"do not move."

The security staff seemed to see my intentions.

He snorted coldly, then raised his gun and pointed it at my head.

After I raised my hand to signal that I would not move around, he carefully placed the tray on the ground and pushed it hard.

With a sound of friction, the metal tray stopped firmly in front of the cage.

As long as I reach out, I can take it into the cage.

The tray is sealed with a thin layer of plastic film, and there is food inside. At first glance, it looks like a lot of meat and vegetables.

However, I don't want to be an experiment that is raised by humans.

I squatted down slowly, and picked up the metal tray under the watchful eye of the security guard.


I taunted him, trying to annoy him.

But he was unmoved, just stood there indifferently.

Immediately, I tore off the plastic film, poured the food on the ground, and threw the empty plate out along the gap between the bars of the cage.

With a bang, it hit him on the forehead.


He took a step forward with a straight face, but suddenly, as if remembering something, he retracted the leg he had stepped forward, and said in a hoarse voice, "Be quiet, or I will let you taste my strength!"

"is it?"

I glanced at the gun in his hand and shrugged indifferently.

At least in a short period of time, the doctor will never let him kill me, so he will definitely not shoot me.

I picked up the food that had just fallen on the ground and threw one after another at his face.

Tomatoes and mashed potatoes covered the security guard's face in a short while.

At my speed, even if he wanted to dodge, he couldn't dodge.

"very good."

He clenched his fists, shaking with anger.

After a long time, I slowly raised my hand, wiped off the food crumbs on my face, and then raised the muzzle of the gun, "You asked for it!"

After speaking, he pulled the trigger directly.

The bullet was fired and headed straight for my skull.

But I noticed that the warhead of this bullet turned out to be plastic, and there seemed to be some transparent liquid inside.

In the blink of an eye, several thoughts flashed through my mind.

Seeing that the bullet was about to reach my forehead, I immediately squatted down with my head in my arms, lying on the ground and rolling around, pretending to be shot.

While I was screaming loudly, I vaguely heard a light sigh from the security guard.

Obviously, he knew that if I were shot, it would never be the reaction.

He was puzzled, but didn't come towards me.

I threw my heart out, yelled hoarsely, and grabbed the ground with my head.

In just a few blows, the skin on my forehead was broken, and the ground was covered with blood.


I know, it's almost done.

After a scream, I straightened my body and lay motionless on the ground, twitching from time to time.

Da da!

Ten seconds later, the security guard lost his composure, and his footsteps got closer and closer to me.

Take advantage of now!
After confirming that my thoughts should not go wrong, I stood up abruptly, and quickly came to the cage fence. Through the gap between the fences, I stretched out my hand and pinched his neck accurately.

The soft touch of the palm tells me that fortunately, he is a real person.

The poor security guard was frightened. He tried his best to breathe, but his frightened face was still blue.

Considering the cage with high-voltage electricity, he didn't dare to struggle hard.

In a panic, he fired several shots at me.

Unfortunately, none of the shots hit me.

He was even more frightened, and the fear that could not breathe enveloped his whole body. He threw the gun away tremblingly, and slowly touched the pager hanging on his shoulder with his arm.

But how could I give him this chance?

With a little force in the palm, his bones were broken, and his life came to an end.

The corpse fell limply to the ground, just enough for me to reach the large bunch of keys on his waist.

"Thanks bro."

I muttered to myself, and took the keys in without much effort. Now I just need to try one by one in the most stupid way, and I can get out of trouble.

In less than half an hour, I found the right key and got out of the cage.

But I am very clear that my current situation is still not safe, and I may be discovered at any time.

"KT051, report the situation of the prisoners, over!"

The moment I opened the cell door, a very magnetic voice suddenly sounded behind me.

I was startled at first, and slowly turned around.

When I saw the pager on the corpse's shoulder, I became a little quieter.

It doesn't look like it will take long for them to find out that I have escaped from the cage. I must get out of here quickly and not meet the doctor, otherwise once he takes out the remote control and presses it on me, it will be over for me .

By the way, the remote control...

Thinking of this, I subconsciously touched the back of my head.

I vaguely remember that when the doctor pressed the remote control, I felt as if the back of my head was hit by a strong current, and I lost my senses immediately.

what did he do to me
I suddenly felt a crack, I remember very well, never had such a cut on the back of my head before.

And even if there is, my self-healing ability can heal the wound very quickly, let alone leave such a scar.

I gritted my teeth and tried to tear the wound open.

All of a sudden, blood was dripping, and the pain made me tremble uncontrollably.

But I could only bear it, relying on my tenacious willpower, I used my fingers to grope for a while in the wound.

Finally, my fingertips touched something hard, and it was definitely not my bone.


When I took that thing out from the back of my head, I heard a toothache grinding sound clearly, as if someone was scratching my bones with a knife.

After taking it out completely, I let out a sigh of relief.

Horse riding, this feeling is simply not too sour!

Looking at my hand again, there is a round piece with two metal copper wires lying on it. It is very thin, and recently there is a red bright spot in the center from time to time.

When did he put it in the back of my head?

"KT051, report..."

Before I had time to think about it, the voice from the intercom came out again, and the tone was obviously more anxious than last time.

I slapped the disc into two pieces and threw it aside, then quickly opened the door and rushed out.


But the corridors here are distributed like spider webs, and I couldn't find the exit at all for a while, so I could only rampage inside like a headless chicken.

Fortunately, I haven't met anyone for the time being. I just saw the red lights on every corner.

Da da!

After a while, orderly footsteps suddenly came from the corner of the corridor in front of me.

Seeing this, I can only look for a place to hide.

But when I looked around, I saw the same iron gate and the same corridor, where should I hide?
While thinking about it, the sound of footsteps is getting closer!
I was so shocked that I even saw the dark shadow on the wall!

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