Come to think of it, this trip was really exciting.

But this was mainly because Li Yingjie's escape was fast enough to make this encounter a thrill.

Otherwise, the two of them may be finished by now, and rescue may not be in time.

Li Yingjie smiled and said, "Hurry up and collect the dried fruit, let's hide in the cabin first!"

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and they hurriedly put away the dried peaches, hid in the cabin, and closed the door.

The log cabin was built very solidly. Li Yingjie felt that even if the black bear chased it here, it would not be able to destroy the log cabin in a short time.

If it was really destroyed, Li Yingjie was confident of escaping.

However, those rabbit cages were still outside, and Li Yingjie felt that even if the bear really came after him, he would definitely grab those rabbits and eat them immediately.

Even if wild beasts prey, they will find relatively simple ones.

Li Yingjie told Lin Xiaoying about his analysis to make her less flustered.

However, Lin Xiaoying was not very flustered from the beginning.

She is similar to Li Yingjie. When she encounters danger, she will not be very flustered in her heart, let alone yelling when she is frightened.


She will worry about it until the problem is resolved.

After the two of them hid in the cabin, their hearts felt more at ease, but they didn't dare to run outside casually for a while.

The clothes on them were still wet. After all, they had just walked through the river. Li Yingjie lit a fire in the cabin, and the two of them baked their clothes in silence.

Li Yingjie turned his back to Lin Xiaoying, and through the small gaps in the cabin, he looked around, noticing if the black bear was chasing him.

He felt that the chances of the bear chasing them were not high, but the two had always lived here. If the bear had been active nearby, sooner or later it would find this place.

This is a hidden danger, and we must find a way to solve it.

After Lin Xiaoying dried her clothes, she told Li Yingjie to turn her head. The two exchanged positions, and Li Yingjie began to dry her clothes.

It was getting dark outside, and they didn't eat roasted rabbits for dinner, so the rabbits in the cage escaped for a while.

Li Yingjie cooked a few turtle eggs and ate some dried fruit.

Li Yingjie didn't have the confidence to make this dried peach fruit, but after making it, he found that it was not bad, except that the taste was a bit hard, everything else was fine.

After eating, the two lay on their respective bamboo beds, thinking with their eyes closed.

There are bears here, and that's a serious problem.

This is very different from a wild dog, which is an animal with a height of only half a meter after all, but the black bear, when they saw it, was standing up, almost two meters tall.

This is a very dangerous animal, so dangerous that it is possible to kill them easily.

"Will you give up the game?" Lin Xiaoying asked suddenly.

Li Yingjie was taken aback.

"Give up the game, why?"

Li Yingjie felt that if he gave up the competition now, he would definitely not be in the top three, and those generous rewards would be gone.

Ke Lin Xiaoying replied: "If a bear appears, it will be very dangerous. I think life is more important than rewards!"

Li Yingjie suddenly fell silent.

Yes, in comparison, life is the most important.

He has survived in this wilderness for ten days now, and his small goal has been completed. Even if he gives up now, he will be rewarded with more than 100 million yuan.

Such a lot of money is enough for him to buy a house in a third-tier city and get a relatively stable life.

But, do you really want to give up?
Li Yingjie was silent for a moment, and said, "I'll think about it again and make a decision tomorrow. If you want to give up, you can call for help now, and they should come tonight."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Xiaoying suddenly turned over. Li Yingjie turned his head and saw her lying there staring at him.

"Is there a solution tomorrow?" she asked.

Li Yingjie nodded.

Tomorrow is the No.14 day, and the rewards for the second week of the system will be distributed. Let's see what the new rewards are tomorrow, and then decide whether to leave or not.

What if you get an ability to avoid black bears?

However, he has no way to explain this matter to Lin Xiaoying, he can only say that he will think about it and decide tomorrow.

Seeing Lin Xiaoying staring at him for about 2 minutes, she suddenly said:
"Then I'll wait for your decision tomorrow!"

After a pause, she continued: "It was you who saved me in the heavy rain. If it weren't for you, I might have been washed away by the flood. I don't know whether I will die or not. So, if you don't give up, I will also continue to survive on the island with you."

Li Yingjie was taken aback.

It turned out that in her heart, she had always been her savior, and she was even willing to take risks with her.

Lin Xiaoying added: "Now, your decision may affect the future of the two of us. I'm sorry to increase your responsibility, but I hope you can think more about it when you make a decision."

What she said was very sincere, and Li Yingjie fell into deep thought.

Indeed, if he was alone, even if the system didn't give him great skills tomorrow, he would probably continue to stay here.

After all, Li Yingjie has traveled once. Strictly speaking, he has already died once. Sometimes he feels that he is not too nostalgic for his current life.

Because the past life that made him nostalgic has completely disappeared.

But now, hearing Lin Xiaoying's words, Li Yingjie suddenly fell silent.

He felt that he needed to think about it carefully.

He once read such a passage:

You won’t complain when you suffer alone, and it doesn’t matter if you eat instant noodles. It’s okay to watch TV at home and not go out on the street during the holidays, but if there is a girl who is willing to follow you and eat chaff with you at the best age, boy... you can bear it ?
Although Li Yingjie is not thinking about the problem of eating bran and swallowing vegetables now, he feels that the essential problem is still the same.

A girl said that her future and her safety are entrusted to you...

Can you still not care?

After being silent, Lin Xiaoying suddenly smiled.

She said: "I heard that after a man saved a woman in ancient times, if the man was good-looking, the woman would say thank you to the hero for saving him, and the little girl would like to promise her with her body; if the man was not good-looking, the woman would say, Thanks to the hero for saving me, the little girl is willing to be a cow and a horse in the next life to repay, and now I... can be considered a promise with my body!"

Li Yingjie was taken aback, and suddenly choked out a sentence: "Why don't you repay me by being a cow and a horse in the next life!"

Lin Xiaoying: "???"

"Are you calling me ugly? Are you saying I'm not worthy of a promise?"

She stood up angrily, picked up a branch on the ground, and rushed to Li Yingjie...

"I want to fight you!"

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