we will come back in a few days!"

Li Yingjie said.

He was going to pick all the bolls, take them back to dry, and then he can pick out the cotton inside.

But after thinking about it, the quality of the cotton obtained in that way is not very good, so it is better to come here again in a few days.

I don't know if they will stay here until winter. If they really want to spend winter, they must prepare thick clothes, and the cotton will be used by then.

Thinking of this, Li Yingjie seriously caught worms for the cotton before leaving here.

It was already noon, and the two were walking in the woods at a slow pace.

The sun was very strong, and the temperature on the island was very high. They walked for a while and rested for a while to avoid heat stroke due to being too tired and too hot.

The two first reached the creek, and then walked along the creek towards the cabin.

Li Yingjie told Lin Xiaoying about growing cotton there, and the two chatted as they walked, until the sun set in the afternoon before they came to the cabin.

Sitting in the shade and resting for a while, they discussed and assigned each other tasks.

Lin Xiaoying went to cook first, and Li Yingjie spread the cotton to dry in the sun, and then continued to dig the hole in front to prepare a trap for the bear.

If they go out, they usually don't eat at noon unless they can find something to eat outside.

When they went out today, they brought some dried peaches, but they are still very hungry now.

Lin Xiaoying directly killed a rabbit and roasted a rabbit, while Li Yingjie jumped into the dug pit and continued to deepen it.

Bears are good at climbing and jumping. Moreover, the bear is nearly two meters high, and now the pit is only one meter deep, which is obviously not enough to be used as a trap.

Li Yingjie swung his shovel quickly, quickly digging up the soil on the ground.

When he dug to a depth of about 1.2 meters, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the soil below was not so hard, and the digging speed doubled immediately.

By the time Lin Xiaoying finished roasting the rabbit, Li Yingjie had already dug the pit to a depth of more than two meters.

At this depth, it was very troublesome to throw soil from below. Li Yingjie climbed up, and then he was going to use thorn baskets to load the soil and transport it up.

However, dig the hole here first today, and continue tomorrow.

He walked over to eat the rabbit that Lin Xiaoying had baked.

"There are green onions sprinkled on top!"

Walking over, Li Yingjie saw that Lin Xiaoying had already used up the wild onions picked today, and scattered some chopped green onions on the roasted browned rabbit meat.

He immediately praised: "Not bad, not bad! It smells good!"

Immediately, Lin Xiaoying became proud: "This chef's cooking, of course it's delicious!"

Li Yingjie didn't mention the fact that she didn't know how to cook anymore. She used bamboo chopsticks to hold the rabbit meat, and cut it open with a multi-purpose knife, and the two of them started eating.

After eating, he poured out the boiled water from the earthen pot and drank a few gulps.

Lin Xiaoying said: "You should rest for a while, digging the trap just now was hard work!"

Li Yingjie shook his head: "It's okay, let's not rest, you forgot, we set up a few nooses on the grass in the morning, now it's time to go and see if any rabbits are trapped."

Although he was a little tired, Li Yingjie felt that he could still hold on, so he still wanted to go out again before it was dark.

Today was another day of running, and when the two of them walked on the grass, not only Li Yingjie was tired, but Lin Xiaoying also felt exhausted.

"I won't run so far tomorrow, dig some clay tomorrow, let's continue to make a few pots!"

Li Yingjie said with emotion.

When they came to the grass, the sky was already a little dark. Checking the nooses, Li Yingjie's heart sank suddenly:
"We're late!"

I saw that among the dozen nooses set in the morning, only one noose caught a rabbit, and the others were almost destroyed.

Looking at some bloodstains on the ground, Li Yingjie thought of the wild dogs or jackals that might exist on the island. Obviously, these nooses originally caught rabbits, but they were taken away by wild dogs or jackals.

Li Yingjie hurriedly grabbed the only remaining rabbit, tied it up and put it in the basket behind him, and said to Lin Xiaoying:

"Let's go, don't meet those beasts!"

It was already evening. During this time period, those beasts were likely to be hunting around. If they encountered them, there might be some danger.

Li Yingjie is very tired now, if he encounters those beasts, he needs to carry Lin Xiaoying on his back and run for his life quickly, which Li Yingjie is unwilling to do.

In fact, Li Yingjie judged from the bottom of his heart that those wild dogs or jackals were more dangerous than black bears.

Black bears are omnivores, mainly eating leaves, buds, fruits and seeds of plants, and occasionally insects or some small animals.

For them, the most dangerous thing about a black bear is its huge size and huge destructive power. If they are attacked casually, they will be seriously injured.

And the two of them are not actually on the black bear's diet.

It was also because the black bear had been "knocking on the door" in the middle of the night for the past two days that Li Yingjie decided to dig a trap to kill it.

But those wild dogs were different from jackals. If they were in groups, they would probably regard the two of them as hunting targets, so they were more dangerous.

However, Li Yingjie didn't feel any danger at the moment, which meant that those beasts should not be here.

So although the two left in a hurry, they didn't panic.

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