At this moment, Li Yingjie really didn't have the energy to answer this question.

There should be a black bear behind him. In his panic, Li Yingjie didn't see clearly, but he noticed a crescent-shaped white hair on the bear's chest.

That's something unique to black bears.

Black bears, also known as black blinds, usually move in the mountains and forests. Male black bears can be up to two meters in size and weigh up to [-] kilograms.

The black bear behind them should be a male black bear, nearly two meters tall, with a strong physique, and looks terrifying.

Such a bear, if slapped casually, is estimated to have a force of several hundred kilograms. Li Yingjie felt that it could easily shatter his own bones.

Moreover, the black bear's running speed is very fast, about [-] kilometers per hour, more than double the speed of normal people.

Black bears are good at climbing trees and can swim. The only drawback is that their eyesight is relatively poor, but their sense of hearing and smell are extremely strong, especially their sense of smell. It is said that they can smell smells from a distance of one mile.

If an ordinary person encounters such a dangerous animal in the wilderness, there is almost no chance of escape, especially when this black bear is chasing them.

However, Li Yingjie was not a normal person at all at this time.

With Lin Xiaoying on his back, he kept running forward.

He has more than three times the strength and agility of a normal person, which also means that he can actually reach three times the speed of a normal person.

Li Yingjie has always shown his strength before, and he has never shown his speed.

These days, the main reason why Li Yingjie is not worried about encountering danger in the wild is because he runs fast.

In terms of instant burst speed, he can even exceed most wild beasts, and in terms of endurance, he is also much stronger than wild beasts.

But at this moment, with Lin Xiaoying on his back, his speed was much slower, and the black bear kept chasing after him.

It ran like this for more than two minutes.

Li Yingjie had already begun to breathe, and his speed slowed down. Although the short-term burst was very fast, he couldn't maintain this state forever.

"Bear... and... how far away!" Li Yingjie asked while panting.

Lin Xiaoying hurriedly looked back, and suddenly said in surprise: "It stopped!"

Li Yingjie slowed down and looked back.

More than 100 meters away, the black bear seemed to realize that it could not catch up with them and stopped there.

"Huh~" Li Yingjie let out a long breath.

Although the bear was still behind him, Li Yingjie knew in his heart that they were temporarily out of danger.

In this case, the black bear should be exhausted and won't chase after him in a short time.

However, Li Yingjie did not relax his vigilance, and continued to let Lin Xiaoying watch behind him. Although his running speed was much slower, he was still running forward.

After another ten minutes, Li Yingjie felt that they might have thrown the black bear thousands of meters away, and it shouldn't be able to smell the smell here.

In fact, wild animals generally do not chase after them.

For wild beasts living in the wilderness, exhaustion of strength means danger is coming, so when they hunt, they often don't chase madly, but judge the situation and decide whether to chase.

However, getting rid of the black bear does not mean that it is absolutely safe.

Li Yingjie crossed the creek and ran towards the west.

There is a river to the west, about two kilometers away from the creek. Li Yingjie quickly ran to the river with Lin Xiaoying on his back.

On the way, Lin Xiaoying kept asking Li Yingjie to put her down, but Li Yingjie didn't let her go.

Lin Xiaoying is not heavy, about one hundred catties, so the burden on his back is not too big.

With my current physical condition, I can still bear this kind of running, but if Lin Xiaoying is put down, the speed of the two of them will slow down, and it will make Lin Xiaoying run very uncomfortable.

So, he carried Lin Xiaoying on his back all the way to the river.

"Can you swim?" Li Yingjie asked.

They have waded through the river here before, and the depth is about one meter, which is not particularly deep.

But such a long river course does not guarantee the same depth everywhere, so you must be prepared to swim.

Seeing that, Lin Xiaoying nodded, shook her head again, and said, "I can swim, but I'm not very good at it!"

She explained that she did not live by the water since she was a child. Although she had learned to swim before, she was not good at it, let alone proficient in water. If she jumped into the water with the bear, she felt that she could not swim with the bear at all.

When Li Yingjie heard it, he was happy.

"You don't need to be proficient, as long as you don't drown in the water, we don't swim with bears."

He went on to explain: "We just walked along this river for a certain distance, so as to cover up the smell left after we walked through. Only by preventing the bear from smelling the smell we left behind, can we completely get rid of its pursuit!"

The black bear's sense of smell is extremely keen, and Li Yingjie felt that it might still be chasing after smelling the smell they left behind, so he had to find a way to block the smell.

Otherwise, if the bear followed them to the cabin, it would leave hidden dangers.

Although he wasn't sure if the black bear was still chasing them, Li Yingjie was unwilling to take the risk.

In the wild, he could run past the bear, but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid, it just meant that he had the confidence to escape when he encountered it.

The two of them tied up their shoelaces and jumped into the river.

This time Li Yingjie didn't carry Lin Xiaoying behind his back, but just held her hand and led her to walk quickly in the water.

The water was deep in some places and shallow in some places. It was so deep that it could reach Li Yingjie's chest, and the shallow part was just below his knees.

Swimming in such a river is not particularly suitable, and the two of them didn't want to rush in the water, but just walked for a while to smell the smell left by the partition.

After walking forward with difficulty for about 1000 meters, Li Yingjie hurriedly pulled Lin Xiaoying out of the river.

The two went to the other side of the river, and after wringing out the water on their bodies, Li Yingjie ran forward for another ten minutes with Lin Xiaoying on his back.

Then, the two went down to the river again, walked several hundred meters in the water, and landed again.

It was very close to the place where they crossed the river to chop bamboo. Li Yingjie recognized this location, so he left from here and ran towards his cabin.

They had walked a long way north of the sanctuary, and then ran a long way north again after encountering the bear.

Later, they turned to the river, which was equivalent to turning around again. They walked in the river for a while, then ran south again, and came to a position parallel to their cabin.

The two didn't continue to run, but walked towards the cabin while panting.

"This place should be far away from the black bear. The black bear is going to chase us, and it is also chasing us north!" Li Yingjie comforted Xia Lin Xiaoying with his guess.

Lin Xiaoying smiled, was silent for a long time, and said: "It's very exciting!"

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