After eating and washing, the two fed the rabbit.

Lin Xiaoying put grass in the cage and said, "Look, this rabbit seems to have lost its appetite, what's going on?"

Li Yingjie glanced at it, and said casually: "Maybe it's depression, let's eat it tomorrow!"

Lin Xiaoying: "???"

For some reason, she always felt that after Li Yingjie said this, these rabbits ate grass very hard.

However, although these rabbits were the reserve rations of the two of them, Li Yingjie really didn't take it particularly seriously.

They can now eat more things, and finding food is not particularly difficult, so they no longer feel that anything is indispensable.

They returned to the shelter to rest.

Li Yingjie put the insect repellent in the cabin, and instantly, a strange smell came out, a faint smell, not very strong.

Lin Xiaoying asked curiously: "Is this insect repellent effective?"

Her voice was very low, deliberately not to be heard by others.

Li Yingjie smiled, and said softly, "You'll find out after seeing it tonight!"

He didn't explain how he made this kind of insect repellent, and Lin Xiaoying didn't ask, the two of them lay down peacefully and began to sleep.

The main function of insect repellent is to repel mosquitoes. When nearby mosquitoes smell this smell, they will instinctively stay away.

How effective it is is definitely not something that can be felt after letting go.

After sleeping all night, Li Yingjie clearly understood the efficacy of the deworming medicine.

To be honest, Li Yingjie was a little uncertain at first.

When the system gave him this formula, it introduced the effects of all the herbs in the formula. Li Yingjie felt that apart from mint, which has the effect of repelling insects, the effects of other herbs seemed to be irrelevant.

However, after using it all night, Li Yingjie found that it worked surprisingly well.

No mosquito infestation all night.

Its only disadvantage is that it can only last for about half a month, and it needs to be reconfigured after the effect of the medicine is over.

Early the next morning, after Li Yingjie signed in, he began to look forward to tomorrow's reward in his heart.

I don't know what will be given this time. After thinking about it carefully, Li Yingjie feels that he doesn't seem to have anything urgently needed.

It would be best if there were body strengthening potions, but if they didn't, the current state is not too bad.

After all, it already has three times the strength and agility of a normal person.

It is three times the strength and agility, not simply the strength.

Li Yingjie got up and took a shower.

What exactly will be given, I still have to look at it tomorrow, no matter how much I think about it today, it is useless, so after washing up, Li Yingjie continued to prepare lunch.

These days, they have not eaten lunch, because it is too hot at noon, not only is it uncomfortable to cook, but also they have no appetite when eating.

If you don't eat lunch, you need to eat more for breakfast to prevent hunger in the afternoon.

However, their plan today is to dry the dried peaches without traveling far, and it is not a particularly complicated job.

After the two had breakfast, they began to clean the peaches they picked yesterday.

Clean all the dust and fluff on the surface of the peaches, and put them in the basket to control the water.

Then, use Lin Xiaoying's multi-function knife to cut the peaches into small pieces, and cook them in clay pots and pots for five to six minutes.

Li Yingjie placed the bamboo and branches neatly in the sun to make a simple shelf, placed the cooked peach pieces on the shelf, and let them dry in the sun.

Whether this method can make dried peaches or not, Li Yingjie is not particularly sure, but this is a method in the wilderness survival knowledge.

The two picked a large basket of peaches from the peach grove. After the peaches were processed, it was almost noon.

After feeding the rabbit, the two went to the shade to rest.

The rabbit that Li Yingjie judged to be depressed yesterday seemed to be healed today. The six rabbits in the cage ate grass happily.

Lin Xiaoying asked: "What should we do, these rabbits are not depressed anymore, which one should we have for dinner?"

Li Yingjie took a closer look, pointed to the rabbit that was eating grass roots in the corner, and said:

"Just eat it. We fed them so much grass, but it just eats grass roots. It's clearly looking down on us!"

Lin Xiaoying: "..."

She glanced at the poor rabbit. The rabbit seemed to have heard their conversation, spit out the grass roots in its mouth, and jumped behind the other rabbits.

Lin Xiaoying suddenly felt that Li Yingjie would find another excuse when he killed the rabbit at night.

Because, at that time, he will definitely not remember what the rabbit looks like.

The two hid from the heat in the woods, and when the temperature dropped in the afternoon, they walked along the stream, looking for small fish and shrimp in it.

If you can find some dried dried shrimps, you can add another ingredient to the soup when you make breakfast in the future.

They walked north along the creek, which took more than half an hour.

There are indeed dried shrimps in the creek, but the amount is not particularly large. The two of them picked all the way, but they didn't pick up many.

When they used the stream water before, they didn't even notice it, which shows that the amount is still very small.

While walking along the creek, Li Yingjie suddenly felt something was wrong.

"No, stop, something seems wrong here!" Li Yingjie asked Lin Xiaoying to stop beside him.

He had a strange feeling that the surrounding area seemed to be suddenly dangerous.

After carefully observing the movement around him, Li Yingjie discovered something unusual.

The surrounding jungle suddenly became much quieter. Most of the birds chirping in the air seemed to have disappeared, and the whole jungle suddenly became quiet.

Li Yingjie hurriedly searched in his mind what was going on.

Suddenly, Lin Xiaoying screamed and pointed behind them.

"There...there are bears!"

Li Yingjie looked back, and suddenly a foul language burst out of his mouth.


I saw a black bear behind me at some point, looking at them.


Li Yingjie reached out and grabbed Lin Xiaoying, carried her on his back, and ran forward sullenly.

The black bear behind him roared and immediately chased after them.

"It's chasing after me, what should I do!" Lin Xiaoying's voice was full of tears, and she was extremely flustered.

"Don't worry!" Li Yingjie said in a deep voice, and ran forward desperately with Lin Xiaoying on his back.

"You... huh?"

Lin Xiaoying wanted to say you put me down and let's run together, but when she turned around, she found that the black bear had been thrown behind her, and it was getting farther and farther away from the two of them.

She was so frightened that her heart was still pounding, but the doubt in her heart suddenly overshadowed her fear.

"How do you run so fast?"

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