After crushing all the herbs, Li Yingjie found a big leaf and wrapped them all up.

Next, you only need to wait for half a day, and the things in these herbs will react with each other, and the smell emitted by then will have a good insect repelling effect.

Li Yingjie threw these things into the thorn basket.

He leaned close to Lin Xiaoying's ear and whispered to her the function of this thing.

This behavior made the audience in the live broadcast room roll their eyes.

During the live broadcast, the two of you suddenly whispered in your ears, isn't this just to guard against us viewers?
However, although everyone yelled that they couldn't watch it, they didn't leave the live broadcast room, but continued to watch them explore here.

In comparison, the live broadcast room of the two of them is much more interesting than others.

When you watch the live broadcast, a large number of people just want to watch the anchor explore the wilderness, instead of sitting there all the time drilling wood to make a fire and often failing to light it.

The two often go out to explore, so the audience in the live broadcast room can often see scenes on the deserted island, and everyone likes it.

But the contestants in other live broadcast rooms generally dare not run too far. First, they are too tired. It is very dangerous to waste energy casually when the food and safety problems have not been solved.

And the second point, they are also afraid of encountering danger when they go out to explore.

There are wild beasts in this wilderness, even if it is a wild dog, it can be regarded as the category of wild beasts, so other survivors are more afraid.

Only Li Yingjie didn't seem to be very afraid of them in his heart.

The two explored along the road. Apart from looking for herbs, the rest was to observe the traces of animal activities.

It is very necessary to observe these traces. If there are wild animals, you can avoid falling into danger. If there are herbivores, you can try to catch them.

However, I didn't see any obvious traces along the way, neither from wild beasts nor from herbivores, maybe they just happened to have not been active here recently.

At noon, the two finally reached the edge of the peach forest.

When she came here last time, Lin Xiaoying was already exhausted and out of breath, but now, her physical condition is not bad, she wandered around in the peach forest.

This peach grove is hundreds of meters long and wide. Although it is not as dense and neat as the artificially planted peach groves, there are still many peach trees here.

Lin Xiaoying imagined: "If it's early spring and all the peach blossoms here are in bloom, it must be very beautiful."

In early spring, when it was still cold all around, there were not many weeds on the ground, but the peach blossoms had already bloomed.

The peach blossoms are delicate and beautiful, and when the wind blows, they spread a patch on the ground. Walking among them, the fragrance of flowers is mixed with the coldness of early spring, and the world seems to become cold and eager.

Li Yingjie thought for a while and said, "There are many peach groves in my hometown. I can take you to see the peach blossoms next spring!"

Lin Xiaoying blushed, she didn't know what to think, she nodded a little shyly.

The two picked some peaches to eat, and sat under the peach grove to rest.

Lin Xiaoying ate the peaches and asked curiously, "Do you think these peaches are easy to preserve? Is there any way to preserve them for a longer period of time?"

Li Yingjie thought for a while: "Make it into a can."

Lin Xiaoying shook her head, it's unrealistic to make canned food, not to mention whether they have the technology, first of all, they don't have the conditions to make canned food.

"Aside from being canned?" Lin Xiaoying asked again.

"Then dry them into dried peaches."

Thinking about it, it is still difficult to store peaches, especially yellow peaches.

After all, Li Yingjie had only heard of canned yellow peaches, but he had never eaten yellow peaches a few times.

However, if dried fruit is dried, Li Yingjie's wilderness survival knowledge has corresponding knowledge, so you can try it.

The two of them walked around the area first. There were many birds around the peach forest, but Li Yingjie didn't think of a good way to catch them for the time being.

Birds are hard to catch in summer and fall when food is plentiful.

They waited until the weather turned cooler before they started picking peaches.

No matter where on the island, it is hotter at noon. If they had picked peaches at the beginning and walked back, they might suffer from heat stroke due to the heat on the way.

If you don’t go directly after picking the peaches, these peaches are easy to rot in the basket under high temperature, so the best way is to wait to pick them when you leave.

It took the two of them nearly half an hour to pick a lot of peaches, all of which were relatively hard, and the soft ones were ignored.

After picking, they began to return the same way.

These peaches cannot be processed today, because they must be dried as soon as possible after processing, but at this time the sun is no longer warm.

It was almost dark when we walked back to the cabin.

Li Yingjie went into the cabin, poured the peaches out of the basket, and spread them on the ground.

The peaches they picked were not fully ripe, and they would not rot if left overnight.

Outside, Lin Xiaoying has already started preparing dinner.

The two of them have an unusual tacit understanding, no matter what time they are, they are working hard to survive, so they cooperate very well.

Moreover, Li Yingjie felt that the most important thing was that Lin Xiaoying did not have the delicate temper of an ordinary girl.

Although she usually complains that she is tired, she never complains when doing things, and she always does her best.

Similarly, Li Yingjie also has this kind of personality, so when the two work together, they can always find a division of labor and try their best to complete it.

Li Yingjie walked out of the cabin and said to Lin Xiaoying, "You should rest for a while, I'll make dinner."

On the way back, she walked for more than two hours at a fast pace. If she hadn't been working in the wilderness for the past few days, Lin Xiaoying might not have been able to persist in walking for such a long time.

So in the same way, she must be very tired at this time.

However, Lin Xiaoying still shook her head and refused.

She said: "You should rest for a while. I didn't carry anything on the way here. You carried a big basket of peaches."

Li Yingjie smiled.

To be honest, this is also the reason why he is willing to form a team with Lin Xiaoying.

Good-looking things are all fake, and Li Yingjie has already seen it very clearly in his previous life.

All the female stars in the entertainment industry are very good-looking. When it comes to beauty, some of them can even be ranked among the top in the country, but...

What do those people have to do with you?
Can you make breakfast for me?Still concerned about why you didn't have enough for dinner?
For Li Yingjie, what he likes most about Lin Xiaoying is that she will try her best to help him.

In this wilderness, she is a comrade-in-arms, who can resist the pressure of survival together.

Li Yingjie felt that if he wanted to find a life partner in the future, it must be someone who could be his comrade in arms and resist the pressure of life together.

However, at this moment, he didn't say anything provocative, but drilled wood to make a fire, and prepared dinner with Lin Xiaoying.

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