
Not far in front of him came the voice of the doctor who seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

I can't hear the joy or anger at all.

It was as if the irritable voice here just now was not his.

I froze, laughed a few times and slowly got up from the ground, and then looked at the doctor who was watching me quietly. He was calmly holding a red wine glass, just like a medieval French gentleman.

But I know that this is just his disguise.

His heart has become so perverted that it cannot be described as crazy...

The doctor was not at all surprised by my arrival, he shook the red wine glass in his hand, took a sip and said, "Naive."

"You don't really think that after I inject you with the antidote, you will escape from the dissection room?"

It's all premeditated!
As his voice fell, I put away my hands-on thoughts.

Obviously, he did it on purpose, deliberately injected me with the antidote, deliberately did not strengthen the shackles that bound me, and deliberately let his men guide me here.

But why would he do this?
"Because it's fun."

The doctor shrugged.

The two subordinates next to him buried their heads tightly, and I noticed the emotions of these two people, even when they were facing this crazy doctor, they seemed very nervous.

It's no wonder that when facing a person who looks like a psychopath, he must be very nervous.

But what the doctor said made me realize something wrong.

Why would he tell me, 'because it's fun'?
You know, I didn't ask him anything, but he seemed to have guessed my mind, and directly answered the doubts in my heart.

"You...you are a reformer."

I stood up and took a step back slightly.

Being able to perceive other people's thoughts... What a terrifying ability is this?

If this is the case, then don't I have no privacy at all in front of him?

"Don't be afraid, friend."

The doctor seemed a little dissatisfied with my reaction, "I'm not a man-eating monster, and I'm not willing to use my ability all the time, or in other words, I don't want to use this damn ability at all."

"Then how do you know what I'm thinking..."

"No, not now."

The doctor shook his head, took another sip of the red wine in the glass elegantly, and said to the two subordinates, "Come and explain to my friend."



His words almost didn't make me laugh out loud, the person who almost dissected me, actually called my friend?

If I can take this seriously, I've got my ass kicked in the head.

"The doctor was the first batch of people who voluntarily accepted the transformation experiment. Unfortunately, our measures were not complete at the beginning. There was a little accident during the transformation of the doctor."

Among the two subordinates, one of them mustered up his courage, looked up at me and said, "In the end, although he gained the ability, he couldn't control it. What's worse is that when the uncontrollable ability is used suddenly, it will produce extremely strong emotions." side effect."

The original cyborg, unable to control his own abilities, strong side effects...

Summarizing the information just obtained, I finally understand why this crazy doctor wants to dissect me.

Indeed, it is to get a cure for side effects.

But it's not for the high-sounding future of mankind in his mouth, but for himself.

Presumably the heart-piercing screams and venting I heard just now were caused by the side effects of the uncontrollable ability manifested.

"That kind of pain, you can't even imagine..."

As he spoke, the doctor slammed the red wine glass in his hand on the ground, and the broken glass slag mixed with the red wine. He pointed to my leg, and then pointed to the wound cut by the scalpel not long ago, "Get the original Quan, is the only way to eradicate the side effects, but I can no longer bear that pain."

"After the two machine scraps sent back the news that there was no Primordial Fountain there, I disobeyed the orders of the higher-ups and carried out my own plan b."

"The side effect of using my ability is a kind of tearing. My brain seems to be pulled by a saw. I wish I could die here."

"But I don't want to die!"

The doctor roared angrily, and the soles of his leather shoes stepped on the shattered glass shards on the ground, making a rattling sound, "I analyzed your DNA carefully, but I came to a conclusion that may not be complete."

"Your ability may not be fully developed yet! Therefore, I need you to undergo another transformation!"

For a while, my brain received too much information, and it was so messy that I couldn't sort it out at all.

In other words, it was not the decision of those people in the company to bring me here, but the wishful thinking of the crazy doctor in front of me.

He has my information, and he is trying to get from me a way to avoid side effects and pain.

Even at the expense of letting me go through the process of transforming people...

Wait, another makeover?
My eyes widened immediately.

Strictly speaking, my ability is given to me by the curse, and I have not experienced the transformation of the Origin Stone!
I am well aware of how risky it is to transform a person with the Origin Stone.

Although I have a strange curse in me, I don't want to fight this one.


But before I could react, the doctor took out a pocket remote and pressed one of the buttons on me.

In an instant, I felt an extremely powerful electric current uploaded to the back of my head.

The body directly entered a state of paralysis, and I could only watch helplessly as his two men lifted me up and fixed me on a bed again.

The only body parts I can now manipulate are the eyes.

Turning my eyeballs, I noticed that the chat tests relying on me have been specially reinforced. I am afraid that even if the numbness of my body disappears, I will not be able to break free from here.


I tried to speak, but my mouth wouldn't listen to me.

"Stop struggling..."

The doctor waved to the two men, and they walked out immediately, leaving only the doctor and me in the room.

"You will usher in the greatest gift, and you have to thank me."

Thanks for paralysis!
I can't wait to tear this guy's mouth apart. Although to some extent, I am not afraid of death, there are still so many people who care about me waiting for me.

Yucheng Yao, Xiao Qing, Qian Ke...

They are all waiting for me to go back, but I am under the threat of this crazy doctor to carry out his so-called second transformation.

I'm not sure if I can survive the transformation process of the source stone, and I don't know whether the source stone will work for the regeneration of the curse.

But the only thing I can be sure of right now is.

I will most likely die.

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