I turned my eyes to the remote control in the doctor's hand, unable to figure out what this lunatic had done to me.

You know, just now, he just pressed the button, and my body stopped working.

"Doctor, here he is."

Not long after, the two subordinates hurried back, followed by a tall and thin foreigner.

I know, that's Kent.

On the surface, he is the ambassador of the United States, but in fact he is an out-and-out iron bump and artificial human.

As soon as Kent came in, his head drooped, as if he had entered a standby state.


The doctor nodded lightly, took a look at me, walked in front of Kent, and touched the pit on Kent's forehead that I smashed out, "I hope the internal structure is not affected, otherwise, the experiment will not be able to continue. "

Is there something in there?

I suddenly regretted that I didn't punch Kent in the head.

The next moment, the doctor put his index finger on Kent's temple, and pressed it lightly, as if he had touched some kind of switch, and easily lifted Kent's head.

Then he put his hand in.

After rummaging around, the doctor took out a hexagonal crystal from it.

Braving the green light, it is not a good thing at first glance.

The two subordinates trembled even more when they saw this thing. They probably would run away if the doctor wasn't here.

"It's like poison."

The doctor looked at the hexagonal crystal and played with it carefully.

After touching for about half an hour, he stopped, put the hexagonal crystal into a transparent container like a juicer on the table, and pressed the switch.


The crystals shattered in the container, and the entire container was filled with luminous green gas.

Seeing this, I always feel that these green gases are familiar, as if I have seen them somewhere.

Then, the doctor connected a hose to the container and concentrated it into an injection.

I raised my eyebrows.

This lunatic is not going to inject this thing into my body, is he?
and many more.

He said that if he wants to transform me a second time, he must use the Stone of Origin.

But now he intends to inject these green gases into my body, could it be that... these green gases are the extracts of the Origin Stone?

Before I could think about it, the needle was in my bicep.

Visible to the naked eye, a fist-sized lump swelled on the skin.

But because my body is still in a paralyzed state, I don't feel any strangeness about it.

In front of me, the doctor kept licking his lips with a sick smile, and looked at me like he was looking at a stunning beauty.

It's a weird feeling, but it's unavoidable.

As the minutes passed, the swollen bumps on my arms began to dissipate.

At the same time, green gas was released from the surface of my skin.

"how so!"

The doctor obviously didn't expect such a situation to happen. He looked a little crazy, and immediately ordered his assistant to bring him a new syringe, and drew a whole tube of my blood.

Afterwards, he ordered two of his men to watch over me, and then hurried out.

Probably took my blood for laboratory analysis.

I was handcuffed on the bed, waiting for the numbness to disappear, when I suddenly noticed that the two foreigners in front of me were trembling and their faces were as pale as paper.

what's the situation……

I frowned slightly, and soon discovered the reason.

The green glowing gas floating from the surface of my skin unexpectedly entered the two people's bodies along with their breathing.

A moment later, one of them was the first to fall to the ground, unable to support himself, twitching like an epileptic seizure, his eyes almost popping out.

The other person was not much better, he stumbled back a few steps, bumped into a pile of experimental equipment on the table, and finally pulled the corner of the table firmly so as not to fall to the ground.

But his appearance was more terrifying than the one who fell to the ground.

The blood vessels on his neck squirmed like countless earthworms, and instantly covered his entire face.

Then, everything seemed to stand still, and the two of them suddenly remained motionless as if frozen.


I held my breath for a long time, and after making sure I didn't hear any breathing, I swallowed.

Fortunately, it was them who died, not me.

Fortunately, those green gases have no effect on me at all, except for those inhaled by those two people, the rest has dissipated.

I am alone in the room, and the only thing I have to be sure of now is, what did that madman do to me?
I remembered the place where my brain felt as if it had been hit hard just now, but I couldn't feel the slightest difference just by feeling.


The door opened suddenly, and the professor walked in, with red eyes like an angry beast.

And when he saw the two mutilated corpses on the ground, he seemed to have expected the result, and stepped across the two corpses and came to me indifferently.

"Why aren't you affected by the source stone extract? It doesn't make sense! Your genes are obviously different from normal people! It must have been modified!"

"I do not know then."

At this time, I was able to speak, although the numbness in my body has not completely disappeared, "Maybe it's because you paralyzed my body just now."

I pretended to remind you kindly.

However, the doctor did not agree with my point of view. He reached into the pocket of his white coat and took out a walkie-talkie.

"Come to my office and lock this man up!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and stared at me fiercely, and said in a word, "It won't be too long until I figure out the reason of all this."

It sounded like a threat, but I was relieved.

After all, the imprisoned prisoners are stronger than the experimental mice.

Soon, several security guards walked in and pushed the bed that was handcuffed to me out together with me.

After turning around a few corners, I was pushed to a place similar to a cell. There was only a big iron cage in the cell, and there was a sign of "Dangerous Do Not Touch".

After the security personnel left, the shackles on my hands and feet suddenly made a crisp sound and opened automatically.

I exhaled, rubbed my sore ankles, got off the bed, and looked around.

There was nothing here but the iron bars and this bed.

I took a closer look at the warning sign, and the small English characters below told me that this cage was connected to high voltage electricity, and if I touched it, I would definitely die.

Damn, how do I escape from this?
For a moment, I felt deep despair, but I have come all the way through difficulties and obstacles, and I don't want to just explain it here in vain.

But what I didn't expect was that opportunities always appeared inadvertently.

Just when I was extremely anxious, the door of the cell opened suddenly, and a security guard with a gun came in from the outside carrying a metal tray.

And the gleaming bunch of keys on his waist caught my attention.

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